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Stinkoman K Emails/funny

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Cast(in order of appearance): Stinkoman K, Cheataze, Stinkoman, 1-Up, The Stink Man (easter egg), Sir Strong Bad (easter egg), The Sneak (easter egg).

Length: 33 lines

Date: February 27, 2006

Stinkoman K explains the funniest. Thing. Ever...happened to him.


STINKOMAN K: {rapping} Email! Up down! Turn it around! I didn't check yet, I hope an email can be found!


Dear Stinkoman K,
What is the funniest thing to happen to you?

{says "Dolpins" as "Dolphins"}

STINKOMAN K: Ooh! A decent email AND rap! Save this one for the record books, folks! {pause} ...nothing? No? Tough crowd. Ah well. {clears screen and starts typing} Funny stuff, eh, Dolphins? Well, {starts laughing} I got this good one, see I'm just-wait. I'll just show it to ya. TO THE HOLOVISION!

{cut to a Batman-esque transition scene, with Stinkoman K's face in the center. Cut to the living room with Stinkoman K, Cheataze, and Stinkoman.}

STINKOMAN: This better be funny. I had to squeeze this into my chaalleeenge schedule to see thiis!

STINKOMAN K: Don't worry. It'll be funny. Cheataze knows CPR just in case.

{cut to the holovision. It's showing static as Cheataze puts in a rather small tape}

STINKOMAN: {offscreen} Whuh-wuh-wah?!

{the tape starts playing; cut to the den where Stinkoman K is walking down the hall where an bowl of what appears to be pudding was placed on the floor. Stinkoman K steps on the bowl, causing the pudding to splatter all over his face. Then he starts running franticly around the room until he hits the wall and falls down}

STINKOMAN ON THE TAPE: {while this is all happening} Ha ha ha ha ha! That pudding's gross! Ha ha ha ha! It fell on you! Ha ha ha ha!

{1-Up walks onscreen}

1-UP ON THE TAPE: Has anyone seen my pudding?

{the holovision turns back to static. Cheataze takes out the tape and puts it back in it's box.}

STINKOMAN AND STINKOMAN K: {roaring with laughter}

{fade to black}


{cut back to the Brandy; Stinkoman K walks in stage right}

STINKOMAN K: Whew! That was funny. Oh, man! Hey, Cheataze!

CHEATAZE: {offscreen, apperantly his footrest} Meh?

STINKOMAN K: We got time for another email, right?

CHEATAZE: {short pause} Meda meh meh.

STINKOMAN K: A few minutes? Alright, that'll give me some time for a short email. Let's check my inbox...

stinkok30x6's Inbox


STINKOMAN K: Geez! Stop sending me these fake virus emails! You know you have to type the whole gibberish to make it work! And besides, what about the virus itself? I gjgh- Oh good, a decent email. I'll open that one.

subject: "K"?

Hey Stinkoman K!
I was wondering, what does the "K" stand for?
Your pal,

STINKOMAN K: Ohh, a nacho fan. I'll just go ahead and-I LOVE NACHOES! Anyways, the K actually, means "MKII". I shortened it so I won't sound that robotic. That gives me the jibblies...jibba-lay... My full name was also conveiniently placed on my character page, if you read it yet. Ok! So until next time: Give me two questions, and I'll answer them.

{The Paper}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "robotic" to see an Old Timey easter egg.

Easter Egg Transcript

{cut to an Old Timey field. The Stink Man is walking down the path where a bowl of what appears to be mud was placed on the ground. The Stink Man steps on the bowl, causing the mud to splatter all over his face. Then he starts running franticly until he hits a building and falls down.}

SIR STRONG BAD: Smashing! I have spead filth to The Stink Man! Now I will do it to other townsfolk and give them what for!

THE SNEAK: {wiggles nose}

  • Click on "jibbilies" for the Deleted screen to come up then this:

Fun Facts

  • All of the "ert+" emails are a reference to most virus emails randomly placed in peoples' inboxes that are shortened to just "ert+..." Stinkoman K's line was my retaliation to this.
  • "That pudding's gross! ...It fell on you!"
  • "Holovision was a word coined by Joshua in Tampo Emails to represent a future TV.

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