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Stinkoman K Emails/inboxempty

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Cast(in order of appearance): Stinkoman K, Stinkoman, 1-Up, Pan Pan, Strong Sad.

Stinkoman K goes through his inbox and goes insane trying to empty it.


{Stinkoman K is already sitting at the Brandy. There is a long silence}

STINKOMAN K: I donno, I'm in the mood for another email.

Stinkoman K's Inbox


STINKOMAN K: WAH! That is not the small number of emails I see every day! That is the big number of emails Strong Bad sees every day! ...and there all...for me?! Oh, jeez. I gotta empty this inbox.

{Stinkoman K stands up and faces the screen. Pan out to show the computer room.}

STINKOMAN K: Alright, everyone. In honor of this, my...{counts} thirty-eighth email, I'm going to empty my inbox. Ready-go!

{He sits down and opens the first email}

subject: do all this

Dear Stinkoman K,
What would happen if you:
-Drank cola
-Ate pop rocks
-Sucked up helium
All at the same time?

Totally not trying to kill you,
-Homestar tiger

STINKOMAN K: Well, Tiger-person...uhh...I would seriously injure myself doing that, so I'll use Homsar as a dummy to see what would happen if I did it!

{cut to the field. Stinkoman K is standing next to Homsar. Stinkoman K inserts Pop Rocks, a can of Coldson Lite, and a balloon into his open mouth and backs up. Homsar then wobbles around gradually getting more intense and suddenly running offscreen. A small explosion is heard in the distance. Homsar enters black with smoke. Cut back to the Brandy}


subject: pugs

Dear Stinkoman K,
Do you like pugs? I like pugs!
They have pushed in little noses and
they look like hams!

STINKOMAN K: Pugs? Umm...maybe. I'm not a dog person, myself, but pugs are kinda cute. But they have breathing problems, don't they? Well, I guess they're a little cute, though I prefer cats. NEXT!

subject: challenge-athon

Want to win $500 dollars?
Then join the Planet K Challenge-athon!
You'll meet other challengeers and all that
persperating crap.

Whatever-ly yours,

STINKOMAN K: Hmm...nah. I'll forward this to Stinkoman later, he'll like that. NEXT!

subject: questions

Dear S to the tinko to the man to the K,
Why are you so blue?<br. Did anything happen in your childhood that made you blue?
Also, I'm plaing a game of monopoly and I don't know what to get...
Kentucky Avenue, or Illinois Avenue. I NEED AN ANSWER NOW!
I like Gobstoppers,

STINKOMAN K: Alright, lemme make a compiled list of my answers, since to asked so many. Firstly, I donno. Maybe it's some kinda trait, or whatever. Though that would explain my dad's blood type. Second, Illinois Avenue, definitely. I've been there, and it's got the coolest crap. Third, yes, I like gobstoppers, too. Lastly, nice name. NEXT!

subject: weird stuff

Dear Stinkoman K,
What kinds of weird, and I mean REALLY weird things happen in your area?

STINKOMAN K: Weird stuff, eh, Ptery? Well...

{Montage. A clip show of various strange moments starts. First, Stinkoman, 1-Up and Pan Pan getting crushed by the foot from Monty Python. Then the "Easter Eggs" toon. Lastly, a few caffenated Strong Sad moments.}

STINKOMAN K: ...maybe. NEXT!


Dear Stinkoman K,
I have recieved 105 Stinko Cash! :D
Just for the record, do you think 1-up will earn THAT type of cool points or cash?
From an awesome user who is not banned,

STINKOMAN K: Oh, COME ON, man! {holds up his hand holding something invisible} See all these cool points? Cause if you don't, you ain't cool! And 1-Up, IS. NOT. COOL. For the record, he has two cool points. TWO. I have 8868. That's almost 9000! NEXT!

subject: shapeshifter

Stinkoman K,
What would you do if you could shapeshift?
From the awexome shapeshifter and 30X6 guy,

STINKOMAN K: Oh, wow! What a unique question. I guess I would turn into a rodent for some time. Like a guinea pig, or a ferret. Then maybe I could turn into a The Cheat again. Well, that's what Cheat Drinks are for. But that would still be pretty cool. Those drinks taste like crap, anyway. NEXT!

subject: started an email show!

Dear Stinkoman K,

I just recently started an email show! Dou you
think you could give me some tips on making it?


STINKOMAN K: WHEEL! OF! CASH! {imitation applause} Man, that would be a good game show! Well, CashWheel, I only have one nugget of advice for you: {sigh} Update normally. Please, I had to learn that the hard way. LAST!

subject: shiny balls on hands?

Hey Stinko K,
How do you type with balls on your hands?



STINKOMAN K: Well, there we go. I'm all emailed out for the week. See ya!

{The Paper comes down. It says, "Ok, NOW you can email Stinkoman K"}

Fun Facts

  • A few references to Stinkocheat K are in the second to last email.
  • Stinkoman K's first line is a reference to the previous email, which was written 45 minutes before this one.
  • Wheel of Cash is a reference of the intro to "Wheel of Fortune".
  • Yes, I'm a cat person.
  • Znex's email is based on the "How do you type with boxing gloves on" email that Strong Bad gets often.

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