(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/alternate universe
Color Printer twists reality and enters an alternate universe...OURS!
Cast: Color Printer, Strong Bad, Doreauxgard
Places: Computer Room, Strong Bad's Computer Room, Doreauxgard's Computer Room
COLOR PRINTER: I'm checkin' my e-mails right after my nap, I'm checkin' my e-mails with my e-mail rap!
subject: Recgonition? - Overlooked Express 98Dear printing machine of color,
What would you do in an alternate universe? Oh, and do you remember me?
Liking fries with that,
The artist formally and again know as No Loafing
COLOR PRINTER: {starts typing} Well, No Loafing, you seem kind of familar.
{Cut to flashback in Strong Bad's Computer Room. Strong Bad is checking e-mail on the Compy.}
Hey, Strong Bad:
I can take that No Loafing
Color Printer
sign if you don't want it.
STRONG BAD: {typing} No way, man! No Loafy and I are gonna stay together. Always! This e-mail deserves to be DELETED!
{Cut back to the Computer Room.}
COLOR PRINTER: {not typing} Yeah, for those of you who were wondering, that happened somewhere around the "montage" age. Anyways, {typing} I'm pretty sure you're not a sign, 'cause inanimate objects can't operate computers last time I checked...
{Cut to a flashback. Doreauxgard is at his computer.}
Dear Doreauxgard,
How can you check e-mail
-Color Printer
if you have no hands?
Really curious,
{Cut back.}
COLOR PRINTER: {clears screen} All right, signs can't operate computers last time I checked.
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts