(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Stupid
What's the supidest thing Color Printer has ever done? You might find out...
Cast: Color Printer, Homestar Runner
Color Printer: {singing} Oh, I've got an e-mail in my paper slot, and I think it's starting to melt.
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Color Printer: {doesn't even read it} What? That's it? Just a line? A question? NO name? Jeez! {reads e-mail, clears screen, starts typing} Well, some-guy-I-don't-know-because-he-didn't-sign-his-name, the stupidest thing I've ever done...
{cut to The Stick. Color Printer is standing there, and he looks like he's on caffiene, because he keeps twitching}
Color Printer: {voiceover} ...was when I drank 13 cups of coffee. In one night.
Color Printer: {talking quickly} Woo-hoo! I'm hyper today! In fact, I'm hyper all the time! 100% hyper, 100% of the time! Woo-hoo!
{Homestar walks in.}
Color Printer: Hey Homestar, Howzit going? I'm doing great! I'm always great! Great, great, great, great, great! So anyway, enough 'bout me, what 'bout you?
Homestar Runner: Uhh...I'm gweat. I guess.
Color Printer: That's great! That's great! That's great! Everything's great!!!
{cut back to the SC.}
Color Printer: {still typing} That lasted for about 3 days. Then I went into a 20-hour caffiene coma. Seriously. Then I didn't even have enough energy to move for another 24 hours. So all in all, I wasted 116 hours of my life. I could have been doing something else, like checking e-mails. {stops typing} So until next time, remember this: Don't drink 13 cups of coffee in one night.
{The Printed Paper comes down.}
Color Printer: {tired} Oh no...{yawns}...Here it comes...a sleep attack...from the coff...{falls asleep}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "wasted" to see exactly how long Color Printer has wasted his life checking e-mails.
Fun Facts
- This is like the e-mail caffiene.