(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/1337
Color Printer gets a new computer, the Compaq V700! Oh, and we learn he likes leet-speak.
Cast: Color Printer, Leeto
Color Printer: Introducing...{imitates pitiful drumroll}...The Compaq V700! Complete with e-mail! {double-clicks on e-mail icon}
Dear Color Printer, What do you think of leet-speak? I think it's pretty dumb. Sincerly, thatkidsam
Color Printer: {clicks reply, starts typing} What?!? How could you not like the wonderful language of leet-speak? {types "h0w c0u1d y0u n07 1'k3 7h3 w0nd3rfu1 14n6u463 0f 1337-5p34k?", then starts typing normally} I have a friend who speaks leet-speak! Introducing....Leeto!
{Cut to Leeto standing in the computer room}
Leeto: h3110! n1c3 70 m337 y0u. {Hello! Nice to meet you.}
Color Printer: Tell us, Leeto, how cool are you?
Leeto: 45 c001 45 1337-5p34k! {As cool as leet-speak!}
Color Printer: Thatkidsam doesn't like leet-speak. What do you have to say about that?
Leeto: w311, 411 1 h4v3 70 54y 15, 7h3r3 4r3 50m3 p30p13 0u7 7h3r3 1n 7h3 w0r1d wh0 d0n'7 11k3 1337-5p34k. h3ck, 7h3r3 4r3 50m3 p30p13 wh0 h4v3 h47r3d 1n 7h31r h34r7 f0r 1337-5p34k. 4nd 70 7h3m 1 54y: g37 4 11f3. {Well, all I have to say is, there are some people out there in the world who don't like leet-speak. Heck, there are some people who have hatred in their heart for leet-speak. And to them I say: Get a life.}
Color Printer: Ouch.
Leeto: y34h, 1 kn0w. {Yeah, I know.}
Color Printer: Okay, so it's time to end this e-mail! Leeto?
Leeto: {as The Paper comes down} pr333333330w! {Preeeeeeeeow!}
Easter Eggs
- Click on Leeto to see a picture of the book titled How to Speak 1337-5p34k.
Fun Facts
- Compaq V700 is actually the brand of my REAL monitor. Funny.