(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/2 questions
Color Printer is asked 2 questions: whether he uses black ink or not, and what has he printed this week.
Cast (in order of appearance): Color Printer
Color Printer: Da da da, Number 9.
Dear COlour Printer, Being a printer, do you use Black? Also, what have you printed this week? Friends with Fry, Leela & Bender, Futuramaooy.
{Color Printer pronounces "COlour" as "Co-loo-er", and pronouces "Futuramaooy" as "Fu-ture-ah-ma-oo-why"}
Color Printer: {clicks reply, starts typing} Well, first I will answer your first question. Do I use black ink...let's see here. Is black a color? Can color printers have black ink AND color ink? The answers should both be yes. So, on to your next question. What have I printed? Well...Let me check my printing log.
{Color Printer opens a desk drawer and pulls out a sheet of paper}
Color Printer: Let's see here...
Weekly Printing Log January 2-8 E-mails 1-7 for archiving An order form for Melonade Monthly Magazine H*R Trading Cards Some digital pictures A fake million dollar bill to trick Strong Bad Some Printson, Inc. contracts
Color Printer: {reads list aloud, puts it away and starts typing again} So there you go. In case you didn't see, let me just-TOO BAD! {stops typing} Anyway, remember, e-mail is good. Now I have to go find out who Fry, Leela & Bender are.
{The paper comes down}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "see" to see the list again.
Fun Facts
- Someone shoot me in the head if I'm wrong, but I think Fry, Leela, and Bender are characters from Futurama.
Author's Comments
- Rating: 2 out of 5 icons
- This lacked funny. I think I was on a streak of non-funny e-mails. Good thing I broke it. I think.
CPmails - Season 1 |
The Paper | Printer? | The New Printer | 20X6 | Secret Food Stash | Ink Change | Virus | Love | 2 questions | Vacation | Anime | Hacker | Train | Movie | Stolen | Stupid | Stalker | Grammar | Inventions | Some Kinda Robot | Pay-per-view | Thoraxcorp | Homsar | Butt IQ | Teen Boy Team |
CPmails - Season 2 |
Time Travel | Stress | Vacation Places | End of Plot | Failed Plots | No Love | Store | Dark Printer | 1337 | Horror | Issue 2 | Ultraman | Bankrupt? | Award | Pacman | Medicine | Subcription | Strong Bad | Halloween | Advertisement | Coolness | Sister NEW! |
Not Quite CPmails |