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RiffText/Everything You Know Is Wrong/Bell Quest Crew
From Wiki User Wiki
The Bell Quest Crew is an adventure-seeking crew
LIGHTNING GUY: Oh, that's why "crew" is in the name!
in which its member share an emnity (or disagreement)
LIGHTNING GUY: Because none of us know how to use a dictionary.
with Homsar44withpie and his enforcement of Rule 1.6.
LIGHTNING GUY: "Screw the rules, I have a bad fan fiction!"
- Im a bell: The leader of the Bell Quest Crew. He and H44WP are bitter rivals.
- Cow Puncher: Highly operative member of the Bell Quest Crew. She has her own sequel which makes her high status within the crew official.
- Badstar: Second-in-command of the Bell Quest Crew.
- Noxigar: A recent member of the Bell Quest Crew. He joins Im a bell in foiling H44WP's plan of making Rule 1.6 be an infinite deity.