(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/Money
Zoo is asked what he would do with a billion dollars.
REMOLAY: Answer, Any zarking thing he wants.
CHARACTERS: Zoo977, Strong bad, Homestar, Albino, Dot, Crowd
SETTING: The computer room, zoos living room, a concert practice room, the concert hall, albinos room, dots room, the deck {easter egg}
ZOO977: I dont think I should have just eaten that omelet.
REMADIN: Hey! Someone stole my breakfast!
Hey Zoo977,
If I gave you a billion dollars, (not saying I will) What would you do with it?
STrong IntelligenrREMOLAY: When you can not spell your own name, YOU HAVE FAILED!
ZOO977: A BILLION DOLLARS?!? {calms down} Well, I would start off by buying a 5 foot long tv. You know, one with a billion channels.
REMOLAY: lolwut?
{cuts to a big, blank room. a big TV appears on the wall.}
REMOLAY: Next, you actually build the room that could fit this TV and not have it look really weird.
ZOO977: Then, you would need to put in a big sofa. {one appears}
REMADIN: Now you feel like number one/ Shining bright for everyone...
REMOLAY: You know what, just no.
maybe a case of movies. {again, one appears} Then you put up a bunch of video game systems. {a wii, x box 360, ps3, ps2, and an x box appear.
REMOLAY: Seriously can't complain about this one, but I would like it if a Genesis, Super Nintendo, NES, and the japanese versions of all were there too
then, strong bad walks into the room} Hey, who let you into my imagination?
STRONG BAD: Um... you let me in? Anyways, you need a 40 cushion couch that surrounds the room. {one appears}
ZOO977: Hey! {cuts to another room} Next, I have to make a practice stage.
REMADIN: I'll let you fly around in the practice stage for a while. when you're ready for the big game, just go back to the main menu
HOMESTAR: I'll make it! {begins to build the stage}
ZOO977: What the- Who's letting everyone into my imagination? {looks back.} While your building that, can you put up a guitar and a flute?
REMOLAY: Homestar then...
{Remadin hits Remolay}
REMOLAY: What? I was going to say "Formed a union".
HOMESTAR: Sure! {when the stage is made, a normal flute and guitar appear.}
ZOO977: Make the flute golden, and the guitar a light yellow. {that happens} Now, I need to find out why everyone is in my imagination!
HOMESTAR: Blame that! {points to a door, leading in and out of zoos imagination}
REMADIN: lolwut.
ZOO977: I thought I locked that! Anyways, back on task. {cuts back to the stage} Then, put some chairs in front. {some foldable chairs appear} perfect! {cuts to another blank room} Now, what about albino's room? {cuts to a cluttered room} Just... it would be cleaned.
REMADIN: I always picture Albino as the Neat Freak type.
ALBINO: I worked hard for that mess! No ones cleaning it!
ZOO977: Well, that regal bed wasn't cheap!
REMADIN: What regal bed?
ALIBNO: {leaves}
REMOLAY: {facepalms}
ZOO977: Then I would go and schedule a concert at the concert hall for me, dot, and albino to play. {cuts to the concert hall. zoo, albino and dot all appear, along with a big audience. cuts back to zoos house} Then, I would make homestar build a deck. {homestar appears}
REMADIN: So... few... capital... letters... Must avoid exploding head... ELEPHANT!
{Stolen Joke alarm sounds}
REMOLAY: I hope you like it, I just had it installed. We just push a button whenever we find a joke that was stolen from somewhere else.
HOMESTAR: I will not work without pay!
REMOLAY: Hah, looks like I was right about the union.
{a marshmallow appears out of no-were}
REMADIN: Nowhere.
I'll do it! {begins to build one}
ZOO977: Then, dot would get that bed she's been wanting. {a cut shows dots room. the bed turns lime green. cuts back to the computer room}
REMADIN: That's it?
REMOLAY: How anticlimactic
Thats the first few things I would do. now, PLEASE, PLEASE SEND THE MONEY!
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Easter eggs
Click on first to see the finished deck, complete with a Culvers.
REMOLAY: Remadin! What does the scouter say about his lolwut level!?
{Remadin fishes below his seat for a scouter and puts it on}
{Remadin brakes the scouter, the stolen joke alarm sounds.}
REMADIN: {yelling} It's over 9000!!!
Click on SEND THE MONEY to see zoo waiting at the mail box, asking when the money gets there.
Fun facts
Up to this point, this was the longest email, at 35 lines.
REMADIN: Really? it seemed short to me.
Culvers is a real restaurant chain, famous for its butter burgers.
REMOLAY: A few emails ago you said they were famous for their frozen custard! Why not just say both!?
The wierdo's revealed |