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Stinkoman K Emails/fghwagads

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Cast(in order of appearance): Stinkoman K, Stinkoman, Strong Bad.


STINKOMAN K: {rapping} So my emails are short, I really don't care! To win Fanstuff of the Month, now that will be rare!

subject:i love you

i love you

{Stinkoman K pronounces "fghwagads" as "fig-wug-ads"}

STINKOMAN K: {typing} Jeez, you might as well spell it, "Fubugrass". Seriously, do you think you can imitate fhqwhgads? Unless you're fhqwhgads's evil twin! Wah!

STINKOMAN: {offscreen} WHAAAT are you whining about now?

STINKOMAN K: Nothing you should care about!

STINKOMAN: {offscreen} That's true!

STINKOMAN K: Ahem. I should go to Strong Bad about this, he'll know about fhqwhgads.

{swish transition to Strong Bad's house. Stinkoman K is already there.}

STRONG BAD: What do you mean, "fhqwhgads is back"?

STINKOMAN K: Someone sent me an email under the name "fghwagads", and I think it was fhqwhgads in disguise.

STRONG BAD: Naw, man. It's just one of many impersonators. See my inbox?

{zoom in on the Lappy, an email is on there and Stinkoman K reads it:}

STRONG BAD: See? No one knows how to spell fhqwhgads!

STINKOMAN K: {looks towards us} Wow, the people who email you are really stupid.

STRONG BAD: And it gets worse.

{Strong Bad brings up another email}

STINKOMAN K: Heh heh...


STINKOMAN K: Alright. Thanks Strong Bad.

STRONG BAD: Anytime!

{swish transition to the Brandy}

STINKOMAN K: There you go, fig wig. You freakin' faker. Next email!

subject:Everybody Not to the Limit

I said, come on fghwagads. Everybody
to the limit, The Cheat, is to the limit!
Ask my friend Joe and ask my friend Larry,
From, Strong Sonic (A.K.A. Dasonicman)

STINKOMAN K: How do you know fghwagads?! It's fhqwhgads! FHQWHGADS!

{Stinkoman K passes out. The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the first "fhqwhgads" to see a "Fig Wig".

Fun Facts

  • Yes, that's how you spell "fhqwhgads".
  • Fubugrass is from the SBEmail sibbie.

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