(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Medicine
Color Printer is attacked by spam e-mails about Medicine.
Cast: Color Printer
Color Printer: The e-mail is coming! The e-mail is coming!
Deew Colow Pwintow, Hemmerhhoids givin' you a problem? Try Preparation H. (The "H" stands for "Homestar") Sincerely, Homestar
Color Printer: It's here! {reads e-mail, clicks reply starts typing} Well, Homestar, I have no idea of Hemmerhhoids are. And I've never heard of Preparation Homestar. But I have heard of DELETED! {clicks deleted button, DELETED! screen comes up} {imatating Delete noise} BRAAAAAAMP! Okay, next e-mail.
Color Printer, Buy our freakin' medicine. Bob Thumb
Color Printer: {typing} Well, you see, I don't need any medicine, but I think you need a good DELETING! {DELETED!} BRAAAAAAMP! Next!
This is not a hoax. Free medicine!
Color Printer: Wow! Free medicine! I can't believe it's not DELETED! {DELETED!} BRAAAAAAAAAAMP! Well, that was a total bust. Next time, please, for the love of e-mail, don't sent me spam.
{The Paper comes down.}
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts
- Bob Thumb is a reference to Tom Thumb, a grocery store.
- "I can't believe it's not DELETED" is a reference to "I Can't Believe it's Not Butter".