(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Trailer
An epic preview of an epic movie: Pacman: The Movie!!!
Cast: Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Sue, Pacman, Mrs. Pacman
{Cut to an old house.}
Narrator: You know it's there...
{A shadow moves across the room.}
Narrator: You hear it...
{There is a loud crash. The shadow comes onscreen and comes toward the camera. Cut to a bedroom.}
Narrator: You can't do anything about it...
{The shadow rises up in front of the bed. We can not see who is in the bed. The shadow is actually Inky, the sky-blue ghost.}
Narrator: Unless...
Inky: {gasps, turns dark blue}
{Cut to the oustide of the house. Pinky, Blinky, and Sue are standing outside the house.}
Inky: {runs outside, screaming} RUN!
{All the other ghosts turn blue, scream, and run. Pacman comes out of the house holding a power pellet. He eats it and glows.}
Narrator: ...you have a power pellet.
{Cut a black screen that reads "Coming to Theaters June 2005"}
Narrator: Coming in June 2005...
{The screen now reads "Never forget"}
Narrator: ...is a movie you will never forget.
{Cut to various shots that include the ghosts and Pacman. Cut to Mrs. Pacman hanging from a cliff.}
Mrs. Pacman: Pacman, help!
{Cut to a close-up of Pacman.}
Pacman: I'll save you, honey!
{Pacman runs towards the edge of the cliff. Mrs. Pacman slips.}
Mrs. Pacman: {falling} PACMAN!!!
{Cut to some more shots of Pacman, Mrs. Pacman, and the ghosts. Cut a screen that says "Don't forget to bring your quarters". Then, cut a Pacman arcade cabinet with the following words. The Pacman theme plays.}
Coming to Theaters June 4th INSERT COINS
Easter Eggs
- Click "COINS" to play Pacman, but with the movie's graphics. (Altered, of course, for your computer screen.)
Fun Facts
- Seriously, I'll make this in an e-mail June 4th. Or at least around that day.