(even if you aren't vegan)
Sirhcnoc summons hordes of the undead and animals. Cieeia gets kidnapped and Conchris (along with Cruroar) have a fight of their lifetimes
{Open to a kitchen, Sarry Bcott slowly slides on-screen, grinning nervously}
SARRY: Hi! Sarry Bcott here! I'd like to introduce you to... uh... Cillit Twang! Now with extra Twanginess!
{Closeup of the kitchen surface, Sarry sprays some Cillit Twang and the surface starts melting away}
SARRY: Look at how it cleans up your mess with no fuss!
{Cut back to the kitchen, a bowl of Cillit Twang is sitting on the surface and a coin rests near it}
SARRY: Check out how it could clean coins!
{Sarry picks up the coin and places it into the Cillit Twang, the coin melts away, Sarry looks at it and smiles at the camera nervously}
SARRY: Uh... see? Good as New! And I didn't have to {demonic voice} EAT YOUR SOUL!
{The camera turns off to static, the screen blacks out}
Act 1 - The Dark Summoning
{Open to Conchris' House}
CONCHRIS: I can't believe that this is the season finale!
CRUROAR: Yeah, I wonder if the writer has cooked up an epic story for us!
{A fire engulfs Cruroar, it quickly douses itself leaving Cruroar in a charred state}
CRUROAR: {coughs} I think the oven is broken... {falls over}
{Intro sequence, after it finishes cut to Sirhcnoc's Awesome Floating Lair of Love}
SIRHCNOC: Finally... now that I have a floating lair, nothing can stop me! NOTHING!
GREG: Dude, there was no need to repeat something you already said off-screen.
SIRHCNOC: That didn't make sense in the slightest!
GREG: UGH! Fine, what's the plan.
GREG: Don't go there!
SIRHCNOC: Alright. Alright... The plan involves controlling the animals in the local forest and raising the dead, then I will let them loose on the city. Also, I will let everyone know that they can eat at Joe's.
{Zoom out of the lair to reveal that the Awesome Lair is actually a blimp with the words "Eat At Joe's" on the side}
SIRHCNOC: I needed the advertising money.
{Zoom back into the lair}
GREG: But we also need to get rid of that Conchris guy and his friends once and for all...
SIRHCNOC: Didn't I tell you a few episodes back? We kidnap Cieeia!
SIRHCNOC: Oh it's there. This blimp has everything!
{Pan right to reveal a cage above a lava pit, below the cage is a P-Balloon}
GREG: I see what you mean...
SIRHCNOC: Let's move our gear forward! {grabs megaphone} RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!
{Cut to the graveyard, several zombies and skeletons burst out of the graves, the people inside the graveyard start panicking. A zombie slowly walks up to a man and pickpockets him before running off, giggling}
{Cut back to Sirhcnoc's Awesome Floating Lair}
SIRHCNOC: Now all we have to do is to control the wolves and bears... {shouting through megaphone} ANIMALS, ATTACK!
{Cut to the forest, several animals prance around before they suddenly stop, the bears and wolves start to walk towards the city and the rabbits somehow pull out plungers as their eyes glow red}
{Cut back to Sirhcnoc's Awesome Floating Lair}
SIRHCNOC: Best plan ever? Or best plan ever?
GREG: Both.
{Cut to Conchris' Bedroom, Conchris gets up and opens the window revealing several zombies and wolves, although he doesn't pay attention to them}
CONCHRIS: Another awesome day!
{Conchris walks out of his bedroom and slides down the railing to the living room}
CIEEIA: Uh... Con? Is there a reason why there are zombies and wolves outside?
CONCHRIS: What now?
CIEEIA: You see... they just suddenly appeared.
CONCHRIS: Nah, they're probably blue screen actors screwing with your mind again.
{Cut outside, two zombies look at each other}
ZOMBIE 1: He's onto us! RUN!
{The two zombies slowly shuffle away before cutting back to the living room, Cruroar walks in on the scene}
CRUROAR: Is this one of your inventions gone bad again, Conches?!
CONCHRIS: No, of course not. And stop calling me Conches, that's my codename when I'm undercover.
CIEEIA: You go undercover?
CONCHRIS: Of course, how else do I spy on Sirhcnoc?
CONCHRIS: Nevermind that.
{A window breaks open and the zombies slowly falls in through the broken window}
{Cieeia runs away from the zombies and cowers behind Cruroar}
CIEEIA: Am not!
{One of the zombies gets up and brushes himself off}
ZOMBIE 3: Hi, I'm Boring McBorington, I died in the year 1967 and I'm here to kidnap a girl named Cieeia.
CRUROAR: {acting cautious} Why?!
BORING MCBORINGTON: Master Sirhcnoc told me to bring her to the blimp so that he may hang her in a cage above a pit of lava.
CONCHRIS: So that explains the weird goings on!
BORING MCBORINGTON: No, that's just the show's natural order speaking. Anyway, come along now, or do we have to beat you up to get her?
{Conchris wields the laser blade and holds it close to Boring McBorington}
CONCHRIS: Just you try and knock me down!
{Boring McBorington slaps Conchris}
CONCHRIS: I can see pretty lights... {falls over}
CRUROAR: Conches? Conches?! CONCHRIS!
{Cruroar gets up and stares at Boring McBorington}
BORING MCBORINGTON: Excuse me but your name is Cruroar, yes?
CRUROAR: Yeah, what about it?
BORING MCBORINGTON: Are you protecting her out of love?
BORING MCBORINGTON: Pardon my manners but I must certainly knock you out also!
{Cruroar pulls out the solar gun, the zombies take a step back}
CRUROAR: Yeah! Afraid of a little sunlight, eh?! EH?!
BORING MCBORINGTON: Sunlight only stuns, not kill. We've got our super sunblock when we risen from the grave, so just try it!
{Cruroar fires several shots at the zombies, but nothing happens}
BORING MCBORINGTON: I'm so sorry that you didn't have your little moment. Ta-ta! {whacks Cruroar up the head with his cane}
CRUROAR: 42... {falls over}
BORING MCBORINGTON: Now, are we going to have to kidnap you the hard way or the easy way?
CIEEIA: Forest! Chrionroar! HELP!
BORING MCBORINGTON: I'm so sorry, but we've also done away with them as well...
{Cut to the basement, Chrionroar and Forest are tied up back-to-back in chairs}
FOREST: I swear I'll kill him!
CHRIONROAR: Banana is no good!
FOREST: What on earth are you talking about? You idiot.
{Cut back to the living room}
CIEEIA: Uhh... the hard way?
BORING MCBORINGTON: Ah! My favourite! I like it when you humans struggle against the massive hordes of us zombies and then somehow fail!
{Cieeia slowly backs away from the zombies and runs upstairs, she looks around for a quick exit}
CIEEIA: That window!
{Cieeia throws herself out of the window, she flies into the hatch of a blimp and lands in the cage in Sirhcnoc's Awesome Floating Lair, the cage shuts}
CIEEIA: What?!
SIRHCNOC: {laughing evilly} He he he... HA HA HA! MWHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! GA HA HA HA HA HA HA! You're trapped now! And your precious friends can't save you!
CIEEIA: What are you going to do?
SIRHCNOC: You know, the typical villain stuff, hold you captive, wait for the heroes to arrive to save the day, I tell them my master plan and they somehow win the fight like they always do.
CIEEIA: Cruroar...
{The screen blacks out with the words "End of Act 1" at the bottom}
END OF ACT 1! (Kind of redundant, eh?)
Intermission 2
{Open to Conchris' House - Living Room}
CONCHRIS: Cruroar! You've got to check my computer out, it's been equipped with the latest Dell technology!
CRUROAR: Wha? Th... What? We're knocked unconscious in Act 1 and you're going on about Dell? What's so great?
CONCHRIS: I can play Team Fortress 2.
{A glowing rocket flies at Cruroar}
{Cruroar explodes}
CONCHRIS: And that is why Crit Rockets are the future, now back to your original programming.
{Cruroar pops back in}
CRUROAR: So, this intermission is just a stupid form of product placement?
CONCHRIS: Yes! How else are we gonna raise money for the next season? A bake sale? I don't think so!
{Several sticky bombs appear on-screen and they explode, knocking the camera down and blowing Cruroar up again}
CONCHRIS: {imitating a scottish accent} KA-BOOM!
{Camera turns to static, the screen blacks out}
Act 2 - Dead Crying?!
{Open to a dark room, Conchris is the first to wake up}
CONCHRIS: Where am I?
VOICE: The question should be...
{The lights switch on to reveal that Conchris and Cruroar are tied to two separate chairs with explosives around them}
CRUROAR: Where are we?!
CONCHRIS: Oh crap! We were brought here during the intermission!
CRUROAR: Well, let's find a way out of here quickly...
{Conchris struggles for a bit before setting himself free}
CONCHRIS: Wow, they sure are horrible at tying knots.
{Conchris gets up, Cruroar frees himself and gets up}
CRUROAR: I guess they only put our hands behind our backs to make it look like we're tied up.
CONCHRIS: Hush! Now let me find an exit!
{Conchris feels along the walls, he accidentally opens a door and falls through}
CRUROAR: That was easy...
{Cruroar follows Conchris into the hallway}
CONCHRIS: Wait a second... we're in the mall! Why are we in a mall?
CRUROAR: Because that's where all typical zombie onslaught stories begin, right?
CONCHRIS: Yeah... They even have that woman who obsesses over her dog too much...
{Cut to the mall entrance, a woman is trying to open the doors whilst two security guards try to pull her back}
WOMAN: But my sweetie is out there!
SECURITY GUARD: Sorry, no can do.
{The woman pushes the guards out of the way and opens the door, the zombies start to flood in}
MAN: Now look what you've done! You're going to kill us all!
{The zombies grab the man and drags him off-screen, cut back to Cruroar and Conchris who are spectating the mess from the top}
CRUROAR: Typical... wait a sec... Can zombies use escalators?
{Several zombies pile up on an escalator going up}
{Conchris and Cruroar start running, they run into Mr. Convenient's weapon store}
CONCHRIS: A weapon store? IN A MALL?!
CRUROAR: There is always one in case of zombie uprisings.
CONCHRIS: Well, I guess we could take a few weapons...
CRUROAR: Dude, aren't you the one who invents weapons?
CONCHRIS: Yeah but I kind of forgot my freeze ray, it's back at the house.
CRUROAR: Great...
{Sarry Bcott pops up from behind the counter}
SARRY: Hi there! What can I do you for? We're having a Doomsday sale! 100% off of all items!
CONCHRIS: {puts on a serious look} We need guns... lots of guns...
{Screen blacks out, after a few seconds, it opens up to Conchris' House - Living Room, Forest kicks down the door with Chrionroar in tow}
FOREST: That was too easy.
CHRIONROAR: Easy as cake?!
FOREST: Shut up! Now, where are the others?!
{Forest looks around and finds nothing}
FOREST: No lifesigns found. Switching to Infrared mode!
{Forest's eyes change colour and she spots footprints}
FOREST: Looks like a struggle happened here. It appears that two idiots have been taken from here and from the way that they were going, they're at the mall.
FOREST: Shut up, let's walk.
{Forest throws Chrionroar off-screen and starts walking to the mall, cut to the mall, the zombies shuffle around looking for survivors until Conchris and Cruroar burst into the scene}
CONCHRIS: Let's get out of here!
MAN: Save us!
CRUROAR: You're a secondary character! You'll live!
{Conchris pulls out his laser blade and bats away a few zombies, two zombies grab him by the arms and tries to bite him, he kicks them both off and fires off a shotgun shell at a horde of zombies}
CONCHRIS: The only thing you're having is... uh... I can't think of anything to say...
ZOMBIE 2341: He's attacking us!
{Cruroar jumps on top of a sign and starts firing small shots at the zombies}
ZOMBIE 3213: You're such a wuss.
CRUROAR: Hey, I don't like getting into melee range with you guys.
ZOMBIE 3892: But you can trust us, right?
CRUROAR: No! You'll just hump me whilst I stand frozen!
CONCHRIS: Uh, Cruroar? They're not Redeads you know.
ZOMBIE 3217: He's on the ground, GET HIM!
{The zombies close in on Conchris but he spins around with the laser blade to keep them at bay}
CONCHRIS: Witty one-liner!
ZOMBIE 3263: My! That's incredibly witty!
{Conchris continues to bat away the zombie hoards until a laser blast kills off a huge bunch of them, creating dust. When the dust clears, it reveals Forest with her arm cannon out}
FOREST: I've fired mah lasers.
CONCHRIS: Forest! Thank goodness you came!
FOREST: Shut up! The front entrance was a pain to break in without being spotted!
CONCHRIS: Sorry! Is there another way out?
FOREST: The back entrance maybe?
CONCHRIS: Let's roll!
{Cruroar jumps down from the sign, knocking out a few zombies along the way. The trio begins to run towards the back of the mall, only to be stopped by a pack of wolves}
CRUROAR: Can't we just jump over them?
CONCHRIS: No use, running up to them gives no "Jump Over" action!
FOREST: Screw this!
{Forest grabs Cruroar and Conchris and throws them over the wolves, she jumps up on a nearby sign and jumps at the exit. The trio land safe and sound, they run out, cut to the front entrance}
CHRIONROAR: Keep watching!
ZOMBIE GUARD: Dude, I don't have all day!
{A phone rings}
ZOMBIE GUARD: Hold on a second... {picks up the phone} What is it?
ZOMBIE 23: They've escaped.
ZOMBIE 23: They ran out of our aggro range and jumped over the wolves.
ZOMBIE GUARD: Where are they going now?!
ZOMBIE 23: Maybe the floating fortress.
ZOMBIE GUARD: Damn! I need to alert Sirhcnoc about this. Bye. {puts phone away} Okay... {notices that Chrionroar is missing} Wha?
{Cut to the Streets, the zombies are raiding the city buildings, Cruroar, Conchris and Forest are running along the street}
CONCHRIS: So, you were tied up somehow?
FOREST: It seems that you're not as much of an idiot as I thought you were.
CRUROAR: Conchris, if Conches is your codename... Where do you think Sirhcnoc is at the moment?
CONCHRIS: {pulls out a notebook} According to my high-tech tracker, Sirhcnoc should be floating over the stadium in his blimp.
CRUROAR: That's a notebook.
CONCHRIS: It's your mom!
CRUROAR: Hey! My mom isn't a piece of paper!
FOREST: Shut up before I strangle the both of you. Now let's get going to the stadium, after this intermission.
{Screen blacks out}
Intermission 3
{Open to a mountainous area, a dinosaur comes into the scene}
DINOSAUR: RAR! What you're doing Mr. Volcano?
MR. VOLCANO: Hello, Tyrannosaurus Alan! I'm just filling my water with volcanicity! {holds out a bottle of water} Try some!
{Alan grabs the bottle of water and drinks it, he spits it out in disgust}
ALAN: Ugh! It tastes awful! What'd you put in it this time?!
MR. VOLCANO: Only the most painful herbs on the planet!
ALAN: Wait, WHAT?!
{Alan explodes}
{The camera turns to static, screen blacks out}
Act 3 - We meet again Mr. Chris.
{Open to Sirhcnoc's Awesome Floating Lair, Cieeia fiddles about with her hands in the cage}
CIEEIA: I'm bored!
{Cieeia stumbles back and looks around, she finds a key nearly out of her grasp}
CIEEIA: A key? Hmm...
{Cieeia takes out the pipe she had and tries to reach for the keys with it, she succeeds}
CIEEIA: Finally!
{Cieeia opens the cage's door and hits the Instructor over the head with the pipe}
{An alarm starts sounding}
VOICE: Prison break in Sector A4. Prison break in Sector A4.
{Cieeia tries to bash open the window with the pipe until several furry creatures appear at the door}
FURRY CREATURE 437: She's escaping! Get her!
{The creatures charge at Cieeia but they end up in the lava}
CIEEIA: Looks like it's my time to escape.
{Cieeia jumps over the rocks and hops out of the door into the hallway, attracting the attention of several zombies}
ZOMBIE 42378: She's getting away!
{Cieeia starts running down the corridor}
ZOMBIE 2372: Stop getting away so quickly!
{Cut to the control room, Cieeia sneaks in and hides under the platform that Sirhcnoc is stationed above}
SIRHCNOC: {on the phone} What?! They escaped?! Meh, let them come. Goodbye. {hangs up} Any other bad news?
FURRY CREATURE 42781: Well, you know... Cieeia?
FURRY CREATURE 42781: Well, she escaped too...
SIRHCNOC: DAMN IT! Send all guards to the entiriety of this sector, she must not escape!
FURRY CREATURE 42781: Yes sir! {walks off}
{Cut to the stadium, the blimp had landed in the middle, Conchris, Cruroar and Forest walk in}
CRUROAR: So, you're right after all!
CONCHRIS: Yep! He had to make a place his home somewhere!
FOREST: Well, aren't we going to stop gawking at it like a bunch of chickens and go in?
CONCHRIS: Yes, we need an epic break in sequence.
{Cut to lair entrance, the door blasts down to reveal Conchris, Cruroar and Forest standing there with their weapons drawn}
CONCHRIS: It's showtime!
{The three split up to fight the group of guards}
{Conchris kicks off several guards and slices a few of them, one of the furry creatures grabs onto his shoulders to try and pull him down but to no avail}
{Cruroar fires off a few solar shots that causes the guards that went after him to be set alight}
{Forest jumps up onto the ceilling and starts charging her arm cannon}
FOREST: I'ma firing mah lazars! {fires off a huge laser blast, obliterating most of the guards, the remaining run away in terror}
{Cut to the control room}
SIRHCNOC: Put all efficienicy to over 9000! We must not let them get into the control room!
{Sirhcnoc accidentally drops the key card, Cieeia crawls over to it to pick it up but attracts the attention of Sirhcnoc}
{Cieeia jumps up with the key card and runs off, but not before being stopped by the Ninjas}
SIRHCNOC: Throw her back in the cage! Also, fetch me a drink! Also, catch the break inners!
{The Ninjas jump off with Cieeia, cut to the bridge, three ninjas appear in front of the trio}
CONCHRIS: Only three?
FOREST: They can be dangerous!
{The ninjas grab Conchris, Cruroar and Forest and they run off, cut to the lava caging room, the trio are thrown into the cage with Cieeia}
CONCHRIS: Wow, no chance to survive and make my time?
SIRHCNOC: No. Now that I have all of you in my grasp, I think I should laugh evilly as your cage slowly lowers into a pit of lava. Ahem. LOWER THE CAGE!
INSTRUCTOR: NO NEED TO SHOUT, GEEZ! {pulls the lever and the cage starts to lower whilst Sirhcnoc plays unfitting music laughs evilly}
CONCHRIS: Well, I guess this is it.
CRUROAR: Yeah, we had a good run.
CIEEIA: As long as I die with you, Cruroar, it has been a good run.
CRUROAR: Er... um... he he...
FOREST: What about me?
CONCHRIS: You're a robot! You'll survive and make a daily spin off series as you try to carry it single handedly across 10 seasons.
CIEEIA: Wasn't that what the writer used to plan?
WRITER: It's true, brah!
CONCHRIS: Well, before I die, I get to have my last words!
CRUROAR: And what is that?
CONCHRIS: Stop sign.
{Chrionroar bursts in through the ceiling}
CHRIONROAR: I ARE HAPPENINGS MAN! {eats the bars of the cage and throws the group out, he then eats it whole}
CHRIONROAR: This place smells like burning, can I eat you?
{Chrionroar somehow grabs the Instructor and eats him, along with the balloon}
CONCHRIS: It's over, Sirhcnoc!
SIRHCNOC: Oh really? How about we have a fight on the top of the blimp whilst it is in motion?
CONCHRIS: You're on!
{Cut to the top of the blimp, the wind blows heavily as the blimp flies through the air}
SIRHCNOC: Let's have a hand-to-hand fight, Conchris. Let's see who is the better fighter!
CONCHRIS: Let's do this!
{Conchris and Sirhcnoc jump towards each other and starts punching at each other, Conchris counters Sirhcnoc's blows with his own whilst Sirhcnoc does the same, after a while they jump back. Sirhcnoc closes in on Conchris and tries to throw him but Conchris counters it by throwing him instead and kicking him while he is still down}
{Sirhcnoc jumps up and starts hitting Conchris with his punches, Conchris gets knocked back by the last blow and is sent flying to the side of the blimp, he recovers and jumps up into the air and delivers a flying kick to Sirhcnoc, Sirhcnoc is knocked down again}
SIRHCNOC: Fine! I'll use my best moves on you! RAGH!
{Sirhcnoc runs towards Conchris but is suddenly stopped by a cramp in his knee}
SIRHCNOC: Argh! Cramp! Ow! I knew I shouldn't have sat down in that spiky chair earlier! Ooh!
CONCHRIS: Is... Is that it?
SIRHCNOC: {gets up} NO! I was just fooling you! {pulls out his laser gun, Conchris staggers back towards Cruroar, Cieeia, Forest and Chrionroar (who is busy eating the rails of the staircase} Now, who to shoot first? Ah! The young girl! Prepare to die! {fires a laser shot at Cieeia}
{Cruroar notices this and blocks Sirhcnoc's shot with his body, he falls to the floor}
SIRHCNOC: Now, who else will die?
{Before Sirhcnoc can choose a target, a bird comes out of nowhere and steals his gun}
SIRHCNOC: WAIT! NO! COME BACK LASER GUN! I DIDN'T MEAN WHAT I SAID! {looks at Conchris} You win this time.
SIRHCNOC: Yes! But not before I activate this self-destruct sequence!
VOICE: Self-destruct engaged, this blimp will explode in 30 seconds.
SIRHCNOC: See ya, losers! {jumps off the side of the blimp}
CIEEIA: We've got to get out of here!
CONCHRIS: Way ahead of you! {points over the side of the blimp}
CIEEIA: But, isn't jumping dangerous?
CONCHRIS: Trust me! Everyone in cartoons and such somehow survive by a conveiniance!
CIEEIA: But... {notices that Conchris is already overboard and sighs} Okay...
{Cieeia jumps overboard, Forest (w/ Cruroar) follows along with Chrionroar}
{Cut to an outside view of the blimp, it explodes, sending Greg into the air}
GREG: Oh no, not again...
{Greg disappears from view}
{Timeswipe, the scene shifts to outside Conchris' house with the words "Three hours later", Cieeia lands safely on a trampoline along with Chrionroar and Forest (w/ Cruroar), Conchris lands in the tree}
FOREST: {grinning} Are you alright up there?
CONCHRIS: Ow... no...
FOREST: Don't worry, I'll get you down... sometime...
{Forest and Chrionroar go into the house leaving Cieeia alone}
CONCHRIS: Cieeia... can you help me down? I can't feel my legs somehow...
CIEEIA: Sorry, you're on your own.
CONCHRIS: At least play the credits...
{Credit sequence, after it finishes, cut to the hospital}
DOCTOR: You're lucky to be still breathing from that three hour fall.
CONCHRIS: It took us three hours to fall?
DOCTOR: Yes, you were falling so fast that you somehow broke the time continuium and somehow time travelled forward three hours.
CONCHRIS: Wow... Can I leave now?
DOCTOR: No, you need to rest up for the second season.
{Conchris groans and lies down on his bed}
{The screen turns to static, cut to a black space, Conchris walks in}
CONCHRIS: Hello! I'm Conchris and I'd like to thank all ten of you viewers for viewing season one!
{Conchris puts a serious face on and he stares angrily at the camera}
CONCHRIS: Now get off of my lawn!
{The screen suddenly flicks off, another credit sequence is played}
Conshow Season 1 Cast: Conchris as himself Cruroar as himself Cieeia as herself Chrionroar as himself Forest as herself Clark/Sirhcnoc as himself Greg as himself Random Demon 221 as Sarry Bcott Random Demon 423 as Instructor Mr. TV as Mayor Luigi as Weegee Police Officers as themselves Civilians as themselves Writer as himself Solid Snake as Sneaky Kid Kids as themselves Thanks: Everyone for viewing Season 1 The Text Fiction section No Thanks: Err... not... pigeons... See you in Season 2! END
Conshow Season 1 Navigation |
Private Conchris's Pilot Clubs Episode | Time waits for Chrionroar | Make way for Cieeia! | Cruroar and the Stones of Power | Forest in: Robot Wars | Greg's Excellent Adventure | Aria's Revenge | Clark's Boring Life | The Kids in: Revenge | Sirhcnoc's Smooth Moves Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7 |