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RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/beach

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The kids go to the beach.
CAST: Zoo977, Nicholas, Wendy, Dot, Albino, Zorax, Marissa

REMOLAY: You appear to be randomly introducing people who weren't in the show before. Please, stop doing that!
REMADIN: Rest In Piece, The use of Homestar Runner characters.

SETTING:The pool room, the living room, a car, the beach


{cuts to the pool room. zoo is there, dusting a bit of grey off of his arm.

REMADIN: This can't be good

nicholas is watching}

NICHOLAS: Okay, what?

REMOLAY: I agree

ZOO977: Grey sticks to you after visiting the past.

REMADIN: This has not been addressed by the Homestar Runner universe, so I'ma let this slide

This is that last of it.

NICHOLAS: Okay... I'm going to do nothing with writing down ten thousand ways about how that makes no sence.

REMOLAY: Nicholas just read my mind.

ZOO977: Okay! {a ding is heard} Woah, I got an email?

REMOLAY: Zoo977: He never checks his email the same way twice in a row.

{sits down. he opens the email}

Hi, zoo!

Have you ever been to the beach?

REMOLAY: It would be very sad if you haven't



ZOO977: Woah, divzon? How are you?

REMADIN: Wait a minute, you two know each other?

I've never been to the beach befre. Mainly because someone


REMOLAY: Random new character number one.


ZOO977: -won't drive to the good beach!


REMOLAY: Random new character number 2

{Walking in} Did you say beach?

ZOO977: Yep! However, we need to manipulate wendy.

REMADIN: The implications are terrifying

We need a good, working plan.

{cuts to the living room. dot, albino, nicholas, marissa

REMOLAY: Random new character number 3. Seriously, It's like the only character's you've introduced the right way are Larry and Ozz799.

, and hardhat are watching zorax, floating over wendy. his flotation device gives off a lime green glow. wendy has blank eyes}

REMADIN: Que the Twilight Zone theme

WENDY: {hypnotized} I will take you to the good beach.

DOT: That was genius! How did you make that work?

ZORAX: Um... {points to the lever on his flotation device}

REMADIN: It could not have been that easy.

DOT: Oh.

{cuts to inside of a red car. wendy is driving. the kids are throwing popcorn at each other. a screen is playing sponge bob.}

WENDY: I have no clue what you did to make me drive you to the beach.

REMOLAY: Weren't you reading the transcript? That random new kid hypnotised you

ALBINO: {shoving a popcorn bucket onto his head} Yay!

REMADIN: Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?

{cuts to a beach. zoo, dot, and albino are wearing orange swim suits. wendy is sun bathing in a blue bathing suit, and zorax has his head sticking out out the water. nicholas is in a green swim suit. marissa is in a pink swimsuit. shes helping nicholas into a floating chair. dot, zoo, and albino are in the water.}

REMADIN: Definitely at the beach.

ZOO977: Conch fight!

REMADIN: What's that strange smell?
REMOLAY: Oh that? It's my brain burning

{zoo, albino,dot, and zorax all pick up conch sheels, which they begin throwing at each other. one hits a plate with a hamburger. a bunch of ketchup hits wendy's sun tan lotion out of the way.}

REMADIN: I have a bad feeling about this.

MARISSA: {to nicholas} There!

NICHOLAS: Thanks! {goes in the water. a wave approaches. nicholas doesn't care. the kids get out of the water.}

WENDY: {splurts some ketchup on her} I need more tanning lotion.

REMOLAY: I am having trouble riffing this episode

{the kids each come back with a glowing green surf board. and presume to go in the water. as the wave approaches, the kids get on the surf board. nicholas falls asleep.}

REMADIN: I sense a Futurama reference in here somewhere

ZOO977: NOW! {zoo, dot, and albino swim away from the wave. they get on top temporarily. nicholas comes on top of the wave, too. they stare at nicholas, and fall off}

MARISSA: This is weird. I'm gonna get a smoothie. {walks off screen.}

REMOLAY: This appears to have nothing to do with anything

WENDY: This tanning lotion feels weird. I'm gonna try a new one. walks off screen, not realizing she's totally red}

REMOLAY: Everything is going on at once! I can't follow it!

ZOO977: Whatever. {him and dot get out of the water. marissa walks on screen with a smoothie. zoo is talking to dot. marissa is about to have her smoothie. zoo and dot are about to kiss}

REMADIN: I knew this moment was coming from the moment Dot was introduced

WENDY: {offscreen} AAAAAAH!

{zoo and dot jump, and bonk their heads.

REMOLAY: Well, there goes that moment {starts laughing}

marissa drops her smoothie. albino shakes violently in the water. nicholas wakes up. the kids then group up, and run towards wendy. cuts to another potion of the beach. a green void is in the ground}


WENDY: Never mind that! I've tanned way too much!

REMADIN: I think some weird void thingy is more important that your Catsup soaked back!

{a dun dun dun is heard. the screen fades to black. the words dun dun duuuuun! appear, along with the back and again buttons}

REMOLAY: This isn't that start of another storyline, is it?
Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter eggs

Click on the first dun to see nicholas frantically writing a list, labled what that doesn't make sense.

Fun Facts

  • Grey sticking is a reference to the last email series.
  • Wendy using ketchup instead of sun tan lotion is a reference to the comic Foxtrot.
REMADIN: I appear to have missed that one.