(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Printer?
Some person (do I even know if it's a person?) asks me how can I type if I'm a printer. Trust me, I get REALLY cheesed off.
Cast (in order of appearance): Color Printer
Places: Computer Room
COLOR PRINTER: I'd step back if I were you. E-mails are known to blow up in the blink of an eye. {double-clicks on the E-mail icon} Just kidding.
Color Printer, How do you type if you are a printer?
COLOR PRINTER: {reads e-mail, pauses} Okay. One: You did not sign it. Two: {longer pause, starts yelling} WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW CAN I TYPE IF I'M A PRINTER?!? I have hands, you know! Just like the rest of my family of printers! THAT'S IT!!! {moves mouse over the Delete button} I'm...{gets out of chair}...going...{runs backwards to the wall}...to...{jumps off it towards the ceiling, jumps from the ceiling into the chair}...DELETE IT! {Clicks on the Delete Button}
{The computer displays the word "DELETED!" and comes back to normal without the e-mail}
COLOR PRINTER: Okay...I'm calm now. Phew. Okay, until next time..{slaps The Sticky Note on screen, gets up and walks off. After a second he comes back onscreen and slaps on another sticky note and walks off. The sticky note reads the following:}
And make them good e-mails!
Fun Facts
- This question will be like the "how do you type with boxing gloves on?" question that Strong Bad gets asked. Seriously.
Author's Comments
- Rating: 1 out of 5 icons
- Another terrible e-mail. Ugh. Where do I come up with these ideas? This is like, an inside joke right now...I guess.
CPmails - Season 1 |
The Paper | Printer? | The New Printer | 20X6 | Secret Food Stash | Ink Change | Virus | Love | 2 questions | Vacation | Anime | Hacker | Train | Movie | Stolen | Stupid | Stalker | Grammar | Inventions | Some Kinda Robot | Pay-per-view | Thoraxcorp | Homsar | Butt IQ | Teen Boy Team |
CPmails - Season 2 |
Time Travel | Stress | Vacation Places | End of Plot | Failed Plots | No Love | Store | Dark Printer | 1337 | Horror | Issue 2 | Ultraman | Bankrupt? | Award | Pacman | Medicine | Subcription | Strong Bad | Halloween | Advertisement | Coolness | Sister NEW! |
Not Quite CPmails |