(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/Dark Printer
To make a long story short, Dark Printer comes and destroys the SC 10000.
Cast: Color Printer, Dark Printer (unseen, but shadow is shown in easter egg)
Color Printer: Note to self: Never sell copyrighted material.
Dearest Color Printer, It is I, Dark Printer. Have a Dark Dagger of Death. Hope something bad happens to you!! Melting all da plastic, --DARK PRINTORXZZ
{Color Printer says "Dash-dash-Dark-Printor-ex-z-z" instead of "--DARK PRINTORXZZ"}
Color Printer: {starts typing} Oh no! It's Dark Printer! With a Dark Dagger of Death! No wait, I have that. Hope something bad happens to me? What does that mean?
{the lights turn off all of sudden}
Color Printer: {unseen, not typing} GAH!
{We hear the sounds of objects crashing. There is a mischevious laugh, and then the sound of someone putting some stuff in a bag.}
Color Printer: Who's there?
{We hear some more sounds. The lights come back on. CP is holding a dagger and the SC 10000 is gone.}
Color Printer: Back off! I have a Dark Dagger of Death!
{Zoom out to see that no one is there.}
Color Printer: Oh. {turns to computer, "pretends" to type but nothing is there} Well, that was unex-Wha?!? Someone ran off with my computer! Was it...Dark Printer?!? NOoooooooooooo-{starts coughing}-ooooooooo! Um....sniff...Preeeeow. Eh, Preeeeeow. Preeeeow? Oh, great! They made off with my printer!
{Color Printer gets up. Cut to a fax machine. The Paper comes out fia fax.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the power button on the fax machine to see Dark Printer's shadow go by. Then he'll laugh again.
Fun Facts
- The intro is a reference to the previous e-mail.
- Dark Printer was actually going to be a character I would create, but thatkidsam did that for me.