(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/meat
Leet speek asks zoo about chili dogs. His secret's
REMADIN: eh... almost right.
CAST: Zoo977, Albino
SETTING: The pool room, Zoo's bedroom
{cuts to the pool room}
ZOO977: {singing to the tune of All we need} Al we needs an e-email and convince to world to sing, la la la la la. {opens the email}
daer zoo
do u liek chili dogz i do kthxbai
REMOLAY: Third grade Sonic the Hedgehog.
REMADIN: AKA Pepsiboy3.me
ZOO977: Um... Okay what? Lets see... capitalisation, spelling, unreadable,
REMOLAY: You just got to the internet this year, didn't you?
noob to english translation, please!
{a beep is heard}
REMADIN: This would be useful various places in the world
Dear zoo,
Do you like chili dogs? I do. kthxbai
ZOO977: Blech, barf, puke, no. Personally, I would like to keep the reason a secret.
REMADIN: It has the word dog in the name, right?
ALBINO: {not seen} He's an enviroment freak!
REMOLAY: what.
ZOO977: What?
{a zoom out shows albino next to the computer}
ALBINO: Well, you hate meat,
{Remadin and Remolay go back through the scripts for earlier episodes} REMOLAY: Well, whadya know... Even the Food episode didn't actually address this.
love animals, and you're trying to even turn your room into
{cuts to zoos room. plants are everywhere}
ALBINO: A green house!
REMADIN: Now that's a green thumb worth admiring... I think.
{cuts back}
ZOO977: Are you saying there's anything wrong with it?
ALBINO: Um, you went on a crash diet without realising it,
REMADIN: That sounds dangerous, and impossible.
and you're about 30 pounds under weight now!
REMOLAY: Getums you some meat on dem bones
ZOO977: What would make you say that?
ALBINO: You're sitting on {a view of the chair reveils bubble wrap on it} bubble wrap and I haven't heard a pop!
REMADIN: That is more than 30 pounds underweight
ZOO977: Erm... Ohlookatthetimegottagobye! {rushes out}
ALBINO: All without ending the email. {typing} In closing, Zoo's a total vegetarian.
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Email the eviromental freak. |
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Easter eggs
Click on the bubble wrap to see a chart of zoo's weight gain. He gains very few pounds a year.
REMADIN: Yeah... you need to eat more.
Fun Facts
- "Blegh, barf, puke, no." is a teen girl squad refference.
The wierdo's revealed |