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Stinkoman K Emails/cheat fun

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Cast(in order of appearance): Stinkoman K, Conchris, Stinkocheat K, Stinkoman, Cheataze.

A sequel to what happened to me in the HRFWO Trobots Cafe.


{cut to the Trobots Cafe, Conchris is handing Stinkoman K a bag}

CONCHRIS: Here you go! {hands him the bag}

STINKOMAN K: Thanks! {leaves}

{cut to Stinkoman K walking in the background like in Old Intro 2. It's nighttime. Title cards come up saying:}

The Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki
And Stinkoman K present:
A special Stinkoman K Email

{cut to the living room, a door is opened offscreen}

STINKOMAN K: Guys! I'm hooome!

{walks onscreen and notices a note}

STINKOMAN K: Hello, what's this?

Stinkoman K,
Stinkoman and I went to Marzichan's for a tofu roast sleepover. See you tomorrow!

Cheataze and Stinkoman

STINKOMAN K: Oh. Well, that means I got the whole house to myself! Sweet!

{cut to a montage with the "Dance Contest" music from replacement. Stinkoman K's doing the following:Jumping on his bed, secretly setting a woopie cushion under Stinkoman's chair, Jumping on the bed again, spinkling Pop Rocks into Cheataze's food, and Jumping on the bed. End montage.}

STINKOMAN K: Whew. That was fun! Well, I better have some fun with this Cheat Drink.

{Stinkoman K sits on a sofa in the living room and takes out the Cheat Drink.}

STINKOMAN K: Ok. Bottoms up! {chugs down the Cheat Drink and POOF! He turns into Stinkocheat K. Subtitles are provided.}

STINKOCHEAT K: (Okay. This feels great! I gotta do some Cheat-y fun!)

{cut to the same montage from before except with Stinkocheat K now. End montage.}

STINKOCHEAT K: (YEAH! Well, off to bed! But first...)

{cut to the fridge. Stinkocheat K puts the Normal Drink in the fridge}

STINKOCHEAT K: (Ok, NOW to bed.)

{cut to Stinkoman K's bedroom. Feathers are all over the place from before. Stinkocheat K lays in bed and goes to sleep; Zoom in on the analog clock, it reads "1:30". The background gradually turns to morning, where the clock reads "9:40"}

{cut to the front door. Stinkoman and Cheataze come in with camping sacks}



{cut to the entrance to Stinkoman K's room. Stinkocheat K walks out all droopy-eyed.}

STINKOCHEAT K: (Uh, hey guys. What's going on?)


{Cheataze suddenly stops him}

CHEATAZE: (No! He's Stinkoman K!)

STINKOMAN: I don't care! He's an intruuuuuder!!


{Stinkocheat K runs into the kitchen, we see a flash from outside}

STINKOMAN: What is he dooooing! {starts chasing him}

{cut to Stinkoman running into the kitchen, but only finding Stinkoman K}

STINKOMAN K: Heh heh. Hey guys...

STINKOMAN: Oh, hey bro. Where did that Cheat go?!

STINKOMAN K: uhh...That was me, I took a cheat drink!

STINKOMAN: Oh. Ok. Wanna challenge outsiiiide?

STINKOMAN K: {yawns} No not now, I want a breakfast challenge first.

STINKOMAN: Is this breakfast asking for a CHALLEEEEEEENGE!?

{roll credits. They are sorta like from Under Construction, but with Stinkoman K, Stinkoman, and Cheataze(head exploded and all) eating cereal}

Fun Facts

  • The Cheat drink and Normal Drink are on the menu from the New HRWiki Online Trobots Cafe (see link above).
  • This is the first instance where Cheataze's head explodes.

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