(even if you aren't vegan)
Conshow/Running Gags
[hide]What are Running Gags?
Running gags are jokes repeated (often in varying forms) in a work or a series of works. This WUS isn't complete without running gags. So, find out which ones are repeated often!
Running Gags
Conchris can invent many things. Sometimes, certain characters can cheekily claim that Conchris' invention is a toaster, sometimes causing a reaction. Sometimes, a toaster is mentioned in a non-cheeky manner.
- Episode 6 - Cieeia asks Conchris if it is another toaster. There is no angry reply.
- Episode 7 - Cieeia cheekily claims that Conchris building another toaster. Conchris replies angrily.
- Episode 21 - Cieeia calls the Dimension Traveller a "Giant Toaster" causing Conchris to use machinery to punch her.
- Episode 22 - Conchris mentions that he gave the toaster to Cruroar's mom in exchange for tickets.
- Episode 27 - Cieeia tests Conchris (turned into a doll) by saying that all of his inventions are toasters. This causes a rather angry reaction from him.
- Episode 32 - After Forest claims that 99.9999999999% of Conchris' ideas suck, Cruroar butts in by mentioning that the toaster was a good idea, causing Conchris to react in an angry way telling them to "STOP TALKING ABOUT THE TOASTER!"
- Episode 35 - Instance 1: Before the intro, Conchris throws a grenade at Cieeia to get back at the "four times [she] called [his] stuff toasters. Instance 2: When Conchris is reduced to a head, Cieeia jokingly calls Conchris a "toaster man"
- Episode 38 - Conchris mentions that he was making a toaster instead of another human-like robot.
- Episode 42 - Sirhcnoc invents a robot disguised as a toaster, annoying Greg.
- Episode 44 - Greg guesses that Sirhcnoc's newest creation is a toaster.
- Episode 46 - Conchris and company are killed by flying kitchen appliances.
- Episode 50 - Conchris pulls out a toaster in an effort to escape from the jail cells.
- Episode 51 - Instance 1: Conchris claims that Cruroar mangled a possessed toaster. Instance 2: Forest tries to fill in Conchris' spot by trying to present a toaster to Cruroar and Cieeia.
- Episode 52 - Forest destroys a broken toaster with violence. Conchris later pins the blame on Cieeia.
- Episode 60 - At the end, the toaster is a part of a museum exhibit.
- Episode 64 - Conchris pulls out a toaster, claiming it to be a time machine, on which he had been corrected by Jake.
- Episode 65 - If it's anything to be believed, a toaster saved the internet from leaking out.
- Episode 71 - Conchris buys a toaster from Clark and, later on, works on something that isn't a toaster.
- Episode 72 - Jake guesses that what Clark has up his sleeve is a toaster. This guessing gets him tased.
- Conchris - 7
CieeiaKatie - 5CruroarJake - 3- Forest - 2
SirhcnocClark - 1- Greg - 1
- Writer - 1
- Misc. - 1
Chrionroar = Projectile/Door Breaker?
Chrionroar is an idiot. We understand that. Also, he doesn't feel pain because of the lack of nerves in his body. Certain characters sometimes utilises him as a projectile or a door breaker. Also, he also capable of bending space and time as he appears in the space episodes despite the fact that he is supposed to be somewhere else.
- Episode 26 - Chrionroar is thrown at Sirhcnoc, causing massive pain. Chrionroar claims to be a brick. Forest was the thrower.
- Episode 29 - In the opening, Chrionroar is thrown by Cruroar at the remote to turn it on. He claims to be a vase and acts like one.
- Episode 32 - Greg breaks down the door with Chrionroar as a battering ram, or so Chrionroar claims to be.
- Episode 34 - A space pirate breaks down the door with Chrionroar's head, claiming to be a door breaker. He is then thrown into a plot hole.
- Episode 35 - The strange creature bashes open the door to the ruined bedroom with Chrionroar's head. Again, he is then thrown into a plot hole.
- Episode 41 - On the first time entering the house, Conchris breaks down the door with Chrionroar's head.
- Episode 49 - Xavian enters the scene by using Chrionroar to bash down the door, causing canned laughter to be heard.
- Episode 58 (The new one) - Inversed in a way. The remote control that is thrown turns into Chrionroar with a bunch of buttons on his back.
Deaths (Post-Season 6)
Dying is still not permanent in this show, when a character dies, major or minor, they will come back the next episode. This section tracks the deaths of major characters from Season 6 onwards.
Cold Opening deaths count!
- Jake - 3 (First Blood: Episode 62)
- Conchris - 2 (First Blood: Episode 62)
- Katie - 1 (First Blood: Episode 65)
- Aria - 1 (First Blood: Episode 65)
- Mr. Person - 1 (First Blood: Episode 65)
- Clark - 1 (First Blood: Episode 65)
- Forest - 1 (First Blood: Episode 72)
Deaths (Pre-Season 6)
Dying is never permanent in this show, when a character dies, major or minor, they will come back the next episode. This section tracks the deaths of major characters
- Conchris - 19 (5 limb decapitations)
- Cruroar - 18 (1 limb decapitation)
- Cieeia - 12 (Cruroar survived the attack in Episode 54, so it could be assumed that Cieeia also survived. The number shown is assuming she didn't)
- Forest - 10 (10th was permanent)
- Chrionroar - 3
- Sirhcnoc - 5
- Greg - 5 (5th was permanent)
- Nydara - 5
- Aria - 3 (3rd was permanent)
- Wikity - 4
- Mr. Person - 2 (2nd was permanent)
- Officer Generic - 2 (2nd was permanent)
MOST ACCIDENT PRONE AWARD GOES TO: Conchris with 19 deaths.