(even if you aren't vegan)
Markie & BurninatorBoombox Emails/Markie the American Dadgronidol
Markie votes the boat in...
Cast (in order of appearance): Markie, Ryahn Z-Star, Boo Fiddler, Constantinople, Willis Fillis, Dave the Barbarian, Homsar
MARKIE: {typing in "Markie_email_inbox.exe"} Oh, who's the guy that wants to crossover his 25th e-mail with Thatkidsam's 50th? Not Icreature, Not Icreature. Me! ...mail. {presses enter}
Marcus: who do you think will be the next American Idol? --mk5dude
MARKIE: {reads off "mk5dude" as "mortal kombat five, dude"} Oh-ho-ho! A Mortal Kombat deceptionistism! {presses enter, starts typing} Who would I think would be the next American Idol? Well, let's watch TEH AMERICAN DADGRONIDOL!!!!!111 {reads off as "TEH AMERICAN DAD-GRAWN-IDLE!!!oneoneone}
{Then a flashy American Idol title screen plays, but instead of that logo, the words "TEH AMERICAN DADGRONIDOL!!!!!111" substitute. Then we go to a badly constructed stage. We see about six people sitting in the audience. Ryahn Z-Star comes on stage, dressed like some kinda athelete.}
RYAHN Z-STAR: Hello everybody-{cough}overexaggeratedstating{cough}- and welcome to THE AMERCIAN DAR...DE...Ge...{pulls out 3 x 5 note card} Dardgenidol. On today's show, we're down to tres, yes, THREE contestants, who will possibly sing horribly, suckily and crappily at the same time. BUT! First, let's give it up for our humbrated judges!!!
{Pan to the judge's panel. Sitting from left to right are Dave the Barbarian, Homsar, and Markie.}
RYAHN Z-STAR: {off-screen} He's cowardish, and maybe a barbarian, give it up for...DAVE THE BARBARIAN!!!
{canned booing}
DAVE THE BARBARIAN: Thank you, thank you! {stands up} I owe it all to edible arts and crafts for bringing me he- {gets hit by a thrown rock, then falls down on his chair chest first}
RYAHN Z-STAR: {off-screen} Possibly schizophrenically retarded, show your love for...HOMSAR!!!
{more canned booing}
HOMSAR: WoAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOA!!! I'm here for the Viva la Countryside!
RYAHN Z-STAR: {off-screen} And finally, the Yoshi we all love to love, raise the roof for...MARKIE!!!
{silence, then canned cheering}
MARKIE: Holy cow, I must be daffy.
RYAHN Z-STAR: {pan to him} And now, for lack of better transitioning and scripting, let's hear it for our contestants!!!
{canned clapping, cut to a mugshot(jail type) of a Gray Boo with a white baseball cap}
RYAHN Z-STAR: {off-screen} Boo Fiddler!!! {said name appears on-screen in Commodore 64 font}
{another mugshot, this time of a Matoran with a green Pakari, a green-blue torso and black feet}
RYAHN Z-STAR: {off-screen} Constantinople!!!
{last mugshot, the person is a cowboy with a white cowboy hat, a black jacket and sunglasses a la Dangeresque}
RYAHN Z-STAR: {off-screen} And Willis Fillis!!!
{canned clapping comes to a sudden halt, cut back to the stage}
RYAHN Z-STAR: Performing first for us in this randomly segmented segment is our very own...BOO FIDDLER!!!
{Ryahn Z-Star quickly dashes off to the left as the lights grow dim. A spotlight shines in the center, and Boo Fiddler magically poofs in the spotlight, holding a microphone.}
BOO FIDDLER: Thank you! Thank you!!! {holds up mic and begins to sing to some techno beats}
I used to know a guy that was an idiot
His name was Mario
But they called him Mar-ee-oh
He stomps on Koopas and eats them fo-hor lu-uh-unch!
I can't bear the pain
And I have to say
I hate him, I hate him, with all my might!
{silence, then canned booing}
BOO FIDDLER: Shut up! You of all people should know that Luigi just is as worse as Mario!
{spotlight fades, lights grow bright, Ryahn Z-Star comes up}
RYAHN Z-STAR: Wow, pretty short and crappy. Judges?
{pan to judge's panel}
DAVE THE BARBARIAN: {stands up, with a bandage on his forehead} Oh! The pain and misery! If only my cleverness can handle something insulting!
Random Guy in Audience: {off-screen} YOU SUCK...SORS!!!
{another rock hits Dave, and he collapses on the table}
HOMSAR: {pan to him} WoAoAoAoAoaoaoa, keep it breezy, McMacaroons. You're doing a fine job on the garbage disposal, but I need you to keep the neighbors locked out for the niiiight.
MARKIE: {pan to him} Well, I love Mario, and therefore if that's insulting, then that stinks.
Random Guy in Audience: {off-screen} And sucks!
MARKIE: Right. It stinks AND sucks. Try wrapping your head around that.
{canned booing}
MARKIE: What? I have opinions. You can't stop me!
{cut to Ryahn Z-Star and Boo Fiddler}
RYAHN Z-STAR: To vote for Boo Fiddler, dial {number appears on screen} 1-800-MARIO-IS-NOT-A-RETARD. {Boo Fiddler vanishes} And now, our second contestant, Constantinople!
{canned clapping as Constantinople comes on stage. Country music starts playing}
La ba da dee, la ba da dee dah
Badum dum dum bing long ling long
Lah lah blah bling blang ding ding duh
Dah-ding-doong-dang badum nah nah nah nah nah
MEEEEEEEH!!! Ba bum nah geh gah gummy gum.
Boo boo ba gah guh gingy google ga oopa oopa!!!
{silence, then canned booing}
RYAHN Z-STAR: ...judges?
{Pan to Dave the Barbarian, or at least his feet. He's still unconscious.}
{Pan to Homsar.}
HOMSAR: Woooooaoaoaoaoaoa, it sure has a lot of parmesan diskettes in there. Keep up the puzzle passion.
{Pan to Markie}
MARKIE: {gives Constantinople two thumbs up} Me likes it. Go figure.
{Cut to Ryahn Z-Star and Constantinople.}
RYAHN Z-STAR: If you want to vote for this moron, dial {number projected on screen} 1-800-I-DO-NOT-THINK-I-SHALL-CALL-IT-MAKUTA-OR-SO. {Constantinople leaves the stage} And finally, our very own...WILLIS FILLIS!!!
{crashing is heard, rubble falls from above, and so does Willis Fillis.}
WILLIS FILLIS: {gets up, snatches mike} Here I am! {starts singing}
Shiggity bop bop bop.
A-whatcha gonna do when I do the macarena?
Maybe the Charleston, maybe the Turkey Trot.
I can do a lot of dances!
{Willis Fillis starts to breakdance(depending on the random actionscript). He stops after a few seconds. Cue canned laughing and clapping. Pan to the judges.}
DAVE THE BARBARIAN: {still awkwardly injured} Gah...can't...breathe! ...choking!!!
HOMSAR: Iiiignore the blues, baby boombox! I figure yooooooou do a great job of taming the wild briefcases!
MARKIE: {pan to him} Uhhhhhhhhh...
{silence, then back to Ryahn Z-Star}
RYAHN Z-STAR: To vote for this deformed guy of sorts, please dial {number is shown} 1-923028928392793465735674673463874-
{static, then cut back to Markie and the Bluey.}
MARKIE: Well. That was certainly rushed. Because I procrastinate. But if you want to vote the boat, just...vote the boat. {types} I predict...that that that that cowboy thing guy will win. So...yeah.
{The hologram projector comes down.}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "that that that that" to see some auditions for the show.
Fun Facts
- Yes, Markie really wants a 25th e-mail crossover with Thatkidsam's 50th. But he's just a kid, erm, Yoshi. Maybe when you're older.
- This was rushed. And procrastinated.
- When Markie says deceptionistism, He is referring to Mortal Kombat 6, when, in fact, mk5 stands for mortal kombat: deadly alliance.
Real-World References
- The parody makes fun of the titles with "American" in them. Jake Long the American Dragon, American Dad, and American Idol. This is why you see the page title.
The Bluey OS 289 Presents... |
BLUEY OS 289 EMAILS: fights | Mario | toad | Bowser | Virus Inc. | Virus Inc. 2 | Grammar | Crossfusion | Badgers | Stuntz | Crap-e Diminish Cap | hat | Markie the Slayin' Yoshinator | Sly Cooper | foods | hack'd | chaaaaaaallenge | the horrors | jerk? | backlog | Markie the American Dadgronidol | amusements | PWNZORS | TimeShine | boombox | matrix | THE Yoshi | Iraq | psychic | formatting | font special | font special mock 2 | Luigi | secret weapon | subliminal message redux | TheyMightBeG | digimon?! EMAIL SHARDS: ENGRISH: THE MOVIE!!!!!!!11111 | Expalanation of Markie's 20X6 Series | Teh PS9X Ad (not to be confused with PS9K) | Hallow's Days 2005 |