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Stinkoman K Emails/pbtc

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Cast(in order of appearance): Stinkoman K, PBTC Stinkoman K, PBTC Stinkoman, PBTC 1-Up, PBTC Pan Pan, PBTC The Cheat.

Stinkoman K gets a PBTC cartoon!


STINKOMAN K: {rapping} This is a generic email rap!


Hey Stinkoman K,
I made a cartoon with you in it!
Check it out!
The Friggin Cheat, man.

Attachment: "pbtcstinkok.swf"

STINKOMAN K: Sweet! Thanks man! Now let's-a see this....

{he clicks the link. Zoom in on his computer as it quickly downloads the file. Then PBTC Stinkoman K is at the field.}

PBTC STINKOMAN K: Hey there, guy-people! I'm Stinkoman K! I like Pac-man. I like it nine times more!

{PBTC Stinkoman walks in}

PBTC STINKOMAN: I like challenges! Hi challeng-bro!

PBTC STINKOMAN K: Hi-ey! Stinkoman! Do you want to challenge?

PBTC STINKOMAN: I like challenges!!

{a puff of smoke covers the two with big words saying "CHALENGE!" on it. As this hapens, PBTC 1-up walks in.}

PBTC 1-UP: I love pudding! Pudding is cool!

PBTC STINKOMAN: {while in the CHALENGE smoke} Shut it up, you!

PBTC 1-UP: Shutting up, me.

{PBTC Pan Pan bounces in and crushes PBTC 1-up}

PBTC PAN PAN: {not in normal voice. Just a cheesy voice saying, "Badalang, Badalang"}

PBTC 1-UP: Ok! Pom-Pan Pan is hurting me bad!

{PBTC The Cheat walks in and dances on 1-up}

PBTC 1-UP: Ok! Now The Cheat is doing a challenge dance on my head!


{the toon ends. Stinkoman K is typing at the Brandy}

STINKOMAN K: Uhh...that was pretty good for a first try at 20x6, I'll forward it to everybody else. {types "forward to all"}

STINKOMAN K: {humming to himself}

STINKOMAN K: Okay, here we go.


This cartoon is not very good. It
looks like its nooot very good. The
Cheat should try better!


STINKOMAN K: {reads the email in his imitation of Stinkoman} Ok. I get ya. I didn't think the graphics were good, but the rest was ok! Next!


Stinkoman K,
I guess my son isn't THAT bad at
flash. He could do better though.
3 challenges out of 5!

The Chibi

STINKOMAN K: Yeah I-wait...The Cheat is your SON?! You didn't tell me that! Man! Wow!

{The Paper comes down}

Easter Eggs

  • Wait a while for Stinkoman K to get another email.

Fun Facts

  • The easter egg email is from bottom 10
  • "The Friggin Cheat, man"
    • This quote was from Strong Bad's commentary in local news
  • This is the first email(besides dreamail)that I made up.

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