(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Inventions
Bitmap shows off his inventions.
Cast: Color Printer, Bitmap
Color Printer: E-mail time again!
Dear Printer, Does Bitmap have any other cool inventions? Your friend,
{pronounces the foriegn letters as gibberish}
Color Printer: Well-
Bitmap: {offscreen} COMING!!!
{Bitmap rushes on screen and tackles CP and knocks him off the screen.}
Color Printer: {offscreen} Ouch.
Bitmap: So {gibberish} wants to know about my inventions, eh? Come with me!
{Cut to the door of CP's lab. The sign reads "Color Printer's Bitmap's Lab". Cut to the inside.}
Bitmap: This is...my Cleanser 3000! {holds up a bottle of hand soap. It reads "Soap Bitmap's Cleanser 3000".}
Color Printer: {offscreen} That's a bottle of hand soap.
Bitmap: Um...no, it's not! {throws the bottle away} This is...my electric candle! {Holds up a light bulb}
Color Printer: {offscreen, a little louder} That's a light bulb!
Bitmap: Ah, ah, ah! You will refer to it as the electric candle. {throws it away, the sound of glass shattering is heard} Oops. Finally, I have my...{pulls out a broken Shutters XP}..Broken Computer 3000!
Color Printer: {offscreen} All right, that's it! {walks onscreen} That is my broken Shutters XP that was hacked! {faces the camera} Don't listen to him, folks! All these are FAKE! Yo! Paper! E-mail time is over!
{The Printed Paper comes down}
Bitmap: Umm...who were you talking to?
Easter Eggs
- Click on the Shutters XP to see an ad for Shutters Longtusk.
Fun Facts
- This is the first e-mail that involves no typing.
- Shutters Longtusk is a reference to Longhorn, the codename for Microsoft's next operating system.
- Bitmap can't really ask who CP was talking to when he himself was showing "us" his "inventions".