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Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails/TimeShine

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OMGROFL!!! After 7 or less dedicated months, the 25th Email is finally here! Witness Markie go back and front and forth in time to kick some stuff! Okay, so not really.

Cast (in order of appearance): Mewd, King Apple Maro, Queen Rose Maro, Markie, BurninatorBoombox, Bowser, Tayce T., Random Choir Members, Markie.EXE, ThunderLakitu, Covert OPS Guy, Luigi, Ludwig Von Koopa, Lemmy Koopa, Mario, Drastics, Sr. Blaugh, Thirst, Big Black Blob, Dave The Barbarian, Homsar, Ticket Booth Guy at the Entrance, Koopanitero, Princess Peach, Maruux-II, Porplemontage(cameo), Shigeru Miyamoto(cameo), Tom Hanks(cameo)


The Pointless Prologue: A Public Service Announcement from a biped cat

{Blackness. Words appear on screen:}

Your movie will begin shortly. But
first, a public announcement from Mewd.

{A blue biped cat with a bag of popcorn appears on screen. He clears his throat.}

MEWD: Ahem. {extreme close-up of face with really red eyes} BUY MORE POPCORN!!! {pan out, walks off eating the popcorn.}

Thank you. Now your movie will begin in






We have liftoff!!!

Act I: Teh Future is our Future

{Fade to a futuristic Mushroom Kingdom in the Earth year 2079. The sky is drabbed olive. We pan to a futuristic metropolis where there are very tall skyscrapers and flying hovercars and Yoshis. Various citizens walk on electromagnetically solid and transparent bridges of tinted various colors. The bottom of the metropolis is filled with repaved driveways with hovering stoplights. The camera eventually pans in to Princess Peach's Castle, which still looks the same today. Cut to inside the castle hall. King Apple Maro, a Mario look-a-like with a cyan attire and an "A" replacing the "M" and "L" on his hat. He sports a monocole, a brown cape, the old plumber wear and fancy boots. We eventually see him looking at framed photos of his family.}

KING APPLE MARO: {sighs, voiceover} My parents. One was a great hero of the Mushroom Kingdom. The other was the one the hero saved. {close-up of photo of family} Both died just a few days's possibly the age, I guess. Heart failures. {sniff}

{Pan out. Apple walks through the doors to the royal bedroom. The room is large with purple walls. In one of the walls far back is a King-sized bed with a reading lamp next to it. In the bed is Queen Rose Maro, with beautiful red and silver hair, dressed in a blue bathrobe and reading a Romance novel with her reading glasses.}

KING APPLE MARO: Hi, sweetie.

QUEEN ROSE MARO: Hi, dear. Look, I know you're depressed about the whole "losing your parents" thing. But...t-that's li-

KING APPLE MARO: Yeah, I know. {sits on his side of the bed, hand on chin, thinking}

KING APPLE MARO: {voiceover} This is me, King Apple Maro. {pan to Rose} That's my wife, Queen Rose, daughter of my Aunt Daisy and now-dead Uncle Luigi. My loss of my parents has sort of separated me from her.

QUEEN ROSE MARO: Dear, {worried} I don't want you to cry too much about it.

KING APPLE MARO: don't understand-

{EXPLOSION coming from the door connecting to the hall to the royal bedroom. Macro Siren Troops march in, barging down the door.}

Macro Siren #1: There he is! Seize him!

{Two of the Macro Sirens grab Apple with their hands and drag him off through the door. Two of the troops stay behind.}

Macro Siren #2: As for you, cranky lady...say goodbye to your romance novel!

{The other Macro Siren pulls the string of a Sleep Gas Grenade and throws it at Queen Rose. It explodes before it hits here. The two Macro Sirens leave just as it explodes. Queen Rose coughs a bit, then passes out to sleep from the gas. Cut to the front of the castle. A shadowy figure-like Koopa emerges as the Macro Sirens arrive with King Apple. A Gunship with blaring alarms hovers over the entourage.}

???: Excellent work, my fellow Macro Sirens. Get back in your ship. As for King Apple...release him.

{The two Macro Sirens shove King Apple to the ground face first and teleport mentally to the gunboat. The other entourage of troops follow suit. ??? emerges out of the shadows. It turns out he's none other than a Koopantiero descendant, with a gray pinstripe attire, a gray shell, a binocu-monocole and an explosive Bread Launcher strapped on his back.}

???: You remember me? Kozantiero?

{Flashy Sly 2: Band of Thieves effect. Background is green, name "KOZANTIERO" appears. Subtitle: "Teh breader". Dissolve effect.}


KOZANTIERO: Oh-ho-ho-ho. You die now. {takes out a taser}

KING APPLE MARO: Oh have got to be friggin' kidding m-

KOZANITERO: Oh YESSS!!! {fires green surge of electricity at Apple}

{The electricity shock Apple, causing him to twitch very quickly. After a moment, he vanishes into a cloud of dust.}

KOZANTIERO: My work here is done.

{Kozantiero goes to mentally teleport back to the gunship, but he throws down the tazer first. He then stomps on it repeatedly so as to break it. Finally, he mentally teleports to the gunship. Pan slowly out of the futuristic metropolis. Then fade to black.}

KING APPLE MARO: {voiceover} The fool didn't actually know I wasn't dead. Actually, for lack of better words, let's just say I was "time switched..."

{Abrupt cut to present-time at Markie's Treehouse. We see Markie checking his e-mail.}

MARKIE: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMAIL!!! M AND BB EMAIL!!! {bobs his head} A one two three four!!

{Words appear on-screen as rock music is played. A bouncing red ball bounces on said words.}

Third wheel ten seconds sharing who da man whatever cancel cantaloupe

{Cut to birds-eye view of Yoshi's Island}

medium-rare or well-done!

{Yoshi Stampede Montage in the sand}


pizza said

{Tribal Yoshi group banging congo drums}

Bowser just lived trashy

{Random Choir Members! Yay!}

Random Choir Members:

{Back to Tribal Yoshi drumming}

That's me! stuff shut up and


{Markie's Treehouse. Markie is breakdancing to Jazzy folked up music.}

THQ Shogun

chances organic lawyer!

{Foreground and background turn cyan, digital theme}

what's up

guy crossfusion fused

{Silhouettes and transparent figures of every character seen in M&BB Emails appear as Markie dances}

entrepeneur send you

hybridizing legally yukagen MYSTERIES!!!

{background turns red}

Unit Mercado near

tots? DESTRUCTION! Jay-Jay the Jetman YOSHI

Markie delete file

BROOM. Heeeeeeeeeere's

{Now we cut to Markie on top of his treehouse. One by one, all of the characters except for the new ones in this e-mail appear breakdancing.}

Director's Cut

conscience sleep?


really fun

burninating city


blue stuff?


{screen now is warped and distorted}

humbrates eat




is Dirty Joke. hack huh? Maruku

Scoot over a bit.


Texas Mafia

{Slowly warp back to Markie and the Bluey.}

hybrid fakelism ever!

Fizzy Cruelty, uh...


edible arts and crafts



Ticket Booth Guy at the Entrance:
commit arson



Would you like a

Some Announcer:

{Everything is back to normal}


MARKIE: Yay! Had to get that off my saddle. Check my e-mail for me, please, I'm gonna get some water. {leaves leather chair, BurnBox hops on it and starts typing with two robotic pincer claws: "Markie_email_inbox.exe".}

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Grumble grumble twenty-fifth e-mail. A grumble grumble not so quite e-mail. {presses enter}

Dear Markie,

Can you Time Travel? And
Have you ever saved
Princess Peach from Bowser's
Castle? Please Time Travel now!


BURNINATORBOOMBOX: {reads up to "Castle?"} Uh, no. Please Time Travel now, Mitchell. {presses enter, starts typing} Wow, you must be a dedicated person who started the whole fan craze and crap. Well, let me give you a bit of advice: DON'T YOU DARE EAT MY POPCORN CHICKEN. {a scribbled arrow appears to the right of BurninatorBoombox and annotates him with the text "He meant it in literally sensiblism"} With that out of the way, let's get down to Brass Trumpets. {presses enter, continues typing} If Markie could time travel, he would be here right now and-

MARKIE: {off-screen} I'm right here, stupid!

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Stop saying such Newgroundsness! {continues typing} And then he would build a time machine. And go back in the past. Or back to the future. I don't really know. As for the Princess Peach part, well, uh, maybe we have res-queed {types in "res-queded"} the Princess from the clutches of a Koopa madman.

{Static. Then we cut to inside Bowser's Castle. Markie(who looks like a knight but is actually him in BurninatorBoombox's armor) is standing in front of Bowser's throne. Bowser is sitting on his throne, grabbing Princess Peach by the hair and dangling her over a vat of hot lava mixed with chili stew.}

BOWSER: Come any closer or the princess gets it! Actually, I lied. She dies NOW!!!

{Bowser drops Princess Peach, only for Princess Peach's feet to touch the edge of the vat and jump up to punch Bowser in the face, knocking him unconscious.}

PRINCESS PEACH: Thanks, boys, but, uh, you should let Mario do the work next time.

{Princess Peach jumps out the nearest window with a glass-shattering zing. Markie is wide-eyed and wide-mouthed.}

MARKIE: ...t-that's it? We went through 20 2D sidescrolling levels for NOTHING?!

{A huge rock filled with cyan plasma energy falls down and crushes Markie.}

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: {muffled} Yep, I think so.

{More static, then we cut to Markie with BurninatorBoombox on his lap. Markie is rolling the big rock to his treehouse.}

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Are we there yet?

MARKIE: Don't make me cliché you.

{More static, then cut back to BurninatorBoombox and the Bluey.}

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Ah, yeah, the origin of Markie's fetish of Ion.


BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Uh, no. {starts typing} So, yeah, we failed to rescue Princess Peach. And then a random thing happened, which led to another. And finally-

{Markie shoves BurninatorBoombox off-screen to the left, and he sits down and continues where BurninatorBoombox left off}

MARKIE: {typing in new line} And finally I have some good news! I built a time portal!

{Cue Cheat Commandos riff.}

MARKIE: up. {typing} I built a time portal conveniently named...{pan out as flashy Photoshopped text "TIMESHINE!!!" appears above Markie, his voice echoes} TIMESHINE!!! {back to normal} To view statistics of this grandeur crap, press 1. {BurninatorBoombox imitates a bird sound} To go somewhere to the future, press 2. {BurninatorBoombox imitates R2-D2}. To go back in time like that Time Force show featuring a guy from another planet, press 3. {BurninatorBoombox imitates a gong.} To repair or edit, press 4.

{Slowly pan up a bit. We see Markie's Bedroom, then the top platform of the treehouse, and finally at the highest peak, where we can see an octangular room called the "HIGHER ATTIC". The TimeShine portal with other necessities is visible(pic coming soon). The center of the portal flashes blue and white lightning seeps out from it, hitting the air. The electricity materializes King Apple Maro, and the energy from the portal fades. Apple lands on his back.}

KING APPLE MARO: Ohhhh...{rubs back} back.

{King Apple gets up and looks around him. He eyes the TimeShine suspiciously.}

KING APPLE MARO: {voiceover} I had recently ended up in the year 2005, a year where my father Mario was still living. This would be a good opportunity to visit him, but that would possibly make him hysterical and paranoid. And change my future.

KING APPLE MARO: That's odd...this looks like a time portal.

{Apple opens the door to his right and leaves to explore his surroundings. Unexpectedly, the camera zooms back at the TimeShine, and the center of the portal now flashes yellow. Green lightning seeps out and hits the air, forming a ravenous vampirish beast of some sorts. It has yellow eyes, black fur, raven colored hair, metal claws, a sterling silver chest plate, and a tattered raven cloak. His eyes flash menacingly.}

???: Phase One of operation "Takeover" complete. Phase Two commencing.

{The beast closes its eyes, and with a streaky jump effect, he teleports off-screen. Now we cut to Markie with BurninatorBoombox on his saddle, climbing up the ladder that takes them to the high platform of the treehouse.}


BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Relax, Markie. We know it ain't flaming piles of rubble again.

MARKIE: I know, but I want to check the plot first. And see if anyone went through the TimeShine. If they did...then we can possibly create a-

{Abruptly cut to Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face, and The Ugly One in a Teen Girl Squad comic.}


{Record scratch, abruptly cut back to Markie with BurnBox climbing the ladder.}

MARKIE: Yeah, um, well, you get the idea.

{We cut to the platform. Markie emerges from the ladder and scans his line of sight.}

MARKIE: All clear!

{Markie gets on the platform, but is knocked back by the blur of ???. We see the Yoshi falling through the ladder chute and back down to his living room, BurnBox cushioning his fall.}

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Lucky for me, that didn't hurt one bit.

MARKIE: And vice versa?

{??? quickly appears in front of Markie.}

???: You are correct.

{Markie gets up and brandishes his Ion Blade.}

MARKIE: Who are you and what do you want? Some popcorn, some chicken, some pudding...

???: All of the said words, my friend.

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: {whispering to Markie} This is one of them mysterious villanous guys who look like they're villains but they're not.

MARKIE: {whispering} You lie. Only a madman can do that.

???: The BurninatorBoombox is right. My name...

{Silence. After a few moments, we hear crickets chirping.}


???: In a bit, my friend. But for now, you can call me...Maruux. {Mar-oocks}. {Subtitles: Maruux (Not Keanu Reeves)} Two.

MARKIE: And your point is?

MARUUX-II: I am the leader of the operation "Takeover" in the year 2079. I have come to this treehouse to recruit you to join this Takeover.


MARUUX-II: You'll die.

MARKIE: My Gads! He's threatening to kill us! SO THE HUMOR WAS HERE ALL ALONG!

MARUUX-II: No. I won't kill you. The Macro Siren Troops will.

MARKIE: {scratches head} Macro...siren?

MARUUX-II: Do you know {raises eyebrow} THE FORBIDDEN ONE?

MARKIE: Uh, let me guess, he's...the one with the sorta curly moustache and the brown Koopa shell with breadstick missiles, a ProZD type sword cane, and, uh, a breedible Spain-Italy mix.

MARUUX-II: You are correct. Koopantiero. {brandishes a yellow orb, it expands to show a hologram of a montage of Koopantiero conquering vast lands} In the year 2045, Koopantiero takes over Sarasland with minor bloodshed. In the year 2069, he was gunned down by rebel Toads. Supporters of his rule revived and sort of rebuilt him in 2071. Eight years later he killed the son of Mario and Princess Peach, or should I say zapped him to another time. {extreme close-up of glowing eyes} THIS TIME.

{Silence again.}

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Montages make me bored.


MARKIE: So, where is the son of Mario and Peach?

MARUUX-II: I don't know. But you better be ready, because he asks a lot of questions. Oh yeah, and he'll possibly give you some new superpowers. But I doubt that.

{Maruux-II walks to the kitchen and grabs a plastic cup. He activates the Star Glacier water dispenser and fills the cup to the brim and swigs it down in one gulp. Maruux-II crushes the cup with his fist and perfectly shoves it in the mini recycling bin to his left.}

MARUUX-II: Ah, that was a good drink. Now I'm starving. Do you have any rice?

{Markie looks at BurninatorBoombox, who looks at Markie, and vice versa manytimes, until Markie says something.}

MARKIE: Fried or chewy?

MARUUX-II: What's the point? Just rice, that's all.

{Markie and BurninatorBoombox look at each other, bewildered.}

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: What? Don't look at me, this guy's taken all the humor from this time of stuffs.

{Ding dong!}

MARKIE: Hold on, I'll be right back. Cook something while you're at it. Like, a Quesadilla.

{Markie leaves off-screen. Cut to Maruux-II.}

MARUUX-II: You know, this reminds me, I can cook rice better than your mom.

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: So what does it have to do with Shigeru Miyamoto who is suddenly standing next to you, ready to sever you with a Bob-Omb and a Machete?

MARUUX-II: You really think I would fall for that?

{Pan out so that we can see Shigeru Miyamoto holding a Bob-Omb and a Machete in his hands. His grin is too slap-happy.}

MARUUX-II: Crap, I fell for it.


{Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails will be right back after the break. But, who am I kidding, just watch the commercials.}

Act II: Yoshi

{Fade in to Koopantiero at the front door of the treehouse. Just then, the door opens. Markie appears.}

MARKIE: Hello, is- {extreme close-up} GASP!

KOOPANTIERO: {extreme close-up} GASP!

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: {extreme close-up} GASP!!

MARUUX-II: {extreme close-up} Gasp?

TOM HANKS: {extreme close-up of nose} GASP.

{Pan out. BurninatorBoombox and Maruux-II look at Tom Hanks.}

MARUUX-II: Get lost, random actor.

TOM HANKS: Awwwwwwwww...

{Tom Hanks leaves off-screen to the right. The screen is then tinted black.}

Quiet British Announcer: {words appear on screen as he says it} We apologize for the random interruption. We now return to our regularly scheduled program.

MARKIE: Koopantiero, what are you doing here?

KOOPANTIERO: Uh...{takes out list and reads off of it} Eat bread, eat bread, eat bread, eat bread, take over your treehou-

{SLAM! The door slams on Koopantiero's hand vertically downwards as it crosses through, causing him to fall down and fall in agony.}


{Back to the living room. Maruux-II now has a bottle of Sprite in his hands.}

MARUUX-II: Good thinking, Markie. {chugs some Sprite down} This should stall him for about nineteen hours, twenty-eight minutes, four seconds, and eight hundred sixty millise-

{As Maruux-II speaks, we hear part of the ceiling collapsing. Then, rubble falls from above Maruux-II, and King Apple Maro falls on him.}

MARKIE: WOAH! You okay, Mr. Mario Cosplayer?

{King Apple Maro gets up. He acts as if he doesn't know Markie and BurninatorBoombox.}

KING APPLE MARO: "Mr. Mario Cosplayer?"

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: Wrong choice of colors, my friend.

KING APPLE MARO: Choice of colors? B-but, I'm the son of Mario!

MARKIE: ...I'll pretend I don't believe you. Actually, I do believe you. Because a little midget told me. He told me stuff. About. You. Or maybe I read ahead in the-

MARUUX-II: Ungh. {gets up, only to face Apple} So it really is you. Apple Maro.

MARKIE: {?! appears over his head}

KING APPLE MARO: And what business you have with me?

MARUUX-II: To make sure you don't get killed by some random hystercial maniac of manic proportions who is actually threatening to take over more proportions {we see Markie jotting down all of this in a notepad at this point} and even more as we speak, because the future or the futu-ture is in your or maybe my or maybe even their {Markie's eyes widen} hands. Or pincers.

BURNINATORBOOMBOX: You don't know crap!

MARUUX-II: {looks at Markie's notepad notes as he also jots down what BurninatorBoombox says} You...don' I do. And I hold the keys of your future. No, wait, somebody else {pan out so that we can see the Wallmaster popping up from the floor, using its bionic eye in its palm to constantly see the notes Maruux-II is writing. The notepad it writes on is on Maruux-II's back.} does. No, wait, I do. No, uh, wait, now I know crap. Argh, whatever. Just, just, {King Apple Maro now leans over the Wallmaster and eyes his notes suspiciously, writing down the exact notes on another notepad. Finally, BurninatorBoombox is on his back, with a notepad in one pincer and a pencil in another. He uses a mini security camera to see Apple's notes and write them down on the notepad.} shut up about this notepad gag.

MARKIE: Where did we get all these notepads, anyway?

WALLMASTER: {points upwards and vanishes in thin air}

{Quickly pan up to the HIGHER ATTIC. The TimeShine is currently active, spewing out red lightning and materializing notepads. A pile of notepads and pens and pencils are next to the TimeShine. Suddenly, the electricity materializes a Macro Siren Troop who exits the HIGHER ATTIC. A few more Macro Sirens are materialized, following suit.}

Macro Siren #3: Okay, everyone! Let's tear this place apart and make sure we forget this all ever happened! Take no prisoners, troops! Let's MOVE MOVE MOVE! {points in random direction}

{Cut back to the living room. Everyone stands still to respond to the clattering upstairs.}

MARUUX-II: It's them.

KING APPLE MARO: Oh no...not them.

MARKIE: "Them"?

MARUUX-II: ...Macro Siren Troops.

MARKIE: I thought so. {brandishes Ion Cannon, only for Maruux-II to stop him}

MARUUX-II: Wait. Don't fire at them.

{Silence for a few seconds. We then hear rumbling. The ceiling abruptly gives in and fall on the crew, covering nearly every single inch of the floor.}

'MARKIE: {muffled} You had to ask.

Macro Siren Troop #4: {off-screen} They're on the bottom floor! KILL THEM!!!

MARKIE: {pushes hand through the rubble and gets up} Everyone! The Macro Siren Troops are here! Get up!

{Everyone gets out of the rubble, only to be responded with gunfire from the incoming Macro Siren Troops jumping from the ceiling.}


{Maruux pulls out a taser and whacks two Macro Sirens with it. Markie dodges the fire of a third's hand cannon and pulls out his Ion Cannon. He fires a blast at the troop, who is pushed back by it. BurninatorBoombox quickly runs from two more troops with tank treads. He pulls out two small minigun turrets and fires at the troops, knocking them back a bit, before they fall unconscious. King Apple charges up hit fist and uppercuts the last troop and grabs him by the feet, then swings him into the front door, knocking him out. Wide view of the partial ruins of Markie's home. The crew is standing there, looking at the mess.}

MARKIE: Dang. After twenty-five hard spent, uh, periods of time...for nothing.

MARUUX-II: No, THAT'S {points at kitchen} nothing.

{The kitchen is on fire. The flames eventually spread to the living room and rot away everything in sight.}

KING APPLE MARO: Let's get out of here.

{King Apple jumps high up into the sky, as Maruux follows suit. BurninatorBoombox follows along with automated flying boosters. He flies, but then stops as Markie is hesitating.}


{Markie sighs and quickly lashes his tongue at the Bluey, which is burning like hell. He then crouches and flashes white, and finally jumps to the sky, and onto the top platform. Fire and rubble is all around. Maruux and Apple are at the HIGHER ATTIC. The TimeShine is open.}


{Everyone jumps into the portal just before it blows up in a flash. Fade to blackness. The number "2079" is displayed. Suddenly, it is crossed out.}

ANNOUNCER: But before the people could actually reach 2079, this email was cut short and would eventually be continued to the 26th e-mail. Instead, enjoy this last reel of film brought to you by your mom.

Act III: A Hard Act to Follow Epilogue: Koopantiero's Revenge

{Cut to nighttime Toad Town, at the ruins of Markie's Treehouse. Koopantiero is trying to lift up the front door with his weak hands. Just then, it falls over and hits him.}

KOOPANTIERO: {weakly} Ow, my nose. {pushes door back} Huh?

{Koopantiero noticies the ruins of Markie's Treehouse. The rubble is burnt and crisped, and the Macro Siren Troops are still unconscious.}

KOOPANTIERO: Hmmmmm...this gives me a good idea...he he he he...{close up}...Ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA- {gets hit by incoming rock} OW CRAP!!! {falls down}

{The now tainted hologram projector comes down, saying "Not So Happy 25th Email, Email Mars Kay Koopantiero at". The words "TEH END" appear in the middle of the screen.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "TEH" to see 1-Up and maybe even Thatkidsam congratutiviate Markie on a not that really exciting 25th.

Fun Facts


  • The next 25 emails will take place in 2079, as you may have guessed.

Inside References

  • The Wallmaster makes an appearance again. He first appeared in "the horrors".

Real-World References

  • Three words: MEWD IS INSANDE[sic].
  • Porplemontage is one of the fellow people here in the Fanstuff Wiki, and the creat of Custom Strong Bad Emails.
  • Markie's number prompting mocks the options providers give you when you call them on the phone.
  • Markie mentions of Power Rangers: Time Force.

See Also