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Spyro email #12

Cast (in order of appearance): Drake, Spyro, Voice, Golf Ball, Triangle 1, Triangle 2, The Ugly One, So and So, Cheerleader, Hunter, Sarah, Marzichan, Arielle.

Places: Spyro's Bed room, Outside of Spyro's houes, Brick wall, Spyro's Door Lab, Couch, Door

Computer: Dragon P. 3.0

Date: February 17 2006

Number of lines: 170


{Shows Drake at the computer instead of Spyro.}

DRAKE: Spyro is sleeping. I'll do this for him!


Dear Spyro,
You need to make love with a girl,
Or I'll pair you up randomly.


DRAKE: {typing} Well cupid, I will get a girl to go on the show, And I will get s girlfriend soon. You just watch me.

{Cuts to Spyro's room with a blue bed in the corner. Drake is kneeling on Spyro's bed while Spyro is sleeping.}

DRAKE: {wispering} Spyro. Spyrox. Spyrox6.

{Drake gets out a Air Horn from his pocket. Then he stuffs some cotton in his ears. Drake presses the Horns button, causing Spyro to rocket out of his bed and hitting his head through the ceiling.}

DRAKE: {looking up at Spyro} Now that your up, happy valentines day!

SPYRO: {Mumbling because of the ceiling obstructing his voice}

DRAKE: I'm sorry, What?

SPYRO: {louder mumbling}

DRAKE: My cow punched what?

{Pans left showing Gunhaver at the door.}

GUNHAVER: I wish you would stop referencing my emails. This is like the 4th one in a row.

DRAKE: Sorry.

{Pans back right}

DRAKE: Now...what?

SPYRO: {Starts flailing his legs and still is mumbling}

{Drake presses the horns button again causing Spyro to launch through the ceiling and comes out of the bedroom floor somehow. He hits a different part of the ceiling and falls back down. Drake takes the cotton out of his ears.}

DRAKE: Now that I can hear you, what?

SPYRO: I said, {shouting} Valentines day is over! And it's three in the morning!

DRAKE: Well how would you know? You don't have a clock. You only have a bed. Jeeze, even with transcript first and no pictures, Spyrox6 is too lazy.

SPYRO: Why did you wake me up?

DRAKE: Because, since today is the perfect day for love-

SPYRO: {interupting} It's the 18th.

DRAKE: Not when my dialogue was written. Anyways, I noticed that there're not many girls around here, so we will either get one, make one, or fight over a competition and see who loses and that person gets to be turned into a girl. Or we would have a full house...weeknights at 9:00 at Nick at Night.

SPYRO: Hmm, now that you mention it, we do need girls.

DRAKE: Thats right. So what would it be?

SPYRO: I don't know any, so you should try to make one.

DRAKE: Grood idea. First, we should try to make one. To the lab montage scene!

{A Homestar Jr. transition scene is played. Then cuts to the outside of Spyro's house showing just shadows. Drake jumps out the window and falls offscreen. Spyro opens the door and walks down what appears to be an invisible staircase. Then cuts to Spyro walking down the invisible stairs.}

SPYRO: I like this invisible stairs. It looks cool. And the rail. {he starts to ride the invisible rail down.} Weeee-{Spyro jerks down and back up} OW! Stupid invisible cracks.

{Cuts to the ground. Drake is lying face-first on the ground covered in dirt. Spyro slides down on the invisible rail and jumps off landing next to Drake. Spyro kicks his foot lightly on Drake waking him up. He gets up. They both run off-screen. Cuts to a brick wall, the Drake and Spyro run on-screen}

SPYRO: So how do you get in again? Break the forth wall?

DRAKE: No, I changed that. Now you have to be worthy enough to get in. You must answer the Drake quiz. First, what is my name?

SPYRO: Drake.

DRAKE: What is my code name?

SPYRO: Uh...Drake?

DRAKE: Crap. Well, what is my age?

SPYRO: 12?

DRAKE: Sorry. The correct answer is Drake.

SPYRO: No it isn't , your 12. You told me you were 12 yesterday, remember?

DRAKE: {trying to remember} Hmm...

{A thought bubble produces over Drakes head showing Spyro opening the door showing Drake.}

DRAKE: {In thought bubble} Hi, I'm Drake. I'm 12, like bagles, and didn't put deodorant on for 3 days.

SPYRO: {in thought bubble} I know. Why do keep on saying that? Remember last time?

DRAKE: {in thought bubble} Hmm...

{Drakes thought bubble produces another thought bubble which shows the same exact scene.}

DRAKE: {in thoughts thought bubble} Hi, I'm Drake. I'm 12-

{All thought bubbles pop.}

DRAKE: Oh yeah. Your right. It's 12.

SPYRO: So, wheres your lab?

DRAKE: Well, I lied. You do break the 4th wall.

SPYRO: Oh. Lets cut to a montage.

{The brick wall falls down in the inside}


DRAKE: {wondering} Where's that voice come from?

SPYRO: I don' t know. He lives in a bathroom stall.

{Cuts to Drakes lab. Spyro and Drake walk in.}

SPYRO: Ok, so you said that you will make a girl?

DRAKE: Well, yes. I really don't know anyone to invite, so I'll do it the old fashion way.

SPYRO: {puzzled} This is the old fashion way?

DRAKE: Well, to people who have labs. Like Dexter and Jimmy.


{Cuts to a table with a lot of pitchers and vials. Drake walks up to it.}

DRAKE: To make one, I will need a subjects DNA.

SPYRO: {walking on-screen} Your gonna say me right?

DRAKE: No, I was gonna say a pencils graphite. {holds up a pencil}

SPYRO: What? That's not a humans DNA! Your gonna make a living drawing from that.

DRAKE: Well, you have to start somewhere.

{Cuts to a giant laser gun aiming at a platform. Drake puts the pencil on the platform, and goes up to the lasers seat. Drake presses a few buttons, and then holds on the aiming handles. Spyro walks on-screen.}

SPYRO: So all you have to do is get an object and this laser will turn it into a XX chromosome person?

DRAKE: I'm a scientist. I'm smart.

SPYRO: What about that time you couldn't start up that lawnmower?

{Cuts to Drake with a lawnmower. Drake looks frustrated, and is pressing everypart.}

DRAKE: How do they do it on television?

{He kicks the lawnmower causing it to go on.}

DRAKE: {happily} Yay! That's how. Wait-

{The lawmower chases him off-screen and on-screen each time going farther out. Then cuts back to Spyro.}

SPYRO: Or the time you looked at Political Cartoons?

{Cuts to Drake at Spyro's door. Spyro opens it.}

DRAKE: Did you want me?

SPYRO: {angrily} Well yeah...a week ago. Where were you?

DRAKE: {guilty} I was...Trying to get a New Yorker caption. Hehe...

SPYRO: You know I banned you from that.

DRAKE: Well I was to busy reading it.

{The lawnmower attacks Drake chasing him off-screen. Then cuts back to Spyro.}

SPYRO: Or even the time you opened a backpack.

DRAKE: Look, it's not my fault a grass cutter has a mind of it's own. Like in golf, ever notice that the ball has a mind of it's own?

{Cuts to Drake putting a golf ball. He hits it and then a face appears on the ball before the ball goes in the hole, and it stops.}

DRAKE: {off-screen} Crap!

GOLF BALL: Hehehe...{in a evil voice} DESTROY ALL HUMANS! {The ball rolls off-screen laughing}

{Cuts back to Drake and Spyro}

DRAKE: Anyways, I'm gonna start making this girl now, so watch if you want.

SPYRO: Don't I need goggles?


SPYRO: {pointing off-screen} Well why is that sign up there?

{Pans left showing a sign on the wall that says: Wear goggles on every experiment". Then pans back right.}

DRAKE: That sign is for squares. I'm a circle because I don't listen to that. I'm also in the circle club for not listening to signs.

{2 triangles jump on-screen}

TRIANGLE 1: Can we join?

DRAKE: {angrily} No, you can not join you pointy Length times height divided by 2 things. Once you become PI Radius to the 2nd power you can join.

TRIANGLE 2: {upset} Aww... {The triangles bounce sadly off-screen}

DRAKE: Ok, no more distractions. Laser, {presses button} ON!

{Cuts to the laser where there is lightning shooting out from the lasers point, and electrocutes the pencil with shorter lines of lightning producing out of it. A flash occurs and when it clears up, The Ugly One from Teen Girl Squad is standing there.}

THE UGLY ONE: I have a crush on every boy!

{Cuts back to Spyro and Drake where they are horrified at The Ugly One.}

SPYRO: {horrified} AHHHH! Make it go away!

DRAKE: {horrified} AHHHH! Ok!

{Drake presses a button, and a sheet of paper materializes over The Ugly One, and crushes her. Then cuts to a Teen Girl Squad style of paper with All the girls in it.}

THE UGLY ONE: Where Am I? Why is there lines going through us?

SO AND SO: I don't know. Only Cheerleader knows where we are. But just go along.

CHEERLEADER: Hey Girls! Lets get ready to look...


{Cuts back to Spyro and Drake, and they are breathing really hard in relief.}

SPYRO: Don't ever make a girl again.

DRAKE: Well, I guess we can never get a girl on your email show.

{Cuts to Spyro's couch in his house. Spyro and Drake are sitting on it.}

SPYRO: You know, we could of invited a girl here.

DRAKE: But I don't know any girls. I didn't know there was such thing as a girl.

SPYRO: So how do you know what it is?

DRAKE: Internet.

{The doorbell rings}

HUNTER: {off-screen} I'll get it!

{Cuts to Hunter opening the door. There is a girl wearing a red shirt and black sweat pants at the door.}

GIRL: Hello. You must be Hunter.

HUNTER: {paranoid} Are you a stalker?

GIRL: What? No. Sheldon told me all about you.

HUNTER: {Confused} Sheldon? We don't know a sheldon. We only know a Spyro, Drake, Peachy, And Bad Boy.

GIRL: Bad Boy! Yes, him. I'm his sister. I came for a place to crash.

HUNTER: Um, I think the guest room is empty.

GIRL: Great! {Hands him a suitcase bigger than him and it squishes him.}. Take this up there. I'm Sarah by the way. {walks in, then leans back out} Oh, and I got 2 other people. You mind.

HUNTER: {pointing his finger up} I guess. Hehe, can't say no to a girl.

SARAH: Great! {calling to off-screen people} Hey! Marzichan! Arielle! They said yes!

{Marzichan and a girl who looks like peachy's girl form, runs in. Then cuts to Spyro and Drake at the couch.}

SPYRO: Hmm, wonder who was at the door. Probably a door to door salesman.

{Sarah walks past them}

SPYRO: Or maybe a girl. {realizing Sarah} Wha-Da, did you just see that?

DRAKE: Peachy in makeup? A girl?

SPYRO: Yeah, we have girls in the show!

DRAKE: No kidding! Yeah!

{They give each other a high 5. Drake then gets out Dragon P. from his pocket. Cuts to Drake at the computer screen angle.}

DRAKE: {typing} So you see cupid, We have girls on the show now. So there will be love. You'll just watch and see.

SPYRO: {off-screen} What are you doing?

DRAKE: I'm uh...doing a book report. Preeeeeeow.

{The Paper comes down}



  • Drake is right, his first part of diolauge has been writen on Valentines day.
    • This was supposed to be a Valentines Day special, but Spyrox6 couldn't write it fast enough.


  • Bad Boys name is revealed to be Sheldon


  • Chromosomes are what make a person their gender. XX is girls, and XY is boys.
  • Length times height divided by 2 is the equation to finding the area of a 2 dimetional triangle.
    • Pi Radius to the 2nd power is how you find a circles area

Inside References

  • Puching cows is referenced
    • Also Gunhaver is right. Gunhaver emails has been referenced for 4 emails straight.
  • The Homestar Jr. Transition Scene is from "Where's The Cheat?"

Real World References

  • "Full House...Weeknights at Nick at Night at 9:00."
    • Full house is a Show at Nick at night
  • "Well, to people who have labs. Like Dexter and Jimmy."
    • Dexter And Jimmy are scientists on the shows "Dexters Labratory" and "The Adventures of Jimmy Nuetron: Boy Genius"
  • When Spyro flashbacks times when Drake did something stupid references "Family Guy" Where Bryan most of the time does that to Peter.

