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Stinkoman K Emails/30emails

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Cast(in order of appearance): Cheataze, Stinkoman K

Length: 25 lines

Date: February 22, 2006

Stinkoman K honors his 30th email.


{cut to the Brandy. It's covered with cobwebs, dust, and looks like it hasn't been touched in a while.}

STINKOMAN K: {offscreen; distant} Hey! Gimme that back!

{heavy footsteps are heard. Zoom out to a full view of Stinkoman K's computer room. Cheataze runs past holding a handheld game. Followed by Stinkoman K close behind, except he stops onscreen to catch his breath}

STINKOMAN K: {panting heavily} You...gimme GameGuy SZ! Ah, well. I guess I can...check some...emails...

{Stinkoman K sits down at his computer and hand-dusts his computer off}

STINKOMAN K: Ok, {ahem} I honor of this, my 30th email, I'm going to answer 30 other emails! Divided by 10...because 30 divided by 10 is 3... Whatever. {starts rapping} Email! The Email! It has been a while! But now I'm back, and uhh...{stops rapping} This is why I don't do raps anymore!

subject: bad dude

Mr. K,

You're a pretty bad dude, but I
doubt you're bad enough to rescue
the president from an army of ninjas.

Haysi Fantayzee

STINKOMAN K: I'm one bad dude, eh Haysi? Thanks for the compliment. But sadly, someone already rescued the President. Besides, I live in Free Country USA. Not Not-So-Free Country USA. Our leader is the King of Town! Or Homsar. Or...whatever. Next email!

subject: super powers

Hi K,
Don't listen to Haysi. If you do,
I'm gonna kill Hulk Hogan! Plus, I look like Strong Bad,
with inverted colors, except for the eyes. So,
Is that red diamond the source of all your super powers?
The 386

STINKOMAN K: {reading}...The 386, A specticle of graphics and sounds! {typing} Uhh...I never DID listen to Haysi. I didn't even know she existed, just look at her last name! Actually, my diamond IS the source of all of my super powers! But I don't know all of them. From what I know I can {starts making a bulleted list on the computer} open cold ones, do a Double Deuce, run real fast, {gradually fading to black} kick The Cheat...

{fade to black. Cut back to the same scene. He now has a long list.}

STINKOMAN K: my bills, film a movie without shaking the camera, act like I have thumbs, and...that's about it. Man that's alot! Alot! I better save this...

{a ping sound is heard}

STINKOMAN K: Next email!

subject: time travel

Hey Stinkoman K,

You're pretty cool. Why dont you travel in time?
From your palbertson,

20eric06 A.K.A. Eric

STINKOMAN K: Uhh...sorry not to fill your request, Eric, but I already did that in email 3. And trust me, I'm not, and I repeat, NOT, doing that again. {pause} Man, I'm still paying off that bill. Anyways, I gotta go get my GameGuy SZ. {gets up}

{The Paper comes down}

Fun Facts

  • The reason dust is al over the Brandy is because I haven't went to the wiki in 4 months.
  • Stinkoman K guessing that his leader may be Homsar is a Tampo Email reference. Where it's said that Homsar is the Universial Headmaster of FCUSA.
  • What Stinkoman K said about email 3 is true.
  • A GameGuy SZ is and obvious parody on the GameBoy Advance SP.
  • "Man, I'm still paying off that bill."
  • "...30 other emails! Divided by 10..."

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