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Stinkoman K Emails/2 emails

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Cast(in order of appearance): Stinkoman K

2 emails!


STINKOMAN K: Now for 2 emails this time around! Go!

subject: noo sU8jeekt!!!11

Hay Stoingkomahn Kay!
Isnot eet anoyin whin yu git emals liik thees?
Eet Driivs Mee Nuuts!!!!11!!
Yore Pale,


STINKOMAN K: {doesn't even read the email} uh...Yea, that's why this one should be DELETED!!!! {BRAAMP!!} YEA! Next!

{brings up the next email}

subject: how

Dear stinkoman k,

how do you do it . teach me some of your trick's.

With crap,


STINKOMAN K: That's better! Now then...{clears screen} Basicly, I could tell you some, just don't claim them as your own. That's copyright infringement! Here's one, while your friend is talking to you, you just go and say some nonsenceical word like "blabity blough" or "meh-heh" or some crap backwards. Or you can just say, "yea" or "uh-huh", like your talking to someone, but your not really listening. Or just flip them off, you know, if all else goes wrong. {clears screen} But you know, that's all I got, uh...make up your own if none of them are any good, I mean I don't care.

{The Paper}

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