(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Stress
As Color Printer and Bitmap try to get back to 20X6, LJ e-mails CP about stress.
Cast: Color Printer, Bitmap, Holo, Brody, The Glitch
Color Printer: While I'm here, I guess I should...check some e-mails.
To T Pr er t t P s C or, How do y u ma e s ss? Th s y , es s Lun
Color Printer: {Reads e-mail as "To T Per-er t t P s Cor, How do why you mah e s double-s? This why, es-s Lun"} Okay. Looks like the e-mail couldn't get past my new filter. Let's turn it off. {Types "Turn off filter", e-mail turns back to normal} There we go! Now...
To The Printer that Prints Color, How do you manage stress? Thanks you, Jesters Lunar
Color Printer: I get it! {Types "Turn on filter", Clears screen, starts typing} Well, Lunar Jesters, {words sometimes don't appear on screen, but CP doesn't notice. Words in italics are words not on screen} I manage stress in a lot of ways. Sometimes by taking deep breaths. Other times I try and relax by reading a book. But right now, I have a big problem on my hands, and-{stops typing} What the-?
{The screen reads the following}
Well, Lunar Jesters, I manage in a lot ways. Sometimes by deep breaths. Other I try and by reading a . But right , I have a big on my hands,
Color Printer: Some of my words are missing! Stupid filter!
{There is a loud crash}
Color Printer: What the-?
Bitmap & Holo: {offscreen} YAAAAAAAAH!
{Cut the kitchen, where the wall is broken down. Bitmap and Holo are backed in the corner, where a figure is standing over them casting a shadow.}
Color Printer: What's going on in-GAH!
{We can now see the giant figure is actually Brody. Riding on his head is some green The Cheat-looking thing.}
Color Printer: Is that-?
{The green figure on Brody's head raises his arms. There is a giant green flash. When is goes away everyone is gone. Cut to the Glitch's castle. Everybody except Brody and The Glitch reappears in a flash of light.}
Bitmap: Where are we?
Holo: The Glitch's castle. I'd recognize this prison cell decor anywhere!
Color Printer: How are we going to get out of here?
Holo: Easy.
Color Printer and Bitmap: It is?
Holo: I can teleport myself AND other people and objects, so I'll just teleport us out!
{Holo tries to teleport the gang out, but they get electrocuted.}
Color Printer: What the-...why didn't it work?
Holo: The Glitch must have some kind of force field or something. I can't teleport us out!!
Bitmap: What are we going to do?!?
{The TBC Paper comes down.}
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts
- The Plot will thicken soon!