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Spyro email/Bananas

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Spyro email #17 Spyro buys banana's and teams up with Sarah to become Banana salesman.

Cast (in order of appearance): Spyro, Peachy, monkeys, Stan Banana, The Noid, Clone 1, Clone 2, Sarah, Drake, Guy, Ban-lo-loopas.

Places: Spyro's room, Spyro's main door, Stan Bananas jungle, giant tree branch, Couch, Greenhouse Drakes lab, SBMRPUSA sidewalk, Fireplace room.

Computer: Dragon P. 3.0

Date: April 7 2006

Number of Lines: 212


SPYRO: Tonight on the email, we have special guest, someone that I don’t know!

{opens email}


Dear Spyrox, This is Stan Banana, 10-year-old
independent banana vendor.
I'm just telling you that my bananas have
just passed health tests, and are much higher
in quality than those Chiquita bananas. If you
need any bananas, just come to me.
-Stan Banana,
10-year-old independent banana vendor.

SPYRO: {typing} Banana’s you say Eh Stan? Like that Gwen Stafani song that went something, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. {pause} And now, I don’t know who Gwen Stafani is. So, I don’t know what is a Chiquita banana, but I’m assuming it has to do with Microsoft. I hate virtual food. You get hungrier with each bite.

PEACHY: {Off-screen} Hey Spyro, we have a problem!

SPYRO: Ok, you stay right here email. {walks off-screen}

{Cuts to Peachy standing next to the entrance door.}

SPYRO: {walking on-screen} You needed me?

PEACHY: Remember that incident at the zoo where Drake tried to steal a monkey egg?

SPYRO: {puzzled} Uhh, no. Should I?

PEACHY: Well, they came back for revenge.

{Peachy opens the door showing monkeys filling the entire the entire outside. All of them are jumping up and down howling. Peachy closes the door after 5 seconds.}

SPYRO: Oh. {pause} Stay right here.

PEACHY: But what about the monkeys?

SPYRO: Find the egg Drake stole. {runs off-screen}

{A thought bubble appears over Peachy’s head. Peachy pictures “A monkey plus another Monkey equals an egg?” (in an equation form). Peachy give a baffled look. Then cuts to the field in Free Country USA with a Yellow Strong Bad standing next to a jungle of Banana trees.}

SPYRO: {walking on-screen} You must be Stan Banana.

STAN BANANA: Yes I am. You must be Spyrox.

SPYRO: Er-no, it’s just Spyro.

STAN BANANA: Oh. So I guess you got my add.

SPYRO: Yeah, well, monkeys are attacking me, so I need bananas.

STAN BANANA: {Walks off-screen} You got it! Follow me.

{Cuts to the forest of Bananas with Stan Banana walking through with Spyro following while turning his head around.}

STAN BANANA: As you heard, my banana’s are healthy and approved, so I upgraded my garden to a jungle!

{A yellow snake hangs down above the screen and bites Spyro}

SPYRO: Ow. I can see you were serious about jungle.

STAN BANANA: {remembering something} Oh! I almost forgot!

{Stan Banana stops and gets out a Boom box and plays “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns and Roses}

STAN BANANA: {singing} Welcome to the JUNGLE! We got fun and GAAAAMES! We got-

SPYRO: No. Don’t do that.

{Stan Banana stops the boom box and puts it back in his pocket. Then they both start walking.}

SPYRO: So, why can’t we just take bananas and go?

STAN BANANA: Well, you could take some, but since I’m {a bad impression of Stan done by Spyro voices over Stan} Your biggest fan {voice over stops}, I have decided to give you better bananas.

SPYRO: {eager to hear more} Go on.

STAN BANANA: When I upgraded to a jungle, I have discovered a new type of banana lurking underground while I was planting.

SPYRO: {still eager} Go on.

STAN BANANA: These new type of bananas are super-growing bananas. Banana’s that grow into trees. Just add water! {winks}

SPYRO: {still eager} Go on.

STAN BANANA: That’s it.

SPYRO: Oh, well, where are they?


{Cuts to an angle showing the backs of Spyro and Stan (as silhouettes). Out in the distance is a silhouette of a tree. Then it gets lighter showing a regular banana tree.}

SPYRO: It…Looks like a plain tree.

{Cuts back to the front angle of both of them.}

STAN BANANA: Well, do you expect a purple banana with magenta polka dots?

SPYRO: {pondering} Purple…Magenta…Dots…{stops pondering} I’ll keep that in mind.

{Cuts to Spyro and Stan walking up to the tree.}

SPYRO: Alright, uh, can you get some of those bananas?


SPYRO: {looks at Stan annoyed} What do you mean no?

STAN BANANA: Well, I can’t climb these trees. I would need more people.

SPYRO: But how would you get them normally?

STAN BANANA: {Guilty} I Your gonna need to get them.

SPYRO: But how would I get them.

{Pans right showing The Noid behind the bushes in the distance.}

THE NOID: {Shouting} Use your clones!

SPYRO: Oh yeah.

{pans back}

SPYRO: Cloning…ON!

{Two clones split from Spyro}

SPYRO: {to clone 1} You, throw me up to the bananas.{to clone 2} You, go get me a triple cheeseburger with no pickles.

{Cuts to a big branch attached to the banana tree. Spyro flies up from the bottom of the screen and lands on the branch.}

SPYRO: Alright, that was easy. {sees bananas on the tree.} There they are. {takes a whole bunch and jumps off the branch}

{Cuts to Spyro free falling next to the tree}

SPYRO: I thought that was gonna turn out worse. {realizes he’s falling} Wait, {looks down horrified} AHHHH!

{Cuts to Stan watching him.}

STAN BANANA: Wow. Who would be stupid enough to jump off a tree?

{Clone 2 comes on-screen dragging a giant burger. He continues to drag it until the burger is next to the tree.}

CLONE 2: Ok, they only had the quadruple extra large.

STAN BANANA: Who would eat that?

{Spyro falls on-screen and bounces off the burger and spring back up into the air with Stan and Clone 2 watching.}

CLONE 2: {to Stan} Well, I got to go. See yah!

{Clone 2 hits the air uncovering a yellow music block from Super Mario Bros. 3 and Clone 2 jumps on the block and flies up in the air also.}

CLONE 1: {running on-screen} Hey! Wait for me!

{Clone 1 jumps on the block and flies in the air similar to Clone 2. Then cuts to Spyro’s entrance room. With Peachy still thinking about the egg. Spyro crashes through the ceiling, and gets up casually like he always does.}

SPYRO: I found a solution!

PEACHY: {baffled} I’m still wondering about monkey eggs.

SPYRO: Well, don’t. {takes out the bananas from his pocket} Behold!

{Cuts to a side view of the door from the outside. Spyro opens it, and throws the bananas outside causing a lot of screeching from the monkeys. Then cuts back to the inside.}

SPYRO: Mission Accomplished. Now we can slack off.

{Fade to black. The words “Later that day” in white appear with a voice over saying it. Then cuts to Spyro watching TV at the couch.}

TV: Well, after a few days, Purple dragons shirts are soooo yesterday. The thing that is hot is the real purple dragon shirts, with Spyro the dragon!

SPYRO: Hmm, Drake must of lost his riches. {pause} What is that bulge in my pocket? {pulls out a banana from his pocket and looks at it in shock} A banana! Oh my…Clone 1 must of stolen bananas and didn’t pay! {pause, then starts talking normally} Well, at least I have a banana. {Pause} Wait what did Stan tell me about these banana’s?

STAN BANANA: {In Spyro’s mind} Bananas that grow into trees! Bananas that grow into trees! Bananas that grow-

{Pans right showing Stan is actually standing in the room and is really talking.}

SPYRO: {Annoyed} Alright! I heard you the first time!

{Cuts to Spyro (dressed in a woman’s casual gardening outfit) using a hose to water a banana protruding out of a clump of mulch and fertilizer. Sarah walks on-screen}

SARAH: {pause} Umm, what are you doing?

SPYRO: I’m growing a banana that will become a banana tree.

SARAH: {confused} Ok. Why you wearing a woman’s gardening outfit?

SPYRO: I bought it to garden in the greenhouse.

SARAH: We don’t have a greenhouse

SPYRO: Actually, It’s literally a Greenhouse.

{Cuts to a high view of Spyro house showing a completely green building attached to it. Then cuts back to Spyro and Sarah.}

SARAH: Oh. What are you going to do with the profits?

SPYRO: {turns his head to Sarah} Profits? I didn’t plan on selling.

SARAH: You’re not making money? {acting smug} Well, don’t worry. {zooms in to her face} You’re looking at the number 1 businesswoman in Planet K.

{Cuts to Drakes lab with Sarah and Spyro are standing behind a table with multi-color filled beakers and a banana.}

SARAH: Now, you need to make your banana’s unique, tasty, and just plain looks good.

SPYRO: Like- {starts thinking}

STAN BANANA: {in Spyro’s mind} What do you expect? A purple banana with magenta polka dots? What do you expect? A purple banana with magenta polka dots? What do you expect? A-

{Pans left showing Stan talking like when Spyro was trying to remember what the banana’s do.}

SPYRO: {irritated} You know what? J-Just leave.

STAN BANANA: Well ok, {Angry} If you need help remembering something, don’t come Moon Walking to me. {walks off-screen}

{Pans back right}

SPYRO: {To Sarah} Like a purple banana with magenta polka-dots?

SARAH: Well, yeah. That might work.

SPYRO: Ok. {holds up a purple vial} This is the purple dye right?

SARAH: {freaking out} NO! WAIT, THAT’S THE-

{Spyro drips the purple fluid on the banana. A purple explosion follows this. After the purple dust clears up, it shows Spyro and Sarah’s heads and torsos covered in black, and their hair is sticking behind them.}

SARAH: {Continuing} ...Purple Die.

SPYRO: {pause} Oh. Words like that confuse me.

{Cuts to Spyro standing behind a lemonade stand made out of planks located on a sidewalk. The stand has a sign that says “New Banana’s. Only 10.00” written in red on a plank held by two vertical planks. Peachy then walks on screen.}

PEACHY: New bananas?

SPYRO: Yep. {Holds up a purple with magenta polka-dot banana.} Don’t they look appetizing?

PEACHY: {disgusted} Ew.

SPYRO: Why don’t you try it?

{An eagle swoops down and steals the banana Spyro was holding and flies off screen.}

SPYRO: Oh. There goes the last of the free samples. Why don’t you buy some?

PEACHY: Well, I would buy some, but {points at the sign} ten dollars is too expensive. {walks off-screen}

{Spyro looks at the sign, then he gets out a black sharpie and crosses out 10.00. He then writes 9.99 next to the crossed out 10.00.}

SPYRO: 9.99 probably is reasonable.

{Drake walks on-screen}

DRAKE: Bananas, eh?

SPYRO: Want to buy something?

DRAKE: Nah, I’ll sell. {holds up a rotten banana.} How much would I get for this?

SPYRO: Uhh, five dollars.

DRAKE: Sold!

{They both exchange a 5.00 and the rotten banana. Drake then walks off-screen.}

SPYRO: {pause, then realizes} CRAP! I’m not doing very well with this lemonade stand.

{Sarah walks on-screen}

SARAH: Well, how’s business going?

SPYRO: Well so far I only made 1.00.

SARAH: Well, at least we got money.

SPYRO: Actually, I got this dollar as extra change when buying planks for this stand. First time something doesn’t end in ninety-nine cents.

SARAH: {lowers eyebrows} You’re really bad at this, you know?

SPYRO: Yes, I know.

SARAH: Which is why you lost a life and you’re re-spawning back at your checkpoint.

{Spyro disappears with a pop sound. Then cuts to the couch where Spyro randomly appears with a pop.}

SPYRO: Aw man. I’ll show her. I’ll make better bananas! Yeah! That make her the 2nd best businesswoman in planet K. {pause} Or, that will still make her the 1st best considering she’s a girl.

{Cuts to the table with vials in Drakes lab with Spyro standing behind it holding a regular banana}

SPYRO: Hmm, I already gave my best idea. Hmm…I got it! Super sized bananas! {looks around the table.} Now where is the super sized juice? Oh there-

{Spyro points his hand at a vial knock it over and spilling on the banana and the floor. The banana glows green and starts getting bigger and eventually gets too big for the table and the table breaks and collapses. The banana stops growing when it almost goes off-screen, and it stops glowing.}

SPYRO: My luck!

{Spyro starts dragging the banana struggling. After he gets in front of it, his foot is revealed to have also increased in size. After 5 seconds, Spyro looks down in realization.}


{Cuts to the Lemonade booth with Sarah in place of Spyro. There is also a huge stack of money pilled up on the side of the stand. A crane then rolls on-screen almost touching the stand, and Spyro jumps out.}

SPYRO: Hello. I have a banana better than the ones you’re selling. BEHOLD! {the giant banana grabbed by the cranes claw lifts down until it’s on the ground.} Worlds biggest banana!

SARAH: You’re not gonna compete with me with that. You should break a world record for that.

SPYRO: Maybe I will. But I guarantee that it’s already a world record!

{Zooms out showing a guy on a elevated platform measuring the height of the banana with a giant tape measure.}

GUY: You’re an inch short.

SPYRO: {silently} Crap.

{Zooms back in.}

SPYRO: Well, I still have the growth juice. {takes out the vial and waters the banana} Yep. Now I will have a world-

{Suddenly, a giant stem quickly up-roots out of the banana. Cuts to a higher view showing the top of the stem, and a yellow head with only teeth (similar to a Venus Fly Trap) comes out from inside the stem. Then cuts to a birds eye view of Spyro and Sarah.}

SPYRO: {continued}...destroyed.

{The giant yellow stem reaches out (with another stem) for Spyro}

SPYRO: {terrified} NO WAIT! Take her {points at Sarah making Sarah glare at him angrily.}. Girls are lighter!

SARAH: {glaring} What kind of Stereotype is tha- {The stem grabs her. Pulling her off-screen.}

SPYRO: {Heroically} Kids Next Door! BATLESTA- {The stem grabs him too.} OH CRAP!

{Cuts to a high view showing Spyro and Sarah being flailed around by the stems arms.}

SPYRO: Who can save us now?

STAN BANANA: {off-screen} I can!

{The Yellow Stem looks down in curiosity. Then cuts to Stan banana dressed in a karate uniform looking up at the yellow stem.}

STAN BANANA: Drop those people, or face the wrath of…{produces a boom-box from off-screen} GWEN STAFANI! {pushes play}

BOOM-BOX: {Playing Holloback Girl} It’s bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! It’s banana’s!

{Cuts to the Yellow Stem shaking in terror.}

STAN BANANA: {presses stop off-screen} Now, put down the lady, and chuck the guy two thousand feet.

SPYRO: {Angrily} What! Why?

STAN BANANA: Well thanks to my Banp-lo-loopas-

{Cuts to a flash back of Stan sitting in a chair in his jungle, and an army of yellow haired Oompa-Loompas walk on screen and start to sing:}

:Ban-lo-loopa doopa-di-do.
:How many bananas are missing from you?
:Ban-lo-loopa doopa-di-do
:We’ll give a hint, it’s less than two.

{Then cuts back to Stan continuing to talk where he left off.}

STAN BANANA: I was able to track you down for stealing.

SPYRO: {off-screen} But it was my clones fault!

STAN BANANA: Sorry. When life gives you bananas, you can’t steal it.

{Cuts to Drake sitting in the comfy chair next to the fireplace (similar to last email). Drake is instead wearing the purple robe and shirt, he is wearing his regular clothes.}

DRAKE: And that is the moral. Good night.

{The paper comes down. After 5 seconds, Spyro crashes through the ceiling. And lands off-screen}

Fun Facts


  • In some video games where there is a checkpoint, when you die, you go back to the checkpoint.
  • Monkeys are mammals, and therefore do not lay eggs. This is why Peachy was baffled.


  • Banana's actually do grow into tree's.

Inside References

  • The Noid appeared saying "Use your clones!" Because he said that he wanted the clones to appear later when commenting on Power Origin.
  • The Purple shirts that the TV mentioned is from Skating Pursuit when drake make a purple shirt and becomes a millionare.
    • Drake is also in the fireplace room and has a moral like last email.
  • The running gag when people say a current day place or person, and they forget is referred.

Real world References

  • The Ban-lo-loompas are parodying the Oompa-loompas from "Charlie and the chocolate factory".
  • Holoback Girl is a popular song by Gwen Stafani.
  • Welcome to the Jungle is another popular heavy meatal song by Guns and Roses

