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Stinkoman K Emails/room service

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Cast(in order of appearance): Stinkoman K, Cheataze, Stinkoman.

Sahm asks if Stinkoman K ever had room service. Stinkoman gets tortured.


STINKOMAN K: Yes, the emails are pooring in! Film at 11.

subject:room service

Hey K!

Have you ever had Room Service?
If so, what did you order? If
not, what would you order? And
would you give a tip?



STINKOMAN K: {typing} Well, Salm, before I had Cheataze-

{Cheataze abruptly comes in and gives in a Thai Iced Tea.}

STINKOMAN K: Thanks, {continues typing} I had Stinkoman as a butler.

{flashback sequence; Stinkoman K's at the old Compy 20x6 typing}

STINKOMAN K: And that's how Homsar punched a cow, just as he said in his blog. Does that answer your question, Someone? Now then....

{he gets up and sits on a couch in another room while he's watching Caleb Rentpayer Retirement Hour(since Tucksworth and Caleb would be reeealy old now}

TUCKSWORTH: Caleb, did you see my teeth?



{that continues in the backround as the rest of the story takes place; Stinkoman walks in wearing a tuxedo}

STINKOMAN: Here, do you want anything else?

STINKOMAN K: Yeah, make my bed, and bring me some cold ones from the faraway island of Coldoneia.

STINKOMAN: {sighs} Fine....

{a caption comes up saying "10 minutes later";Stinkoman K is doing the same thing, then Stinkoman walks in on his knees and sweating with a platter of cold ones}

STINKOMAN: {panting} Any..thing else?!

STINKOMAN K: No, go challenge.

STINKOMAN: {immediatly stops sweating and rips off his tux} ALRIIIIGHT!!! SO LONG SUCKERS!!! {runs away} HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

{cut back to the Brandy}

STINKOMAN K: Then when Cheataze hatched...

{cut to underneath the desk. Cheataze is holding up Stinkoman K's feet with a clothespeg on his nose. Stinkoman K can be heard above.}

STINKOMAN K: I used him as a footrest...and I still do.

{back by the Brandy}

STINKOMAN K: Well, Sam, I hope that was enough humor to please your funny bones. So until next time. I told you I'd make these emails longer! Now where's my 5 bucks?!

{The Paper comes down, "Click here to email Stinkoman K"}

Fun Facts

  • "Then when Cheataze hatched..."
  • "And that's how Homsar punched a cow, just as he said in his blog."
  • "Yes, the emails are pooring in!"
    • This is a referance to after I updated with canceled show, I got 2 emails(one being this one)overnight!

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