(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Some Kinda Robot
Color Printer recieves Strong Bad's first e-mail, except it is addressed to him. He decides to reply...with a spam/chain e-mail.
Cast: Color Printer
Places: CP's Computer Room
Color Printer: {singing}It's e-mail time, It's e-mail time, It's e-mail TIIMMMMMME!! {brings up e-mail} Ohhhhh...{stops singing and reads e-mail
Dear Color Printer, Do you take your wrestling mask and boxing gloves off before you go to bed? Sincerely, Abdi LaRue San Diego, CA
Color Printer: What the-? I don't have a wrestling mask or boxing gloves! How can I answer this? Oh, wait...I have the answer. {hits a key, starts typing but not talking}
{Cut to a card that says "Time Passes...". After a little bit, we go back to the computer room.}
Color Printer: All right, send! {hits a button, a sound plays}
Message Sent to: Abdi LaRue
Color Printer: All right. So until next time, don't send me any e-mails that Strong Bad got unless they can relate to me. {gets up, walks off so we can see what is on the screen. The Paper comes down}
Subject: Got Sunscreen? From: None-ya-buisness To: Abdi LaRue Date & Time: 3/29/05, 3:27 PM Central Time -------------------------------------------- Hey there! Do you have sunscreen that actually protects your body? Then get: SUNSCREEN SHIELD: SPF 1,000,000! It protects your body from 99.99999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999% of the sun's UV rays! We're not kidding! Send this e-mail to 10 people and you'll get a free 16-ounce bottle!</pre>
Easter Eggs
- Click on "SHIELD" to see Color Printer wearing a wrestling mask and boxing gloves fighting a punching bag.
- Click on "10 People" to see a list of people CP is planning to send this to.
The 10 People I sent the chain/spam mail to: 1.Abdi LaRue2. Vinnie C 3. Tyler 4. Whoever sent SB that Homestar Hair thing 5. Kissless 6. Anthony 7. Ben 8. Brian(rietta) 9. fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf 10. Trevor the vampire
- Click on the big precentage to see Color Printer doing his homework on the nearby table.
- Color Printer: Let's see...the answer is 99.999999999999{pause}9999999{pause}9999{pause}999999%!
Fun Facts
- The 10 people on the list refer to the 10 people who sent Strong Bad his first 10 e-mails.
- The sound the computer makes when the message is sent is like the Compy 386 sound.
Oh, and nobody put that this is the first e-mail SB recieved. 'Cause I think everybody knows that.