(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Halloween
Color Printer dresses up as an anime-style printer for Halloween.
Cast: Color Printer, Bitmap, Homestar Runner, Bubs, Time Soldiers, The Cheat, Homsar (easter egg)
COLOR PRINTER: E-mail, e-mail, 1, 2, 3. E-mail, e-mail, you and me.
Subject: HalloweenHey CP!
E-102 Stinkoman
I was just wondering
what you were going to
dress up as for Halloween.
Knowing it's a little early,
{Says "CP" as "Cuh-Puh" and "E-102 Stinkoman" as "E-something-something-something Anime-man"}
COLOR PRINTER: {typing} Well, E-Stinko, Halloween is only 30 days away. But I don't have to worry: Me and Bitmap already have our costumes! I will be going as:
{Cut to a white background. CP appears, dressed up like an anime-style printer.}
COLOR PRINTER: {voice-over} Purinta, the japanese printer star! And Bitmap will be going as...
{Bitmap appears. He has a white sheet over his body with eyeholes. There is a red X in the top-left corner of his sheet.}
COLOR PRINTER: {voice-over} ...a red X.
{Cut back to the computer.}
COLOR PRINTER: {still typing} Man, I can't wait for Halloween!
{cut to a screen that says "30 days later..." Then cut to CP and Bitmap walking outside, in their costumes.}
COLOR PRINTER: 'Man, I can't believe Halloween's here already!
BITMAP: I know! I'm ready for candy!
{cuts to a door opening to reveal Color Printer and Bitmap.}
COLOR PRINTER: Hmm...doesn't this seem familar?
{You can choose what treat to give them by dragging it onto them.}
Brand Name Candy Bar
COLOR PRINTER: Brand Name Candy Bar? That's a funny name for a chocolate bar.
BITMAP: Are you sure that's chocolate?
Caramel Crunchies
BITMAP: Blech! I hate caramel!
COLOR PRINTER: Don't you have any chocolate bars?
BITMAP: Okay, now what the crap is this?
COLOR PRINTER: We're not going to accept this. You hear me? We're not-{the door shuts}
{Cut to CP and Bitmap walking around again.}
BITMAP: Where to next?
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {dressed up as a Charmander, walks onscreen} Well, if it isn't Printerguy and Imagedude. What brings you here?
COLOR PRINTER: It's Halloween.
BITMAP: What are YOU supposed to be?
HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm a Car-mander! One of those Poké-thingies!
COLOR PRINTER: You mean Charmander? And Pokémon?
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Wight, wight. Charmander. And I'm Homestar Runner.
COLOR PRINTER: Um...you are.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Not anymore! I'm Charman! {jogs offscreen}
BITMAP: Well, that was a waste of time.
COLOR PRINTER: Let's go see what's over there!
{Both of them walk offscreen. Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand, only it is covered in paper bats. The sign reads "BUBS' HAUNTED STAND".}
BUBS: {dressed up as a Time Soldier} Howdy, Print...guy!
COLOR PRINTER: Sigh. Hey, why are you dressed up as a Time Soldier?
BUBS: Number 4 gave it to me! You should see what they're dressing up as!
{Cut to the Time Soldiers' ship.}
TIME SOLDIER #4: {dressed as Kid Radd} Air guitar! Whoo! {plays invisible guitar}
{Cut back to the stand.}
{Suddenly, the Blue-Las Alert sounds.}
BITMAP: {imitating a Cheat Commando} It's the Blue-Las Alert!
{The Cheat walks on screen, dressed as a Blue Laser Minion. The Blue-Las Alert sounds again.}
THE CHEAT: Meh! (Yeah!)
COLOR PRINTER: This is the weirdest Halloween ever.
{The screen fades to black. Cut to the night sky. The words "Click here to e-mail CP" are formed by stars.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on Homestar when he says "Car-mander" to see a Charmander fused with a red car.
- Click on Homestar when he says "Charman" to see a Charmander with an odd hairdo.
- Click on the tree in the background, and Homsar (dressed as a Gaspeu) will fly by.
Fun Facts
- "Purinta" is Japanese for "printer".
- Bitmap's costume is a reference to the red X displayed on the internet when an image fails to load.
- The part where you can give them treats is a reference to The House that Gave Sucky Treats.
- Charmander is a Pokémon.
- Time Soldier is a character from Time Travel.
- Kid Radd is a webcomic character.
- The other 3 Time Soldiers are dressed as a Poorbt, an Astromund, and the cashier from Ink Change.