(even if you aren't vegan)
Color Printer's E-mails/OlderPage
This is an even older main page that will no longer be updated!
New: The DVD?!?!?
I am 4th on the list for most e-mails! W00T!
[hide]How do I e-mail you?
Just post an e-mail on this talk page or MY talk page.
Current Rap
Scroll to the front, kcab eht ot llorcs, Scroll all around!
Previous Raps
- E-mails 1-2
- Yo, strollin' along the path of E-mails. Er...I mean, scrolling.
- E-mails 3-4
- I'm C to the P, and it's time to scroll.
- E-mails 5-7
- I just noticed something. I'm living without scroll buttons! That's like, living without a soul!
- E-mails 8-9
- {sobbing}Now I have to learn basic programming for my Palm Pilot. I can't just look in the help file. Sniff...10 print list of e-mails...20 end...
- E-mail 10
- Ohhh...I need a vacation. Badly.
- E-mail 11
- {humming the theme song for "Laser Printer: Hardware of Action!"}
- E-mails 12-14
- Oh man, I need to check some e-mails. Badly.
- E-mails 15-21
- This new computer costs a lot. So don't touch it.
List of E-mails
1.The Paper
3.The New Printer
5.Secret Food Stash
6.Ink Change
7.Virus Strong Bad E-mail?
8.Love Strong Bad E-mail?
9.2 questions
10.Vacation I will add the travel logs sometime in my life.
25.Teen Boy Team NEW AS OF 4/19!
Holiday CPmails
April Fools Day '05: Pay-per-view
Strong Bad E-mails? NOT!
20.Some Kinda Robot?
23.Homsar? NEW AS OF 4/18!
24.Butt IQ? NEW AS OF 4/18!
Not Quite Color Printer E-mails
20 1/2.No new messages
??. Rock Opera
SC 9000
SPP 9000
Shutters XP
SC 10000
The Geeky One's PDA
Page Titles
- E-mail 1
- All your paper are belong to us!
- E-mail 2-5, except 4
- SC 9000!!!
- E-mail 4 and 13
- SPP 9000!!!
- E-mail 6
- ERROR: Ink Cartridge Empty - Please Replace
- E-mail 7
- SC 9000?!?
- E-mail 8
- Forget SC, I've got Shutters XP!
- E-mails 9-11
- Shutters XP!
- E-mail 12
- Hey, you! Dust the computer screen!
- E-mails 14-16, 20-20 1/2, 22-Present
- SC 10000!!!
- E-mail 17
- Who's the guy made of black and yellow blocks? That's me, Bitmap.
- E-mail 18
- Supah Cumptuer Ten-Thousandt
- E-mail 19
- Bitmap 10000!!!
- E-mail 21
- Sorry, we don't accept checks.