(even if you aren't vegan)
Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails/Crap-e
Jman4Ever emails Markie and is challenged to tell Waluigi that he is a dumb and crappy guy. But he already has. And now Markie wants to buy some tater tots. Hash browns.
Cast (in order of appearance): Markie, Waluigi
Page Title: Waluigi was so fat, he sat on the TV and watched the couch.
MARKIE: {types in 'Markie_email_inbox.exe'} Oh, oh! We got a new e-mail coming in from explicit Radio Los Santos! And I hope it's not KN! {presses enter}
Dear Markie,
Tell Waluigi that he is a dumb and
crappy guy.
-Jman P.S.: Give me some of your tots.</pre>
MARKIE: {typing} Tots?! You mean, tater tots? Those crispy hash brown things that look like marshmallows but ain't? You have got to be kidding me. I really hate those. But, {presses enter} seeing as if I already hate Waluigi because he might have Froelich's Syndrome like Akhenaten IV {pronounces it like 'Akhenaten the Fourth-slash-ivy'}, I'm not going to do this. Before I can DEFLEET this e-mail, here's some pointy cutscenes.
{Cut to Waluigi at a Mushroom Kingdom bus stop. Markie walks up to him.}
{Markie throws a Yoshi egg at Waluigi, knocking him out.}
WALUIGI: Pretzels and seventy gig pie...
{Cut to the entrance of a Liquor Store in Sarasland, conveniently named 'Sarasland Cheapies'. Markie walks up to Waluigi, who is eating a burrito.}
WALUIGI: What do you want now?!
{Markie takes out a sledgehammer and pummels Waluigi to the ground twice.}
MARKIE: Idiot.
{Cut back to the Bluey and Markie.}
MARKIE: {typing} So you see, Jay-Jay the Jetman forever you are, whenever there is, I have called Waluigi a dumb and crappy guy many times. I even cracked a few 'Yo Mama' jokes through the phone. But that's not important. What's important is, this e-mail isn't DEFLEETED now, I need the script to be TEN LINES long, and...I need to do virtual tater tot shopping. Be right back.
{Markie leaves the chair. The hologram projector comes down.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "TEN LINES" to see an advertisement on the Hash-Brown Mini Con Convention Thing.
Give us some of your tots fair!
The Hash-Brown Mini Con Convention Thing 2005 will present
Fun Facts
Inside References
- The sledgehammer is from the Mario games.
- Sarasaland is from Super Mario Land.
- KN = "King Nintendoid", one o' my friends.
Real-World References
- Riddle: What is the name of a plant which is also a roman numeral? Answer: Posion IV. Ivy. Uh, yeah.
- Truth be told, Akhenanten IV really has Froelich's Syndrome. He is one of Egypt's New Kingdom pharaohs and is known to be monotheistic, which many people hated him for. After his death, they destroyed everthing associated with him. Few remain. I think.
- The email coincidentally references that Napoleon Dynomite!!! movie crap. What with the tots and all. I haven't realized it until many months after the processing of this email.
The Bluey OS 289 Presents... |
BLUEY OS 289 EMAILS: fights | Mario | toad | Bowser | Virus Inc. | Virus Inc. 2 | Grammar | Crossfusion | Badgers | Stuntz | Crap-e Diminish Cap | hat | Markie the Slayin' Yoshinator | Sly Cooper | foods | hack'd | chaaaaaaallenge | the horrors | jerk? | backlog | Markie the American Dadgronidol | amusements | PWNZORS | TimeShine | boombox | matrix | THE Yoshi | Iraq | psychic | formatting | font special | font special mock 2 | Luigi | secret weapon | subliminal message redux | TheyMightBeG | digimon?! EMAIL SHARDS: ENGRISH: THE MOVIE!!!!!!!11111 | Expalanation of Markie's 20X6 Series | Teh PS9X Ad (not to be confused with PS9K) | Hallow's Days 2005 |