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Color Printer's E-mails/Horror

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Color Printer is a pretty-pretty spooky in a horror movie.

Cast: Color Printer, Creature, Marshie


Color Printer: It's time for my hit song: E-mail #35!

Dear Color Printer,
What would you look like in a horror movie?

{Color Printer says "dash-dash-something I don't care about" in place of the last line}

Color Printer: {clicks reply, starts typing} Well, Kid Named Sam, I'm been thinking about that for a long time. Let's see here...I'd look like...

{Cut to Color Printer standing in a white background}

Color Printer: {voiceover} Let's see...I'd probably have some fangs...{Color Printer grows fangs}...Bat wings...{Bat wings pop up} eyes...{Color Printer's eyes turn red}...and I'd be EVIL! {Color Printer looks evil all of a sudden} I'd also have a cool name, like: Creature! {Creature hisses and flies away}

{Cut to Creature flying through the spooky forest. Soon Marshie appears onscreen.}

Marshie: Hey there! I'm Marshie! {Creature stops} Capital M then "arshie"! Don'tcha like me?

{Creature attacks Marshie. Marshie screams. Cut to the computer room}

Color Printer: {clears screen} Yeah...that would be me. In a movie. Horror movie. Yeah.

{Pan out to see Creature there beside him.}

Creature: {hisses} Nicccce to meet you, Color Printer. Come with me. {eyes start glowing}

Color Printer: Riiiiiiiiiight.

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "Creature" to see the poster for a movie: "Attack of the Creature!"

Fun Facts

...None, really...