(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Movie
Color Printer and Toner in an all-new movie: "Cave Explorers I"! Unfortunately, Toner drives CP crazy.
Cast: Color Printer, Toner
Color Printer: Introducing my new computer!!! {turns the SC 10000 on} Let's get this train treck a-rollin! {presses 1}
Yo, Printer Dude, Have you ever been in a movie? Your friend,
{Color Printer says "Printer Dude" as "Printer Guy"}
Color Printer: What? That's it? No name? Arrgh! {clears screen, starts typing} Well, No-name dude, {does not type "No-name Dude,"} The good news is, I've been in a recent movie called "Cave Explorers I"! The bad news is, you've never heard of it because it was never released. In fact, I hold in my possession the only taped copy of the movie! Why was it never released? Maybe if you watch it, you'll see what I mean. And...roll tape!
{cut to a VCR. We see a tape go in. Cut to the TV which now displays a piece of cardboard that reads "Cave Explores I". It appears to be held by Color Printer.}
Color Printer: Oop!
{Color Printer takes the cardboard off screen and holds it back out with the spelling mistake fixed. He then turns it around so it reads "Starring Toner"}
Color Printer: WHAT?
{Color Printer holds out a pen and writes "and Color Printer" under the text. He then takes both objects offscreen. We see Color Printer and Toner standing in a dark cave}
Toner:Are you sure this is safe?
Color Printer: Wha-?
Toner: I mean, come on! Swinging across a pit of lava with a simple, weak rope? You've gotta be-
Color Printer: Wrong line, wrong time!
Toner: Oops, I mean, let's enter that circus!
Color Printer: Cave. And besides, we're already in it.
Toner: So? Oh.
Color Printer: All right, that's it! CUT!
{The tape stops. Cut back to the computer.}
Color Printer: So there you go. Toner got fired, so we had no one left to finish the movie. Anyway, that's the end!
{The printed paper comes down}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "fired" to see a poster for Toner's next job: The main villan in "Dangeresque 7: Toner Terror"!
- Click on "movie" to see a poster for "Cave Explorers I: The Return"!
Fun Facts
- Color Printer's saying about getting the train wreck a-rollin is what Strong Bad said in rock opera.
Author's Comments
- Rating: 3 out of 5 icons
- This...was kinda funny...in an ironic sort of way. I should have gone in another direction. Oh, well, it's too late now!
CPmails - Season 1 |
The Paper | Printer? | The New Printer | 20X6 | Secret Food Stash | Ink Change | Virus | Love | 2 questions | Vacation | Anime | Hacker | Train | Movie | Stolen | Stupid | Stalker | Grammar | Inventions | Some Kinda Robot | Pay-per-view | Thoraxcorp | Homsar | Butt IQ | Teen Boy Team |
CPmails - Season 2 |
Time Travel | Stress | Vacation Places | End of Plot | Failed Plots | No Love | Store | Dark Printer | 1337 | Horror | Issue 2 | Ultraman | Bankrupt? | Award | Pacman | Medicine | Subcription | Strong Bad | Halloween | Advertisement | Coolness | Sister NEW! |
Not Quite CPmails |