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Color Printer's E-mails
From Wiki User Wiki
Welcome to the BRAND NEW Color Printer's E-mails! It's a whole new ball game e-mail show!
- December 1st 2006 - Let's start off December with a new e-mail: Grayscale! And yes, inbox = empty.
- November 23th 2006 - "Emigration" released. I need a new e-mail.
Season 1.txt - Notepal4.alternate universe - Color Printer bends reality and remembers some guy.
3.grayscale - It's time for some old-timey fun when Color Printer gets downgraded. - NEW!
2.emigration - Color Printergoesgets launched to the moon to create new life.
1.printing - Color Printer prints some documents and hooks himself up to a computer.
Other Stuff
Random Junk - Twindows Exploderold.doc
Plentium 4000A green-type computer for all your e-mail needs! Runs on Twindows.
E-mails: 1 to Present