(even if you aren't vegan)
Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails/Crossfusion
Cast (in order of appearance): Markie, Markie.EXE
Page Title: Team Colonel!
MARKIE: {types in 'Markie_email_inbox.exe'} C'mon baby I'm tired of talkin'. Doo doo dah do ah do do da do do. Check your e-mails and let's start walking, do do dah dee dee, dah dah de do do, c'mon c'mon, c'mon c'mon! C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon! C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon! Blah, blah blah blah blah, blabbety blab a blah blah a blab bah blah blah blah blah blah ba ba BAAAAAAAA...oh, forget it. {presses enter}
Dear Markie,
If you could fuse with someone
~Hagurumon, again.
to become one person for a
half-hour, who would you choose
and what would the result be?
MARKIE: {presses enter, starts typing} You again! Um, uh, yeah. So, if I could fuse with someone to become one person for half an hour, that would be...well... {stops typing}Say hello to my NetNavi, one of my top secret projects ever...Markie dot e ecks e!
{Markie pulls out from beneath his saddle pocket a PET device. It's blue like Hikari Netto's. The screen is black. The Yoshi checks to make sure it's on.}
MARKIE: What the crap? {looks at laptop monitor} I guess he must've put the device on Sleep Mode again...
{Suddenly, what once appeared to be black materializes into blue light. Markie.EXE is shown on-screen. For a full bio and his looks, go to the bio.}
MARKIE.EXE: Here I am, I am sam! Something something...something. Yeah. So what's up, Markie?
MARKIE: Nothing, really. Just this guy, his name's Hagurumon, he wants to see the result of crossfusion.
MARKIE.EXE: Well, all you gotta do is try to act out that crossfusion thing on Rockman.EXE, and presto fettuchini- fused!
MARKIE: Hold up a second. {looks at monitor and presses the only F13 button in existence in the universe, thus bringing up a 360 degree wireframe 3D animation of Markie.EXE on-screen. He presses the up arrow and Markie's wireframe model replaces Markie.EXE's model. Markie presses enter, and the wireframe animation shows Markie.EXE and Markie fused together, with Markie.EXE's helmet the shape of Markie's Yoshi head, and Markie's tail coming out from his back, armored in blue. He presses F13 again, and closes the animation, thus bringing us back to the e-mail.}
MARKIE.EXE: So...that might be what it would look like if the crossfusion took place, right?
MARKIE: Exactly. {puts away Markie.EXE in his saddle pocket and presses enter, then resumes typing} So you see, H-man, THAT'S why English dubbing for animes reek. And it's longer to do. Fortunately, with a little help from a Rockman.EXE database I found, I know what crossfusion is, I know how to do it, and how I would look like fused with Markie.EXE. And...CUT!
{The hologram projector comes down, now saying 'Clicketh here to email Markie: MarkieV101@aol.com'}
MARKIE.EXE: {audible} Is it over yet?
Easter Eggs
- Click on 'Rockman.EXE' at the end to see prototype designs for Markie/Markie.EXE's crossfusion.
- Click on 'fused' at the end to see Markie in BurninatorBoombox's armor.
Fun Facts
- Apparently somebody's been bugging me about BurninatorBoombox transforming. Might as well get it over with and add an easter egg on him transforming to a robot and to be my fusion armor.
Real-World References
- The opening to the e-mail is part of Elvis Presley's song 'A Little Less Conversation'.
- It's true, alrighty. Some of my pals say that english dubbing for animes are...um...well...bad. You know the story.
- Hikari Netto = Lan Hikari
- Rockman.EXE = Megaman.EXE
- For all those who aren't used to Japanese Transliterations.
The Bluey OS 289 Presents... |
BLUEY OS 289 EMAILS: fights | Mario | toad | Bowser | Virus Inc. | Virus Inc. 2 | Grammar | Crossfusion | Badgers | Stuntz | Crap-e Diminish Cap | hat | Markie the Slayin' Yoshinator | Sly Cooper | foods | hack'd | chaaaaaaallenge | the horrors | jerk? | backlog | Markie the American Dadgronidol | amusements | PWNZORS | TimeShine | boombox | matrix | THE Yoshi | Iraq | psychic | formatting | font special | font special mock 2 | Luigi | secret weapon | subliminal message redux | TheyMightBeG | digimon?! EMAIL SHARDS: ENGRISH: THE MOVIE!!!!!!!11111 | Expalanation of Markie's 20X6 Series | Teh PS9X Ad (not to be confused with PS9K) | Hallow's Days 2005 |