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RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/music

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CAST: Zoo977, Zorax, Larry, Dot
SETTING: The suite, outside of larry's room


{cuts to the suite. zoo is on the couch}

ZOO977: {to the tune of a-hole} You were emailing some other guy. He types just like me, but I make you cry! {opens his email}

REMADIN: Ah back to the old email song based on a song neither off us have ever heard of, I missed this. Except for the part where I don't know the tune at all
Dear zoo,

How are you doing? I was just wondering what insturment you now play.

REMOLAY: This feels all too much like something I wrote while high.


REMADIN: And The Brain

ZOO977: Wait, is this pinkies I'm not evil side or pinkies I will eat your skull side?

REMOLAY: I have no clue what you're talking about, but I hope it's the second side

Anyways, I'm doing alright. Um, I dont play any new insturments,

REMADIN: But I do play very old instruments. Like the Roman Tibia and Double Aulos

REMOLAY: You promised me you'd never bring that up again.
REMADIN: The double aulos?

REMOLAY: The ancient world.

but I haven't released what insturment I play besides the flute!

{cuts to a stage}

ZOO977: Dun du du duuuun! {the curtains open, revealing a fench horn} The french horn!

REMADIN: I prefer the Swedish horn.
REMOLAY: Stop talking about ancient instruments!

{cuts back to the computer}

ZOO977: I'm pretty good on the french horn. Watch this! {takes out a french horn, begisn playing flight of the bumblebee.

REMOLAY: Please, Even I know how infesable that is.

REMADIN: A. You spelled unfeasible wrong. 2.

REMOLAY: Why do you know how to speak in links?

after a avery short time, the middle explodes}

REMOLAY: Along with the rest of the ship. The end.

What the crap? {looks in the horn} Oh, for the love of corn!

REMADIN: Yeah... I'm going to start saying this now.

{yelling} ZORAX!

ZORAX: {floats in} Yes?

ZOO977: Can you bring me the passanger list?

ZORAX: Sure. {hands zoo a mini book.}

ZOO977: Lets see. Heres the W section. Oh, heres the "Winner" family members! {still looking.} C'mon, zorax, lets go prank a weirdo you don't know!


{cuts to zoo and zorax in front of a door. zoo is holding a bag labled pies. zorax is builting

REMADIN: I'm rather certain this is impossible

a trebuche.}

ZOO977: {putting pies on the trebuche} Ready?

REMOLAY: Question? Why isn't it loaded with explosives instead of pies?

ZORAX: Ready! {knocks on the door. zorax and zoo go to one side of the door. it opens, the trebuche not blocked. larry steps out.}

REMOLAY: Oh hey, it's that guy who was briefly mentioned in season 1.

{Remadin stares at Remolay in horror}

REMOLAY: What? Expecting me to say "Who?"? The guy hates Zoo. Of course I remember him.

LARRY: What is it now?

{zoo releases the trebuche. larry picks up his cell phone}

REMADIN: And apparently no pie impact was made.

ZOO977: WOOHOO! {high fives zorax}

LARRY: You forgot one detail. {presses some number on his phone.}

DOT: {on the other line} Hello?

REMOLAY: You cheating bitch!

LARRY: Lascia ch'io pianga mia cruda sorte!

REMADIN: "Let me weep, my cruel fate!"

DOT: Just ditch the french.

REMADIN: That's Italian you stupid-

LARRY: Can you come to my room?Soomeone just lanched a bunch of pies at me!

REMADIN: This is apparently still pre-impact
REMOLAY: Larry! Faster than a speeding pie!

DOT: On my way!

{llarry closes his phone}

ZOO977: Um... {jumps onto the other side of hte door. dot walks in, ans sees zorax with the trebuche.}

DOT: Don't you know who this is? {kicks zorax, drags him away by his ear. zoo walks off the other way}

{cuts back to the suite. zorax is on the couch, with an ice pack on his ear}

ZOO977: There ya go, pinky! I'm good at a swirly insturment, and larrys a total jerk!

REMOLAY: Um... What the hell just happened
REMADIN: I haven't got a clue. Still wondering where those pies went.
Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

Click on swirly at the end to see a flute bent into about 4 spirals.

Fun Facts

  • Real life zoo plays the flute. He originally wanted to play the french horn.
REMADIN: Good for you.
REMOLAY: Yes. Unfortunately, neither of us give a shit
  • This is the first email with larry.
REMOLAY: False. The first email with Larry was season one's "Larry".
REMADIN: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Larry fanboy on our hands