(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Time Travel
An adventure begins!
Cast: Color Printer, Bitmap, Time Soldiers, Sir Strong Bad, Holo
Places: CP's Computer Room, The Alley, Planet K, The Glitch's Castle
Color Printer: I just know something's gonna happen today!
Dear Color Printer, This is the Time Soldiers. We are a group of people who go around traveling through time making sure it stays in order. We need your help with an URGENT mission! Meet us in the nearest back alley at noon. TODAY! -Time Soldiers P.S. Bring Bitmap too!
Color Printer: Whoa. The Time soldiers. Let's see, right now, it's...{looks at watch, yelps} Yipe! It's 11:50! We only have 10 minutes!
{Cut to the alley. Color Printer and Bitmap are standing there.}
Bitmap: Are they here yet?
Color Printer: No!
{Suddenly, there is a flash, and a ship appears.}
Color Printer and Bitmap: Yaaah!
{The door opens. CP and Bitmap go inside. Cut to the inside.}
Time Soldier #1: Hello. We've been excepting you.
Time Soldier #2: Number 3, shut the door and get us out here!
Time Soldier #3: Right!
{The Door shuts, the ship takes off in a flash of light. There are traveling through time.}
Color Printer: So what's the mission?
Time Soldier #2: We're trying to defeat an evil villan, one who's been on our watch list for quite some time now.
Color Printer: Who is he?
Time Soldier #3: He is...The Glitch!
Time Soldier #1: He's a menace to 20X6! He took down Number 4! Shut down his systems. They backfired, sending him who knows where.
Time Soldier #2: We need your help to stop him.
Color Printer: You bet we'll help!
Bitmap: But I have a show to watch in half an hour!
T.S. #2: Don't worry. We'll get you back before then.
{Cut to Planet K. The Ship appears. All 5 people get off.}
T.S. #1: His castle is around here somewhere...
Bitmap: Um...there? {"points" to a nearby castle}
{Cut to the outside of a castle. Cut to the inside. All 5 people are walking up a flight of stairs.}
Bitmap: {panting} Are we there yet?
T.S. #3: I don't know.
Sir Strong Bad: {offscreen} Stop!
{The screen moves to the right to reveal Sir Strong Bad, who has a pistol and some sort of badge.}
T.S. #2: Sir Strong Bad! What are you doing outside of your time?
Sir Strong Bad: Never you mind! Nobody move or I fire this Time Pistol at you!
T.S. #2: Time Pistol? Like the ones our grandfather used? How in the world did you get it?!?
Sir Strong Bad: Simple. When The Homeschool Winner took over the Time Soldiers by hypnotizing your grandfathers, he hired me!
Everybody except for SSB: Gasp!
Sir Strong Bad: Nobody move!
Bitmap: Oh yeah? Make us!
{Sir Strong Bad fires his Time Pistol at Bitmap and Color Printer.}
Color Printer: Hey! What-
{Color Printer and Bitmap disappear is a flash of light.}
T.S. 1, 2, and 3: NOOOOOOOOO!
{Cut to the computer room, present time. Color Printer and Bitmap appear in a flash of light.}
Color Printer: No! We have to get back! Who knows what Sir Strong Bad will do!
{There is a flash of light, and Holo appears.}
Color Printer and Bitmap: Who are you?!?
{The Paper comes down reading "To Be Continued!"}
Easter Eggs
- When the time soldier mentions The Glitch, press Space to see a picture.
- Click on Holo to see a picture of disabled Time Soldier #4.
Fun Facts
- None, but this is the beginning of a plot!