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Color Printer's E-mails/Subscription

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Color Printer's in trouble. Can he get ahold of 100 billion dollars before they come after him?

Cast: Color Printer


Color Printer: Gonna check some e-mail, gonna check it good...

Subject: subscription

Dear Subscribed User,

We have noticed that you have not payed for your premium mebership fund. You currently owe $100,000,000,000. The last paying time was March 19th, 1989. Please send us your credit card number for immedaite fining consultation.

Thank you,

The Internet Gamers Club of America

Color Printer: Uh-oh. 100 billion dollars?!? I'm doomed. Maybe they're kidding. {scrolls down}

P.S. We're not kidding.

Color Printer: Yep, I'm doomed. I don't have that much money!!! Or do I? {minimizes e-mail, clicks on icon marked "Money Manager"} Let's see how much money I have. {clicks "Show Balance"}

You have $56.90 in your account.

Color Printer: What?!?!? But that means I have to find a way to get $99,999,999,943.1 before they come after me! Did they give me a deadline? {closes Money Manager, brings e-mail back up} What?!? They didn't give me a deadline! "Immedaite fining consultation"?!? Oh no! I'm doomed!

{Cut to Color Printer on the phone with The Internet Gamers Club of America.}

Color Printer: So, uh...when is my payment due?

IGCOF Council Member: Is there a problem?

Color Printer: Let's just say I'm having trouble getting that much money.

IGCOF Council Member: Well, we'll give you a week. After that...{hangs up}

Color Printer: Gulp.

{Cut to a card that says "Day 1". A music track starts playing. Cut to Color Printer's "Book Sale". Color Printer is selling books to various Wiki members. Cut back to the computer, where Money Manager is up.}

You have $170 in your account.

{Cut to a card that says "Day 2". Cut to the outside of Color Printer's Sister's room. Color Printer runs out holding his piggy bank.}

Color Printer's Sister: {offscreen} Give that back!

{Cut to an bank, where Color Printer is putting the piggy bank money into his account. Cut back to Money Manager.}

You have $320.59 in your account.

{Cut to a card that says "Day 3". Cut to Color Printer washing The Gremlin. Then cut to Color Printer washing the Tire. Then cut to Color Printer cleaning dust off the Lappy 386's screen.}

Strong Bad: {offscreen} When you're done, you can give The Cheat a bath.

{Cut back to Money Manager.}

You have $400.72 in your account.

{Cut to a sequence of pictures. It shows a card for the day number, then Money Manager where Color Printer's money has gone up. On the last day it reads:}

You have $1,000,000 in your account.

{Cut to a card that says "The Aftermath". The music track ends. Cut back to the computer.}

Color Printer: Well...looks like I'm short $99,999,000,000. Looks like I better check my e-mail one last time before I sell the Compaq.

Subject: Oops!

Dear Subscribed User,

It turns out you do not owe 100 billion dollars. Our mistake!
We are sorry for the inconvience.

Thank you,
The Internet Gamers Club of America

Color Printer: Oh. Terrific. {faints}

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "inconvience" to see a little short.

Easter Egg Transcript

{Cut to a card that says "The Easter Egg!" Then cut to the computer.}

Color Printer: aching head. Wha-? {reads e-mail again, mumbling} Ohh...{faints again}

Fun Facts
