(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/water
CAST: Zoo977, Albino, Dot, June, Harold, various unknown people, Zorax
SETTING: the pool room, the main room, a water park, an arcade, zorax's room
{cuts to the pool room}
REMADIN: Welcome home.
ZOO977: {to the tune of pie jesu} E-eee-eeee-mails! {opens an email}
REMOLAY: Well that was fun while it lasted
Dear Zoo and pals,
You ever been to a waterpark? If so, how was it?
Fenri Lunaedge
ZOO977:Water parks, Ferns eye?I have been to a few bad ones. However, a new ones opening up! Rather, an email characters only water park is opening!
REMADIN: That is characterism!
The lines are short, the rides are great, the games are good, free concerts, its gonna be great!
REMOLAY: And by great I mean complete and utter shit.
{cuts to the main room. dot, albino, and zoo are there.}
DOT: Ready to go?
ALBINO: Ready!
ZOO977: Ready! {holds his flute case}
DOT: You can't bring june.
ZOO977: What about Harold? {holds his french horn}
REMADIN: ...June and Harold?
REMOLAY: Are you fucking kidding me? Did you make that reference?
REMADIN: That's June and Henry.
ZOO977: Sa-
{cuts to the front gate of the park. everyone is in their swim suits, and putting on sunscreen. albino is making goofy mustaches with the screen}
ZOO977: Albino, why are you doing that?
ALBINO: 'Cause.
REMOLAY: Don't really need a better excuse, ya know?
{cuts to a water slide. zoo, dot, and albino are each on different slides.}
ZOO977: Ready...
DOT: Set...
{the three immediatly begin going down the slides. cuts to a close up of albino. he is attaching miniature wheels to himself.}
REMADIN: That ch- wait how?
{cuts to a zoom out. albino flies off a corner.
REMOLAY: This kills him on landing of course.
zoo and dot then pass that point}
ALBINO: {offscreen} Oww.
{cuts to a close up of zoo and dot on the slides. zoo is looking at the sky through his telescope, dot is tuning her clarinet.
</blockquote>REMADIN: Oh, but zoo can't bring the flute or french horn? The f-
REMOLAY: Oy! Swearing's my job you asshole!</blockquote>
cuts to the bottom of the slide. zoo uses the telescope as a stilt, and so does dot, only with her clarinet. she gets in first}
ZOO977: Best two out of three?
{cuts to a pool. albino is completely red, except for a handle bar mustache shaped area on his face.}
ALBINO: Well, it was fun!
REMOLAY: Worth it
ZOO977 AND DOT: And stupid!
REMOLAY: Much like this entire series
{cuts to an arcade. zoo and dot are playing dance dance revolution. there scores are skyrockeeting, as albino collects the tickets in buckets.
REMADIN: DDR doesn't net tickets.
suddenly, someone in the crown fals. the game stops. at another angle, it reveals that person fell into a newly opened green hole.
REMOLAY: Oh sweet Valkyre not this shit again
everyone but albino, zoo, and dot run out, screaming.}
DOT: Woah. Thats not good.
ZOO977:What do we do?
DOT: Get help!
ALBINO: But before that...
{cuts to zorax's room. a weirdly shaped tool is on a board. zoo, dot, and albino are sitting in a pile of prize counter prizes.}
ZORAX: I can fix the holes with this.
ZOO977: What is it?
ZORAX: A tezontra.
REMADIN: That is the dumbest name for an item I've ever heard of.
DOT: So, you knew how to solve these all this time?
ZORAX: Actually, I've been devising this for a while.
REMADIN: And you kept it a secret because...?
ALBINO: Should we find someone who probably knew about the holes?
ZORAX: If he or she understands! But who else would have seen all the holes?
ZOO977: I think I have an idea of who.
REMOLAY: Don't you dare bring us into this!
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Easter eggs
Click on the Tezontra to replace it with a wrench.
Fun Facts
- The flute, french horn, and telescope are seeming to be considered pseudocharacters.
- The hole series is going to be ending soon.
REMADIN: Thank Valkyre for that. This is like Babylon 5, only not good
The wierdo's revealed |