(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Didn't make the cut
These e-mail plots didn't go so good.
Cast: Color Printer, Bitmap, Time Soldier #4, Toner, The Cashier (easter egg)
Color Printer: 1, 2, 3, 4, E-MAIL!
Color Printer, What kinda plots do you never use in your e-mails? Doom
Color Printer: Oh, no! It's the DOOMail! Doom itself has sent me a DOOMail! {clears screen, starts typing} Spare me your wrath, DOOMail! {clears throat} Anyway, Doom, there are a lot of plots I never use in e-mails, because when I tried them...rock bottom, dude. They hit rock bottom. In a bad way. Here are some clips for those curious idiots.
{Cut to a scene where Bitmap has some kinda ray pointed at CP.}
Color Printer: You're not gonna fire that, are you?
{Bitmap fires the ray. Color Printer gets hit and becomes half his normal size.}
Bitmap: {laughs}
{Color Printer grabs the ray and fires Bitmap who becomes half his normal size, too. Cut to a scene where Color Printer is having a garage sale. We see that CP is trying to sell a sign to Time Soldier Number 4. Toner is looking at a box.}
Time Soldier #4: Umm...are you trying to sell me a dud?
Color Printer: Come on! This once was hung up in my room! A great poster if I ever saw one!
T.S. #4: But some of the words have rubbed off!
Color Printer: But it doesn't change the value! See, look. {Picks up the sign so we can see what is on it}
Aisle 1 - Mice and Key rds Ai e 2 - Mon ors Aisle - CP sle 4 - Printer P er E ip ent Aisl 5 - Spe rs and er spa mputer parts A sle 6 - Computer Gam ftware
Color Printer: It reads, um...uh...Look, are you going to buy it or not?
{Cut to a scene where Color Printer is at the stick wearing a badly-drawn Strong Bad mask.}
Color Printer: {In PBTC-like Strong Bad voice} Hey there! I'm-a Strong Bad! I-a check e-mails!
{Bitmap walks in with a badly-drawn The Cheat mask.}
Bitmap: {Speaks some Cheat noises}
Color Printer: You are right, a-The Cheat!
{Cut back to the computer room.}
Color Printer: {still typing} So there you go, Mr. Doom. 3 Failed Plots a la E-mail. Or DOOMail. Or whatever.
{The Paper comes down.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "a la" to see the Cashier.
- The Cashier: {looking for missing directory sign} Where s it?
- Click on "DOOMail" to play a pathetic RPG in which you can do almost nothing.
Fun Facts
- The sign and the cashier come from Ink Change.
- The second failed plot must have happened after End of Plot.
- The box has the words "Plast-O-Matic-Memory-Upgrader" on it. This came from Stolen.