(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/printing
Color Printer begins a new e-mail show...with slight technical difficulties.
Cast (in order of appearance): Color Printer, Bubs, Strong Bad, King of Town, Strong Sad, The Cheat (easter egg), Eh! Steve (easter egg), Coach Z (easter egg)
Places: CP's Computer Room, Bubs' Concession Stand, Strong Bad's Computer Room, King of Town's Kitchen, Strong Sad's Room, The Cheat's Computer Room (easter egg), Locker Room (easter egg)
{Cut to CP's computer room. A green laptop sits on the desk. Color Printer walks in and sits down.}
COLOR PRINTER: Okay, let's hope this thing works. I paid Bubs forty bucks for this!
{He turns on the laptop. The start-up screen reads "PLENTiUM 4000". The command prompt appears on screen.}
COLOR PRINTER: {singing, types "Overlooked_Express.exe"} E-mail begins today, a new life! Ya-da-da...{normal} Something like that.
subject: Printing - Overlooked Express 98Dear Printer of the Holy Colorness,
-Hopeless in a tree
What kind of stuff do you print? Do you hook up to a computer even?
COLOR PRINTER: What? This guy's hopeless in a tree! I gotta go save him! {runs offscreen}
{A car horn and screeching is heard offscreen. Cut to a screen reading "PLEASE STAND BY". Then cut to a screen reading "TAKE TWO". Cut back to the opening scene.}
COLOR PRINTER: Okay, let's try this again. {singing, bored, types "Overlooked_Express.exe"} E-mail begins today, a new...{normal} Something or other.
subject: Printing - Overlooked Express 98Dear Printer of the Holy Colorness,
-Hopeless in a tree
What kind of stuff do you print? Do you hook up to a computer even?
{Color Printer says "Some fan" instead of "Hopeless in a tree"}
COLOR PRINTER: That's better. {typing} Well, hopeful fan, I prints all kinds of stuff. Pictures, documents, top secret files for companies...you name it, I print it.
{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand. Bubs is standing behind the counter. CP walks up holding a sheet of paper reading "INVENTORY".}
COLOR PRINTER: Here's that inventory sheet you wanted me to print!
{Cut to Strong Bad's computer room, but it looks Tandy-style. Strong Bad is sitting on the stool, and Color Printer in standing beside him holding a sheet of paper resembling The Paper.}
COLOR PRINTER: Here's that cool The Paper you wanted for your e-mail show!
{Cut to the King of Town's kitchen. The King of Town is scarfing down on a ham. Color Printer in standing there, looking digusted. He's holding a packet of papers.}
COLOR PRINTER: Ugh...here's those...health reports the doctor told me to print and give to you.
KING OF TOWN: {stops eating} Health reports? I always thought those were medical ads!
{Cut back to the computer room.}
COLOR PRINTER: {clears screen, continues typing} To answer your last question, no, I have not hooked up to a computer before. {stops typing} Hmm...I wonder what that would be like?
{Cut to Strong Sad's room. Strong Sad and Color Printer are standing here. A cord is coming out of out of CP's back, and he is holding it.}
STRONG SAD: You want me to what?!?
COLOR PRINTER: I want you to hook up this USB {pronounces it "us-ub"} cable to your computer and see if I can print stuff from it.
STRONG SAD: How do you print things normally?
COLOR PRINTER: We're in the future, man! Wireless is the way to go!
STRONG SAD: Okay, but I don't think this is a very good idea. {takes cable from CP and plugs it into his computer and sits down at the chair.} My print queue is backed up with that 50-page "essay" Strong Mad tried to print. {types stuff}
COLOR PRINTER: {starts warming up} Wait, WHAT?!?
{Color Printer starts printing out sheets of paper with gibberish on them.}
COLOR PRINTER: You've got to be crazy!!!
STRONG SAD: You don't got enough paper?
COLOR PRINTER: It's not that!!! It's the fact that I have a-
{Suddenly, the noises and printing stops. Color Printer falls over unconscious.}
STRONG SAD: Low battery?
{The Paper comes down, reading "Click here to e-mail Color Printer!" Strong Sad walks out.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the sheets of gibberish to see two more print jobs.
- {Cut to The Cheat's Computer Room. The Cheat is sitting at the computer. Color Printer walks in holding a picture of Eh! Steve.}
- COLOR PRINTER: Here's that picture of Eh! Steve you needed for your cartoons!
- THE CHEAT: {the Cheat noises, sounds like "thank you"}
- {Cut to the Locker Room. Coach Z is asleep on the bench. Color Printer walks in holding a sheet of paper.}
- COLOR PRINTER: Here's those-Oh. You're asleep. I'll come back later. {turns around, walks out} Man, that looks uncomfortable.
Fun Facts
- USB cables are used to connect devices (such as printers) to computers.
- Plentium is a parody of the Pentium processors.
- Overlooked Express is a parody of Outlook Express, an e-mail client for Windows.