(even if you aren't vegan)
Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails/Badgers
Ekul, soon to be Ekul the Marauding Maniac who lives in a trash can, asks how many badges Markie has. This is a problem for Markie, because he doesn't own Paper Mario or the Thousand Year Door. Though, he has a few merit badges in store for all y'all...
Cast (in order of appearance): Markie, ThunderLakitu
Page Title: AAA Pwnage Badgers
MARKIE: {singing while typing 'Markie_email_inbox.exe'} Oh, a mushroom here, and a mushroom there! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! At least ten lines a response must fare! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! {stops singing} Wait, did I just break the fourth wall? Never mind. {presses enter}
Dear Markie,
How many badges do you
Ekul, Lukatia
have? You know, like,
Zap-Tap... Return Postage...
Which ones are your favorite?
{pronounces 'Ekul' as 'E-cool' and 'Lukatia' as 'Lew-KAY-tee-ah'}
MARKIE: {typing} Ekul? Isn't that like, backwards for Luke? And like, isn't Sacul backwards for Lucas? THE George Lucas? Man, I spoiled the joke. {presses enter} So let me get this straight. How. Many. Badges. I have. My. Favorites. Um...you know, I don't have Paper Mario or its sequel, so I don't have any badges. But, I've got, the Triple A Spike Badge, {stops typing and a picture of the Triple A Spike Badge from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga comes up(a picture of a metal Spiny Shell) then fades} the Tank Badge {stops typing and a picture of the Newgrounds tank comes up as a badge, then fades again as Markie types} and...that's it. BUT!...guess what? I have Merit Badges! Yes, for dubious and shiny hono...u...rs. {slight pause between 'hono' and 'rs' as Markie types '...u...'}
{Cut scene to outside the treehouse. ThunderLakitu is knocking on the door.}
THUNDERLAKITU: Hello? Markie? A good fellow entrepeneur of mine wants to send you something!
{Back to Bluey OS 289 and Markie.}
MARKIE: {not typing} Wh-whuh? {faces door way, camera turns around so that we completely see the back of his head} Hold up! {faces back to monitor with Third Person Camera angling, then starts typing} Give me a second, you soon-to-be marauding maniac who will soon live in a trash can. I think I have a badger in the mail.
{Cut back to outside of the treehouse.}
THUNDERLAKITU: {still knocking} Hey! Open up!
{The front shutter vertically opens. Markie is standing in the doorway.}
MARKIE: Hey, TL. What'cha got for me this time?
THUNDERLAKITU: Um...a new badge.
MARKIE: Merit or power?
MARKIE: {jumps back} HOLY CRAP! You mean to say that black market Koopas are now counterfeiting and hybridizing badges of unspeakable worthyness and worthlessness? That's cheap!
THUNDERLAKITU: No, it's not what you think. Wario made it. {pulls out from his shell a silver medal with the words 'Moolah Money' on it and puts it on Markie's right palm} He calls it the Double Coin Honors - for being such an investor on money. This doubles your bank account.
MARKIE: I call that legally illegal. {clutches badge and the shutter closes}
THUNDERLAKITU: Wait! You forgot your freshly imported from Tagalog country Pancit Canton!
{Cut back to the Bluey. Markie comes in from the right side of the screen and begins typing.}
MARKIE: {typing} So, in conclusion, marauding maniac who lives in a trash can...um...I don't have a favorite badge. Because I don't have Paper Mario or its sequel. But I have badges. Badgers. Custom ones. The end. SENT!!! {slams on F3, the BSOD, or more like the Grey Screen of Death, comes up, showing in size 24 Impact font these words: 'Sent!!!'} Ah, good times. Well, that does it for right now's e-mail. Tune in sometime and watch me beat the crap out of Roy Jones Jr. in Fight Night 2004!
{Markie leaves to the left side of the screen, and the hologram projector comes down.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on 'Lukatia' on the e-mail after Markie says it to view a poster promoting the 3rd biannual backwards aliases and whatnot for sturdy protagonists pep rally, sponsored by Mario Bros. Pipe Realm and Lukatia.
Join Ekul in the crusade to live with backwards names! Sponsored by MBPR and Lukatia Enterprises! Not affiliated with C11! BOOPADOOP!
- Click on 'marauding maniac' at the end to see ThunderLakitu do...stuff.
- {We see ThunderLakitu still outside the doorway. The sky shows that it's close to sunset.}
- THUNDERLAKITU: Um...your freshly warmed Pancit Canton is getting cold...can you hear me? {sniffs} Well, at least it smells tasty...
Fun Facts
- Before this e-mail was finished, Ekul said that I pronounced all of his backward aliases right, and I'm now being 'punished' by HaguruPoints. Weird ish all.
- It's the truth. Markie doesn't have PM or PM:TTYD. I'm guessing that the aforementioned badges in Ekul's e-mail are on there.
- It's also known to man that Ekul will someday become Ekul the marauding maniac who lives in a trash can. So be it.
- ThunderLakitu was one of them characters Markie drew on scratch paper, in the form of 'TL Comics', a series of stuff between Sr. Blaugh and him.
- If you wonder way Markie would pause in 'hono...u...rs', it's because he's reflecting back on when somebody wanted to update the dictionary in the olden days and shorten words with neccessary u's in them.
Real-World References
- Pancit is one of the foods in the Philippines the Filipinos eat. And I'm one of them. But I don't live there.
- The Newgrounds Tank is an obvious reference to the site itself.
The Bluey OS 289 Presents... |
BLUEY OS 289 EMAILS: fights | Mario | toad | Bowser | Virus Inc. | Virus Inc. 2 | Grammar | Crossfusion | Badgers | Stuntz | Crap-e Diminish Cap | hat | Markie the Slayin' Yoshinator | Sly Cooper | foods | hack'd | chaaaaaaallenge | the horrors | jerk? | backlog | Markie the American Dadgronidol | amusements | PWNZORS | TimeShine | boombox | matrix | THE Yoshi | Iraq | psychic | formatting | font special | font special mock 2 | Luigi | secret weapon | subliminal message redux | TheyMightBeG | digimon?! EMAIL SHARDS: ENGRISH: THE MOVIE!!!!!!!11111 | Expalanation of Markie's 20X6 Series | Teh PS9X Ad (not to be confused with PS9K) | Hallow's Days 2005 |