(even if you aren't vegan)
Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails/foods
Mashed topatoes!
Cast (in order of appearance): Markie, Drastics, Sr. Blaugh, ThunderLakitu, BurninatorBoombox
MARKIE: {types in 'Markie_email_inbox.exe'} Na na na na na na na na BOMBSHELL E-MAIL!!! {presses enter}
Yo yo Yoshi foo! What kinda stuff do you eat? -stinkoman Bowser's Castle (Prison)
{reads "Yo yo Yoshi foo!" as "The Yo-Yo Yoshi Buffoon!" and stops}
MARKIE: Whoa! You must be one of the homies from San Andreas. But in my literal sense, I don't know why I have so much bad Engrish. {continues reading, reads "-stinkoman" as "Capital ess tinkoman"} THE Stinkoman? I have problems. {presses enter, starts typing} What kinda stuff I eat, person of exty-six who is in the dungeon right now? That's easy! I'll just give my fellow humbrates {BSOD pops up: "NOT LEGIT!" and fades, then Markie continues typing} a survey on what kinda stuff I eat!
{Cut to Shroomery Labs, Sector C. Drastics is typing something on his laptop in one of the desks. Scientists are running around like mad.}
DRASTICS: {typing and speaking slowly} ...and...your order will...be filled...in the next...fifteen years...or so. {presses enter}
{Markie comes up to him from the left side of the screen.}
MARKIE: Hey, man. I'm doing a survey for my fellow humbrates.
{Drastics has a sudden look on his face}
DRASTICS: Humbrates? What are you, legitimate?
MARKIE: Don't spoil the running gag. Anyways, I want you to tell me what kinds of stuff I eat.
DRASTICS: {close-up} Well, let's see...{holds up fingers for each item listed}...you eat Mashed Potatoes...pudding...pizza...and...I can't remember the rest.
{Greyscale tone, screen freezes. A red Punchlabel font stamp overlaps the screen. It reads: "FAILURE!"}
{Cut to interior Vanilla Dome. Markie and Sr. Blaugh are standing on a lone island of rock surrounded by lava.}
SR. BLAUGH: So, what kinds of food you like, eh? How about...{extreme close-up}...BLARGG-TYPE SALAD?!
{Greyscale tone, screen freezes again. Label overlap: "A OTHER FAIL!!!"}
{Cut to TLHQ interior living room. ThunderLakitu and Markie are sitting on a ruby red couch.}
THUNDERLAKITU: What kinds of foods you like? Uh...um...gimme a moment.
MARKIE: I'm not patient.
THUNDERLAKITU: ...wait, what?
{Blah blah greyscale, blah blah freeze, label "MORE FAILING!!!"}
{And finally, we cut to Markie's Treehouse exterior. Markie and BurninatorBoombox are sitting on the grass.}
BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Foods? Well I know all the foods you like. It's just that the snag is...that I forgot. All of them. I think.
{Cut back to Markie and the Bluey}
MARKIE: {typing} Well, Mr. Challenge and Fighting, I don't know what kinds of foods I eat, no thanks to 1-UP! Erm, 7-UP! But, I can say, that Sprite will be my favorite soda. And it will always be. Right, Thirst?
{Pan down to Markie's right shoe so that we can see Thirst from the present-day Sprite Ads.}
THIRST: Right, yo! {close-up} Show 'em my motto!
_ | | OBEY YOUR THIRST / \ | | | | SPRITE | _ | \/ \/ E-MAIL MARKIE
Easter Eggs
- Click on "OBEY" to see 1-Up's attempt on drinking Sprite.
Easter Egg Transcript
{We see 1-Up chugging down a party-size bottle of Sprite. After drinking it halfway, one of Stlunko's fists abruptly speeds in from the left side of the screen and punches 1-Up offscreen.}
Fun Facts
Can YOU find them all? DO IT!
The Bluey OS 289 Presents... |
BLUEY OS 289 EMAILS: fights | Mario | toad | Bowser | Virus Inc. | Virus Inc. 2 | Grammar | Crossfusion | Badgers | Stuntz | Crap-e Diminish Cap | hat | Markie the Slayin' Yoshinator | Sly Cooper | foods | hack'd | chaaaaaaallenge | the horrors | jerk? | backlog | Markie the American Dadgronidol | amusements | PWNZORS | TimeShine | boombox | matrix | THE Yoshi | Iraq | psychic | formatting | font special | font special mock 2 | Luigi | secret weapon | subliminal message redux | TheyMightBeG | digimon?! EMAIL SHARDS: ENGRISH: THE MOVIE!!!!!!!11111 | Expalanation of Markie's 20X6 Series | Teh PS9X Ad (not to be confused with PS9K) | Hallow's Days 2005 |