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Chaos Emails.exe

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Welcome to Chaos_Emails.exe. A Wiki User Email show starring, hosted and written by Chaosvii7, Co-starring And Co-interned by both Im A Bell and Kanjiro



On June 18, 2007, Chaosvii7 created an account on the original Knowledge Base. After about 3 months of "Fanstuff Wiki", a name which befuddled him, he decided to look at it. He thought he was impressive, but he didn't answer it's call until Knajiro, one of his best friends asked him to make an account on it. He accepted and has since enjoyed the fan-fiction and wonderment of this wiki. On September 10, 2007, Chaos decided to try out for an eamil show. After 3 weeks of work and revisions, it was passed. And from this one tryout, comes to you, Chaos_Emails. The first season spans through 13 Emails, and did not change much to the series.


Below is a list of computers used throughout the series.

BELL 2999

BELL 2999!

The BELL is Chaos' computer, which he checks all of his Emails with. It was the only one of it's kind. He had bought it off of an internet auction for $100.It's name is not to be confused with Im A Bell. According to the Email of the same name, the computer is indestructible, and cannot harm others/be harmed by computer viruses.



NEW!! - Do I really need to explain this one?

SF- Season Finale


All the info on the Characters!

Double Weeks

Every second and forth week in the month is a double week! The Double week counter is:. on double weeks, I am chacking 2 Emails for that week. Double the Me, Double the awexomesness!

Double Weeks will be postponed for the next season, due to it being so short. Keep in mind that there WILL STILL BE an email each week.

Submit an Email

There are 2 options to send Chaos an Email. Both are periodically checked, some more than others.

> Send an Email to the Inbox!


> Click here to e-mail Chaos at [email protected]


CEEBanner.PNG This user enjoys reading Chaos Emails.exe.

{{userbox|1=#000000|2=#333333|3=#00cc00|4=14|5=#000000|6=[[Image:CEEBanner.PNG|70px]]|7=8|8=#ffffff|9=This user enjoys reading [[Chaos Emails.exe]].|10=solid|11=1}}


See Also
