(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Secret Food Stash
Jesse asks Color Printer if there are any secrets in his house. So, we see his secret stash of food.
Cast (in order of appearance): Color Printer
Places: Computer Room, Hallway, Kitchen, Bottom of Pantry, Basement
COLOR PRINTER: {singing} Doo doo doo, doo doo doot, doot. {double-clicks on "Color Printer E-mail"}
Color Printer, Are they any secerts in your house? Your friend, Jesse
COLOR PRINTER: {reads e-mail, pronounces "secerts" the way it is spelled} That's a good question. {mumbling}...for once...{hits reply, starts typing} Well, you're in luck! It's just about time to take inventory on my...{looks left, then right, then left again, then back at the computer}...secret food stash! I've been keeping it for a long time. And it never spoils. {gets up}
{Cut to the hallway. On the wall is a picture of a bowl of fruit with a spoon taped to it. Color Printer walks in}
COLOR PRINTER: Let's see here...{takes down picture. There is a key taped to the wall. Takes key down} Here we go. {walks off}
{Cut to the kitchen, which is your modern everyday kitchen. Color Printer walks in}
COLOR PRINTER: And now, to open the secret entrance. {opens the fridge}
{Cut to the inside of the fridge. Color Printer reaches for a container of Strawberry Yogurt. Cut to the kitchen.}
COLOR PRINTER: Secretly, this isn't a container of yogurt! It's...{opens yogurt, takes out a remote}...a container holding the remote to my secret food stash! {pushes button on remote}
{The ground starts shaking, then stops. Color Printer walks to the pantry and opens it. The bottom is now a staircase leading below the pantry. Color Printer walks down it. Cut to a door at the bottom of the stairwell. CP unlocks it and goes inside. Cut to CP's basement. It is dark. Color Printer walks down the steps and turns on the light. The room is lit up. We now see various food along the back}
COLOR PRINTER: {walks over to a wall where a piece of paper is taped. CP takes it down} Let's see here...
In fridge: 5 containers of Strawberry Yogurt 3 bottles of Witches' Brew 4 1-liter bottles of Melonade In fruit/vegtable drawer: 4 cabbages 3 packs of celery sticks (10 each) 2 apples Else: 5 bars of chocolate 2 bags of popcorn
COLOR PRINTER: Okay, it's time for work!
{The Paper comes down}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the piece of paper after it's finished to see this little short.
- {Cut to a black screen with the words "After taking inventory"}
- {Cut back to the basement, where Color Printer is gone, and the paper is taped on the wall again.}
- Click on the paper on the wall to see what's left.
In fridge: 3 containers of Strawberry Yogurt 1 bottle of Witches' Brew 2 and a half 1-liter bottles of Melonade In fruit/vegtable drawer: 2 cabbages 1 salad of lettuce and celery 1 pack of 10 celery sticks Else: 3 bars of chocolate Bag of popcorn
Fun Facts
- The song CP sings at the beginning is the SMB theme.
Author's Comments
- Rating: 2.5 out of 5 icons
- Another made up e-mail. This one was so-so, so-so I-I don't-don't have-have much-much to-to say-say about-about it...it.
CPmails - Season 1 |
The Paper | Printer? | The New Printer | 20X6 | Secret Food Stash | Ink Change | Virus | Love | 2 questions | Vacation | Anime | Hacker | Train | Movie | Stolen | Stupid | Stalker | Grammar | Inventions | Some Kinda Robot | Pay-per-view | Thoraxcorp | Homsar | Butt IQ | Teen Boy Team |
CPmails - Season 2 |
Time Travel | Stress | Vacation Places | End of Plot | Failed Plots | No Love | Store | Dark Printer | 1337 | Horror | Issue 2 | Ultraman | Bankrupt? | Award | Pacman | Medicine | Subcription | Strong Bad | Halloween | Advertisement | Coolness | Sister NEW! |
Not Quite CPmails |