(even if you aren't vegan)
Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails/Grammar
Wrong grammar haunts Markie's inner demons. 'The Specialist' clears things up while he dozes off in anesthesia.
Cast (in order of appearance): Markie, BurninatorBoombox
Page Title: GESDFSHY7FTfggT!!!
MARKIE: {typing in 'Markie_email_inbox.exe'} La de da, ho ha hee. Oochie koochie calamari! {presses enter}
i love u
{pronounces 'i love u' as normal, and 'fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf' as fa-qwhood-gad-shoguns blah blah blah la la lah'}
MARKIE: {presses enter, begins typing} ARGH! What the crap is this crappy crud this time? A series of wrong grammar by THQ Shogun? It's so...not...I better get a glass of water. At least somebody loves me...{leaves recliner chair}
{Camera switches to the kitchen. The camera is focused on the Star Glacier brand water tank. Markie pulls a small lever on its side and water pours from the spout at the metal case. The cup holder beneath it holds the styrofoam cup, and when the water reaches brim level, Markie switches off the lever and grabs his cup, swishing down all the water in five seconds. He releases the cup's edge from his mouth, and gives a slight BURP.}
MARKIE: {relaxingly sighs} Now I can ponder why I confuse grammar with spelling and punctuation. {puts hand to chin} So...obsolete...so...
{Markie faints. The camera moves slowly downwards, where we can see Markie slumped head first on the maroon carpet. 'Z's rise up from his nostrils as he snores. Then, BurninatorBoombox comes in from the left of the screen riding in his tank mode. He spots Markie fast asleep.}
BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Oh, crap, here we go again. I guess this is one of my chances to answer his e-mails.{transforms into robot mode}
{Cut back to the Bluey OS 289. BurninatorBoombox jumps from the right of the screen and onto the recliner chair, and reads the email as normal, but stops at 'fhqwhgads'.}
BURNINATORBOOMBOX: What kind of a name is 'fahoodagasshogansdhajsadbulkhosedabackfabcaveyborf'? I think your love letter is SO not trendy. I guess it's also DELETED!!!
{A popup box in the center of the monitor appears.}
Are you sure you want to delete this e-mail? Y/N
BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Argh, I have to go through this process again. When will it ever auto delete?
{BurninatorBoombox sends a signal to the Bluey that has the letter 'Y' in it. Immediately after the signal is sent, the monitor flashes blue, and it says 'DEFLEETED!!!'}
BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Ha! That'll teach you not to mess with Markie's organic brain. I'll be right back, Mr. Fahoo. I'm going to call my lawyer! ...which is Markie! I mean, I don't have a lawyer! But, I am my own lawyer!
{BurninatorBoombox warps out of his position. The hologram projector comes down.}
Easter Eggs
- Wait fifteen seconds after the e-mail is done to see how Markie is faring with anesthetics.
- {Cut back to the kitchen. Markie is still asleep.}
- MARKIE: {snores}...Bill Gates...Internet...Inter...{snores}...net Explorer...Firefox...{subconsciously passes out}
Fun Facts
- For absolutely no reason, 'DEFLEETED!' is Markie's usual way of saying 'DELETED!!!'
- Markie can't spell 'Fhqwhgads' right.
- This e-mail was done to follow in the footsteps of right grammar and spelling and not to make fun of the name 'Fhqwhgads'.
Real-World References
- THQ is a video game company, but that's all I know about them.
The Bluey OS 289 Presents... |
BLUEY OS 289 EMAILS: fights | Mario | toad | Bowser | Virus Inc. | Virus Inc. 2 | Grammar | Crossfusion | Badgers | Stuntz | Crap-e Diminish Cap | hat | Markie the Slayin' Yoshinator | Sly Cooper | foods | hack'd | chaaaaaaallenge | the horrors | jerk? | backlog | Markie the American Dadgronidol | amusements | PWNZORS | TimeShine | boombox | matrix | THE Yoshi | Iraq | psychic | formatting | font special | font special mock 2 | Luigi | secret weapon | subliminal message redux | TheyMightBeG | digimon?! EMAIL SHARDS: ENGRISH: THE MOVIE!!!!!!!11111 | Expalanation of Markie's 20X6 Series | Teh PS9X Ad (not to be confused with PS9K) | Hallow's Days 2005 |