(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/revenge
I'm getting pretty bored of putting spoilers in here.
REMOLAY: I assure you, they spoiled nothing
So, how are you?
CAST: Zoo977, Yvonne, Nicholas, Albino, Vinera,
REMADIN: It's time to play a game called "How randomly introduced is this character."
REMOLAY: I'm going to say... You're expected to know them before they're introduced
Xaviar, Zorax
SETTING: The pool room, A resturaunt, A bathroom, A street, A graveyard
REMOLAY: This here is the plans to the worst date ever.
ZOO977: {to the tune of climbin up the mountani children} If I never more see you again, gonna meet you on my email day. {opens an email}
REMADIN: Dude, he's like 11 or something!I HATE YOU NOW.
ZOO977: Oh boy. Trust me, there are a few ways to deal with someone dumping you. All fall into one category: Revenge.
REMADIN: Don't give your enemies ideas.
REMOLAY: Give them ideas! Give them ideas!
I will use my friends in these imaginations.
{cuts to a shot of a resturaunt. nicholas and yvonne are at a table}
ZOO977: {voice over} First off, theres the resturaunt dmp. Order {cuts to a close up of the bill. many things appear. alot appears as the final price} something expensive off the menu, then {cuts to a bathroom. a giant hole is in the window} escape through the window.
REMADIN: Umm... Wh... Bu... This is... WHAT!?
{cuts back to the pool room. albino's there.}
ALBINO: Y'know, I wonder who watches this show.
{Remolay hesitantly raises his hand, Remadin soon follows}
ZOO977: Forget about that.
ALBINO: So, who are you getting revenge on?
ZOO977: I dunno. Figments of my imagination.
REMOLAY: The leprechaun tells me to burn things.
ALBINO: Its a good thing Zorax is a phyciatris.
REMADIN: Not even close.
{floats offscreen}
REMOLAY: Should we even bother?
REMADIN: No. This one is intentional
ZOO977: Anyways, back to my email.
{cuts to a street. vinera is walking by}
ZOO977: Hey, I didn't imagine you!
VINERA: Your mind is an open book. I can access it from... well, I don't know where I am.
ZOO977: Thats not exactly helpful. {vinera starts walking like that didn't happen} So, hide in a bush, and prank the unknower. Or whatever they are called. {xaviar then splooshes a bucket of egg yolks out at vinera}
VINERA: Okay, cut!
XAVIAR: I don't think I would prank my long lost girlfriend!
ZOO977: {groans}
REMADIN: Congratulations Remolay! You have won our grand prize of absolutely nothing!
{cuts back to the pool room.}
ZOO977: Then, of course, you can smash a prised posession of theirs. {a green hole opens on the desk.
REMOLAY: Quick! GEt to the plot device!
the fancy falls in} Just like that!
REMADIN: "I am oblivious to the situation at hand"
{his eyes widen} FANCY! {atempts to fall into the hole, fails misribally.}
REMADIN: This is unbelievable
ZORAX: {floating in} Albino said you needed to see me.
ZORAX: You need a phyciatris.
REMADIN: This show causes me pain sometimes
{drags zoo offscreen. cuts to a grave. It says "Fancy: Destruction - Revenge"
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Easter eggs
You can click on the grave to change it to "Orange Box:
REMOLAY: Portal, Half Life 2 - episode 2, Team Fortress 2
Anime - Bicee"
Fun Facts
- Nicholas and Yvonne on a date is a refference to one users comment to the first image of Yvonne.
REMADIN: I've not seen this image, I think
The wierdo's revealed |