(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Train
Color Printer gets on the Printer Express to go to Circut City to get a new computer!
Cast: Color Printer
{cut to the outside of the Printer Express. It is running and going very fast. The whistle blows. Cut to the inside, outside Cabin 1. Cut to the inside, where we see that it is Color Printer's cabin.}
COLOR PRINTER: Oh, man, riding on a train is so awesome! I can't wait till I get to Circut City, where I can buy the SC 10000! It supposed to be better than the SC 9000 and the SC 9500! {pause} Ok, this is BOORING! I think I'm going to answer an e-mail.
{he pulls out his SPP 9000, and presses e-mail}
Dear Color Printer If you could choose, would you rather be an adminerator or a monistrator? Your sincerely, Ekul
COLOR PRINTER: {clicks reply, starts writing} Well, Ekul, I think what you're looking for is administrator or moderator. Not adminerator or monistrator. Those words don't exist. Anyway, to answer your question, I would be...an administrator, OF COURSE! Admins are higher up on the website corprate ladder than mods. Here, let me lay out for you the website corprate ladder.
{cut to a blue background like from 'Where the Crap are We?". A ladder appears with a DING! sound.}
COLOR PRINTER: {voice-over} Okay, from the top. No pun intented. First is Administrator. {the top step is labeled "Admin"} They run the site, basically. Like, uh...um...like Mike and Matt run homestarrunner.com. Okay, now next is Moderator. {next step is labeled "Mod"} They help run the site. Like Matt and Mike's friends, or Missy Palmer. Mods don't have all the power admins do. Otherwise, the world would be a chaotic place. Seriously. Anyway, next is veteran. {the next step is labeled "Members who signed up, like, over 5 years ago"} They've been there almost as long as the website as been alive. Not kidding. Next, we have just an ordinary member. {the second-to-last step is labeled "Member"} They're like a visitor who vists very often and is registered. They may or may not contribute to the site. Like me. Finally, there's visitor. {the final step us labeled "Lazy Bum"} This kind of person just visits.
{cut back to cabin 1}
COLOR PRINTER: {still writing} So there's your answer. I'd rather be an adminerator than a monistrator. Or a Vorteran. Or a Mermbor. Or a viositor. Yeah.
{Zoom out. The printed paper comes down}
Easter Eggs
- Wait a little bit and Color Printer will start humming some songs.
- The songs are:
- SMB. Theme
- Legend of Zelda Theme
- Everybody, Everybody
- (repeat)
Fun Facts
- This was orginally going to be a 2-part episode. I ditched that idea.
- I forgot about Ekul's e-mail for a long time. Sorry, Ekul!
Author's Comments
- Rating: 4 out of 5 icons
- This was actually going to turn into a plot. Really. I ditched that idea, but I might bring it back in the Museum!
CPmails - Season 1 |
The Paper | Printer? | The New Printer | 20X6 | Secret Food Stash | Ink Change | Virus | Love | 2 questions | Vacation | Anime | Hacker | Train | Movie | Stolen | Stupid | Stalker | Grammar | Inventions | Some Kinda Robot | Pay-per-view | Thoraxcorp | Homsar | Butt IQ | Teen Boy Team |
CPmails - Season 2 |
Time Travel | Stress | Vacation Places | End of Plot | Failed Plots | No Love | Store | Dark Printer | 1337 | Horror | Issue 2 | Ultraman | Bankrupt? | Award | Pacman | Medicine | Subcription | Strong Bad | Halloween | Advertisement | Coolness | Sister NEW! |
Not Quite CPmails |