(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Everything You Know Is Wrong
LIGHTNING GUY: So far, I'm getting rave reviews. What a surprise. Next up is a show that takes a YouTube phenomenon and rips it off in the confused mess of wiki users and Homestar characters that makes an immigrant an immigrant. So, sit back and enjoy what I will most likely dread, as we go into our second series of riffs.
By Noxi
Disclaimer: If you do not know what an Abridged Series is, then go to YouTube.com and look up,
LIGHTNING GUY: I just see a ceiling.
"YuGiOh! The Abridged Series". Definitely worth your time. That, or go to DailyMotion and type that
LIGHTNING GUY: You began a sentence with pronoun, then used the same pronoun again later in the sentence to refer to something completely different. This is getting off to a great start.
or "Naruto the Abridged Series". Either way's okay as long as you know what an Abridged Series is.
In terms of an overall description, basically this thing is where wiki users really
collide with the Homestar universe, as told by an Organization XIII member bent on killing Roxas and making fun of everyone.
LIGHTNING GUY: what who huh
By the way, I declare this is
HRFWiki: The Abridged Series. Prepare to be mocked. ^.^
LIGHTNING GUY: Prepare to be mocked to the second power. )>'.')>
Everything you know is wrong. Black is white up is down and short is long, and
LIGHTNING GUY: Commas aren't necessary.
everything that was just so important doesn't matter. Everything you know is wrong! Just forget the words and sing along! All you need to understand is everything you know is wrong!
LIGHTNING GUY: OK, you don't have to yell.
Season 1: What in the World is This?
An ongoing saga of stupidity begins.
While numerous pranks occur, Homestar Runner finds the Computer Room hidden in what remained of StrongBadia's SPASAF ship Enselmo while the rest of the Homestar Runner characters follow and unsuccessfully attempt to vandalise the wiki.
LIGHTNING GUY: They should have just tried to vandalize the wiki instead.
Homsar44withpie ends up acknowledging the universe's existence, much to the dismay of his rivals Im a bell and Badstar. H44WP starts devastating the universes by attempting to fuse them together.
Season 1 Episodes
- Episode 1: Attracting Cow Punchers is Harder Than It Looks - Noxigar goes into the Caverns of Time and wreaks havoc, Vindicator trying to stop him.
- Episode 2: Attention, Duelists! Shadow's Scythe's Tentacles Are Assaulting You! -Shadow Scythe's tentacles choke people to death.
LIGHTNING GUY: There's going to be so many hentai jokes in this one.
- Episode 3: How Doth Algebra Function For Thee? - Everything totally random happens.
- Episode 4: Wiki Jokes - H44WP begins his role as an antagonist by antagonizing everyone with Rule 1.6 templates.
LIGHTNING GUY: "Homsar is serious business. NOW DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!"
Joey Day is not amused.
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh. I thought it was a good one.
- Episode 5: Find the Computer Room! - Homestar and Vector find the computer room within the Enselmo.
- Episode 6: Steven Colbert Can't Top The Bacon Man! - Apparently Stephen Colbert is no match for Aussie Evil being the Bacon Man.
- Episode 7: I TOLD You Not 2 Go 2 Room 1408! - This fanstuff was going to be the best of its kind for a month. Then the voting policy started popping up.
- Episode 8: Cyrus and Garzel in: What the PFTARGL? - Strong Bad and Strong Mad attempt to vandalise, but
LIGHTNING GUY: They couldn't freaking spell it right.
Cyrus and Garzel retaliate better.
- Episode 9: The Bell Quest - H44WP capture's Im a bell's catbell
LIGHTNING GUY: Is it H44WP Capture's catbell or Im a bell's catbell?
and attempts to merge both the wiki and the Homestar Runner Universe via Rule 1.6's enforcement. The Bell Quest Crew stop him.
- Episode 10: Chaos Control - H44WP scatters the Chaos Emeralds throughout the wiki, causing mayhem in unimaginable ways. Everything else is considered less random.
- Episode 11 Stud Factory - Aruseus calls for pizza. Garzel, Aruseus' roomate, gets annoyed easily at the lack of screentime.
LIGHTNING GUY: The action never stops.
Season 2
Season 2 Episodes
- Episode 12 One Vision - After a long hiatus of a year and a half, the crew return for another season, under a new rule.
Miscellaneous Episodes
You want to parody the parody? You can! Just list your parody below.
- Every Movie You've Seen Is Wrong - The first movie of EYKIW!!! Directed by Sephiroth, starring the all-star cast!
- Stuck in a Lab with Five Friends, One Other Dude and a Turkey - Stuck in a test lab? Need to use weapons? Sounds fun, if you were controlling everything. But, you aren't.
- Every Sprite Comic You Know Is Wrong - The EYKIW Sprite Comic! Four Sections, Sprite Comic Parodies, EYKIW But With Sprites (Normal episodes, just as a comic), Bob And George Parodies, and Misc. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
LIGHTNING GUY: None of these people know what a parody is.
Holiday specials
LIGHTNING GUY: When we were just laying there, there in those trenches, we kept sane by writing about our experiences in a pretend-humorous manner.
No. 0 in Organization XIII, and the so-called "anti-hero"
LIGHTNING GUY: Calling yourself an "anti-hero" does not make you any less of a loser.
of the wiki. He is known well for his specialties and for random fads he attempts to do, such as subliminal messaging.
Noxigar's role as an anti-hero, at times, tends to be very obvious. In the first episode, his motive for entering the Caverns of Time to the Homestar Runner Universe was unknown, but Vindicator assumed that Noxigar was pursuing a malicious goal, and went so far as to promise to sick Roxas on him. From the third episode, he seems to have a violent tendency to sick his specialties at his "foes" at the time (this was cemented in the seventh episode, when he electrocuted Clamburger three times consecutively).
While Noxigar barely appears in any of the episodes, he is made to be the obvious creator of Everything You Know Is Wrong, going so far as to make everyone act as randomly as he does.
LIGHTNING GUY: "Dance, my puppets, dance!"
In a sense, he'd be the protagonist of the story.
Noxigar's only Nobody friend that is an Organization XIII member. She's No. 14 in Organization XIII, and is the obvious animator of Everything You Know Is Wrong.
LIGHTNING GUY: Because animators are so useful in a text fiction.
She seems to be careless, as most of her drawings act in reality, and everyone is really a "puppet"
to her (at least from what her drawings show). She apparently tells the story like a "sketch show", to the point where Namine is a false protagonist.
Where Noxigar is the anti-hero, Namine is a good guy, much like in the Kingdom Hearts series. It is unknown why Namine likes the Homestar Runner Wiki, but she does, and that's why she draws it.
Her favorite video game is Shadow the Hedgehog, and she likes quoting it alot.
LIGHTNING GUY: And she keeps as much space between her quotes as she does these words.
She also plays Katamari Damacy.
She almost never runs out of ink.
LIGHTNING GUY: I wonder why.
This one-winged angel's become a user on the Homestar Runner Wiki! And he directs a movie for Everything You Know Is Wrong. He has become a good guy as a result of staying in the HRWiki for so long, without Cloud bothering him.
Cyrus/Lucas Aura
A falcon scientist who is working on an army of Pokehybrids. His successes include Garzel, a mixture of Floatzel and Garchomp, an unknown army of Charizard-Lucario crossbreeds, and a humanoid version of Aruseus (Aruseus mixed with Cyrus' human form).
One of Cyrus' Pokehybrid creations, he is a mixture of Floatzel and Garchomp.
LIGHTNING GUY: Yes, yes. We were told that in the previous section, yes.
He appears more prominently in the series than his creator. If he isn't fed within 24 hours, he goes on a rampage. He normally helps Noxigar and Cyrus.
Garzel's Movepool:
- Shadow Claw (Inherited from Garchomp)
- Aqua Jet (Inherited from Floatzel)
- Fly (Inherited from Garchomp)
- Giga Impact (Both can learn it as a TM)
Homestar Runner
Everyone loves the Homestar Runner, no matter how naive he is. He is a terrific athlete.
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, spare me.
Yet another main character. He plays major roles in all the epiosdes he's been in. As per his series, his relationship with Marzipan is incredibly shaky. He takes on more of a mascot role at different times. He's yet another false protagonist, because Noxigar needed a Homestar Runner character to be in it so he doesn't break Rule 1.6,
LIGHTNING GUY: The secret's out. And in contrary tenses, for that matter.
and because Namine likes it when there is more than one false protagonist in a story.
Shadow Scythe
Shadow Scythe is a main character known for the running gag of incoherently using his tentacles
LIGHTNING GUY: Fear his mighty tentacles.
throughout several of the skits, the tentacles being inspired by grappling hooks that Shadow Scythe had instead of actual hands, of which Noxigar assumed were tentacles.
LIGHTNING GUY: oh i get it now
Shadow Scythe has used his tentacles on many occasions, nevertheless. He attempted to choke several people, type his email to delete an email, and has animated bits of Everything You Know Is Wrong.
Season 1's main antagonist. Fed up with the wiki, he attempts to fuse both worlds to wreak havoc and chaos so as to make sure Rule 1.6 is always followed. Im a bell and H44WP are inversely proportional to each other in some sense. This is why they're rivals.
Before Episode 9, Noxi misspelled his name as Homestar44withpie. This has changed once he was told of the grammar error.
LIGHTNING GUY: The in-tense-ity. I'm on the edge of my seat.
Im a bell
The leader of the Bell Quest Crew, and a rival to Homsar44withpie. He and H44WP are inversely proportional to each other in some sense, this being the reason which sparks their rivalry.
LIGHTNING GUY: I thought opposites attracted.
A sysop who is famous for her fanfiction Reality is a Harsh Mistress. Elements of the fanfic itself are parodied, such as the random shippings in it.
LIGHTNING GUY: Random shippings? Now you're just making stuff up!
In turn, Noxigar and the Cheat (respectively) pair her up with Ekul and Cyrus.
She is a sysop armed with an infinite amounts of pretzel sticks that originate from Hammerspace. Better not make her mad!
LIGHTNING GUY: But I like pretzel sticks.
She is the source of many running gags within EYKIW, and has become a comic relief character.
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, the irony.
Vindicator is an officer of the HRWiki, and doesn't like it when he's made to appear like a fool.
LIGHTNING GUY: Then why are you in this show?
He wears a cloak and carries a scythe. Normally he sides against Noxigar, and has a mirroring Nobody named Blood Knight that was the result. He'd be an anti-villain, as Noxigar is an anti-hero.
LIGHTNING GUY: That's the weirdest logic ever.
He is also a fan of the Half Life series, notably the Combine. Inside him lays a being known as "Eligor". (Picture link soon)